Examples of the the word, fragmented , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fragmented ), is the 12962 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Longer hides discords in lush harmonies. The forms are far more irregular and, fragmented , These chords that seemingly had no resolution were described by Debussy
  2. Of diamonds per year, ) whereas secondary alluvial diamond deposits tend to be, fragmented ,amongst many operators because they can be dispersed over many
  3. Thus found themselves impoverished, with minimal administrative capacity in a, fragmented ,society, while faced with the expectation of immediately meeting the demands of
  4. Suggests the possibility of near simultaneous multiple impacts, perhaps from a, fragmented ,steroidal object, similar to the Shoemaker-Levy 9 cometary impact with Jupiter
  5. Their working day on email: reading, ordering,sorting, ‘ re-contextualizing ’, fragmented ,information, and writing email. The use of email is increasing due to
  6. Which areas of the system to be used, while others may be pushed aside. This, fragmented ,implementation can cause inherent challenges, as only certain parts are used
  7. And its commanders. After Yuan Shikai's death in 1916,China was politically, fragmented , with an internationally recognized but virtually powerless national government
  8. Apoptosis. #The nuclear envelope becomes discontinuous and the DNA inside it is, fragmented ,in a process referred to as karyorrhexis. The nucleus breaks into several
  9. During the settlement period the lands ruled by the incomers seem to have been, fragmented ,into numerous tribal territories, but by the 7th century, when substantial
  10. The legal system was based on Portuguese and customary law but was weak and, fragmented , Courts operated in only 12 of more than 140 municipalities. A Supreme Court
  11. Expansion under Charlemagne, the territory of Gastonia (to become Gascony), fragmented , into different feudal regions, for example, the viscountcies of Sole and
  12. Burebista's overthrow and death in the same year, after which his GEPAN empire, fragmented ,into 4,later 5 independent petty kingdoms. These were militarily far weaker
  13. Blocking international intervention Europe in the 1860s was more, fragmented ,than it had been since before the American Revolution. France was in a weakened
  14. Memory' pointer. A non-moving strategy may, after some time, lead to a heavily, fragmented ,heap, requiring expensive consultation of" free lists" of small available
  15. Railways but within a couple of years of its implementation the structure was, fragmented ,by the privatization process. Railway operations were privatized during
  16. Telephone markets were being organized and stabilized by many governments. The, fragmented ,town-by-town systems which had grown up over the years, serviced by many smalls
  17. More sustainable practices; and a Great Transition, in which either the sum of, fragmented ,Eco-Communalism movements add up to a sustainable world or globally coordinated
  18. Pusyamitra Sung founded the Sung dynasty (185 BC-78 BC) and ruled just a, fragmented ,part of the Mauryan Empire. Many of the northwestern territories of the Mauryan
  19. By years of internal conflict and constant warfare, ultimately succumbed and, fragmented ,due to the continual incursions of the invading nomadic Magyars. However
  20. Had long-lasting consequences for Italy, as the region was from that moment on, fragmented ,among multiple rulers until Italian unification in 1871. Alfonso de
  21. Amplify any DNA sequence such as promoters, non-coding sequences and randomly, fragmented ,DNA. It is used in a wide array of biological experiments and practical
  22. Chinese as a language family may suggest that the Chinese identity is much more, fragmented ,and disunified than it actually is and as such is often looked upon as
  23. Groups form about a third of Africa's total population. The Bantu family is, fragmented ,into hundreds of individual groups, none of them larger than a few million
  24. Intensive uplifting and folding in the formative period left the area highly, fragmented , so that subordinate ranges and spurs veer off at many angles, their slopes
  25. Elephant populations in West Africa, on the other hand, are generally small and, fragmented , and only account for a small proportion of the continental total. Much
  26. Ideological sway over some Muslim extremists, experts argue that al-Qaeda has, fragmented ,over the years into a variety of disconnected regional movements that have
  27. That the major threat to their interests in India would not come from the, fragmented ,Afghan empire, the Iranians, or the French, but from the Russians, who had
  28. Centralized, sedentary civilization reigned supreme. The Araucanians,a, fragmented ,society of hunters, gatherers,and farmers, constituted the largest native
  29. Bongo surviving in Kenya. However, these populations are believed to be small, fragmented ,and vulnerable to extinction. Animal populations with impoverished genetic
  30. By the Ming rulers. Land estates were confiscated by the government, fragmented , and rented out. Private slavery was forbidden. Consequently, after the death
  31. Ancestral homelands and settled in Anatolia. As the Ottoman Empire further, fragmented ,during the Balkan Wars, much of the non-Christian populations of its former
  32. Nine-ball Championship for men and women. Male professionals have a rather, fragmented ,schedule of professional nine-ball tournaments. The United States Professional
  33. Fragmentation Often, poor usability can lead to implementations that are, fragmented ,— isolated initiatives by individual departments to address their own needs.
  34. 6000 years. There is very strong evidence that comets have previously been, fragmented ,and collided with Jupiter and its satellites. During the Voyager missions to
  35. Central Asia has been divided, redivided,conquered out of existence, and, fragmented , time and time again. Central Asia has served more as the battleground for
  36. Established a revolutionary base in south China, and set out to unite the, fragmented ,nation. With Soviet assistance, he entered into an alliance with the fledgling
  37. The Land Although Chadian society is economically, socially,and culturally, fragmented , the country's geography is unified by the Lake Chad Basin. Once a huge inland
  38. Austria, Pyrenees etc.),but in these areas brown bear populations are, fragmented ,and marginalized because of the destruction of their habitat. In addition
  39. Attempted to extend his authority to Mayotte and Mali; Ngaliema was more, fragmented , on occasion being divided into as may as 12 small kingdoms. Both the British
  40. At the time advocated Christendom's restoration and argued that, with the, fragmented ,nature of Protestantism's many denominations, Christendom could only apply to
  41. Unusual cases human centromeres have been observed to form spontaneously on, fragmented ,chromosomes. Some of these new positions were originally chromatic and lack
  42. Lead to separate and incompatible systems, and dysfunctional processes. A, fragmented ,implementation can negate any financial benefit associated with a customer
  43. The legal system is based on Portuguese and customary law but is weak and, fragmented , and courts operate in only 12 of more than 140 municipalities. A Supreme Court
  44. And sometimes by secular emperors. The dates when the Christian Church became, fragmented ,into different denominations is not truly relevant to an historic discussion
  45. Where they have replaced tigers as main predators. Whole populations are highly, fragmented ,in Thailand and Indochina, particularly in Vietnam. Holes are known to occur
  46. Of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam,Meghalaya and West Bengal. They have a precarious, fragmented ,distribution in Himalaya and north-west India. They are occasionally reported
  47. With a difficult interface for a user to navigate, implementation can be, fragmented ,or not entirely complete. The importance of usability in a system has developed
  48. Culturally beneficial. " The harmony of this life checks the encroachments of a, fragmented , alienated modern society that has grown to inhuman scale. *In contrast
  49. Albanian, a tradition that is not well understood. However, there is some, fragmented ,evidence, pre-dating Suzuki, which indicates that Albanian was written from at
  50. History. Additionally, many corporations only use CRM systems on a partial or, fragmented ,basis, thus missing opportunities for effective marketing and efficiency. In a

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