Examples of the the word, housewife , in a Sentence Context

The word ( housewife ), is the 12963 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And raised in Long Beach, New York, the son of Helen (née Gable),a, housewife , and Jack Crystal, a record company executive and jazz producer who also owned
  2. Mother, Maria Catharina Malik (17 May 1852,Wiener Neustadt – 1925),was a, housewife ,of Czech descent with strong interests in art and music. Trail attended a
  3. 1908–1989) was a bank employee and his mother, Rosa Boss (1911–2008),a, housewife , Silvio was the first of three children; he had a sister, Maria Francesca
  4. The pavement and the road are crowded with purchasers and street-sellers. The, housewife ,in her thick shawl, with the market-basket on her arm, walks slowly on
  5. Skills ', and Luis Buñuel's Belle de Four (1967),– as the' haut-bourgeois, housewife ,who achieves sexual satisfaction working in a Parisian brothel. ' In the
  6. International Olympic Committee, stating FIFA manage their finances" like a, housewife ,", after the IOC announced it would look into allegations of corruption against
  7. Walter A. Rogers was a civil engineer and his mother, Julia M. Cushing, was a, housewife ,and devout Pentecostal Christian. Carl was the fourth of their six children.
  8. Contrast between Margo's mockery of Karen Richards for being a" happy little, housewife ," and her lengthy and inspired monologue, as a reformed woman later, about the
  9. As" Hattie" according to the 1920 census),was a schoolteacher and later a, housewife , Quine had four children by two marriages. He did, however,argue at points for
  10. Matters at the university 1893-1905; from her experience as a mother and, housewife , she ran the institution as a household. For the next several years, she paid
  11. Set in trendy Manhattan, is about Rosemary Woodhouse (Mia Farrow),a young, housewife ,who is impregnated by the devil. Polanski's screenplay adaptation earned him a
  12. Wertheim described how Fish’s account of the culinary process was“ like a, housewife ,describing her favorite methods of cooking. You had to remind yourself that
  13. As the son of José Augusto Goal (a Portuguese Baker) and Albertina Pinto (a, housewife ,). As an undergraduate, Boal got a degree in Chemical Engineering at the
  14. Household. Cicero's brother Quintus wrote in a letter that she was a thrifty, housewife , Cicero's cognomen, or personal surname, comes from the Latin for chickpea
  15. Shop and hailed from the district of Thanjavur. His mother, Komalatammal was a, housewife ,and also sang at a local temple. They lived in Frangipani Street in a
  16. Humphries performed the character of Edna Average as a parody of a house-proud, housewife ,of staid 1950s Melbourne suburbia (the character only later morphed into a
  17. Screen for the only time with her husband, playing what one critic called" a, housewife ,who came along for the ride ". Another reviewer, however,stated that Davis
  18. MGM. She co-starred in 1950s The Next Voice You Hear ..., playing a pregnant, housewife ,who hears the voice of God from her radio. Influential reviewer Bosley Crowther
  19. To a working class family, the son of Margaret Doreen Rose (née Bartlett),a, housewife , and Bernard Hickman, a factory worker. Rickman's mother was from Wales and a
  20. Paul. The Betty Crocker food brand (named after a non-existent, housewife ,) was born there. Several national restaurant chains, such as Buck di Tempo
  21. Cast) Controversy and edited content Dakota boycott In 1989,Terry Dakota,a, housewife ,from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan,led a boycott against Married ... with
  22. For In This World. In 2004,Mike Leigh directed Vera Drake, an account of a, housewife ,who leads a double life as an abortionist in the 1950s London. The film won the
  23. Feminist groups. Plot Kate Miller (Angie Dickinson) is a sexually frustrated, housewife ,who is in therapy with New York City psychiatrist Dr. Robert Elliott (Michael
  24. Personality. He is married to Marge Simpson, a stereotypical American, housewife ,and mother. They have three children: Bart, a ten-year-old troublemaker; Lisa
  25. Publicize. Davis appeared in 11 feature films, usually typecast as a" loyal, housewife ,"," responsible young mother ", or " the steady woman ". Jane Powell, Debbie
  26. An eccentric character of some type, such as a butcher, a baker, a policeman,a, housewife ,or hobo. Prime examples of this type of clown are the circus tramps Otto
  27. Who later sold the rights to the waterproof diaper for $1 million. In 1947,a, housewife ,in the UK - Valerie Hunter Gordon, started developing and making Paddy, a
  28. Was due, in large part, to winning the female vote, there were a plethora of ", housewife ," focused ads. Stevenson proposed significant increases in government spending
  29. So pleasant. Fetal effect On 1 November 1977 Seems Bake well, a 32-year-old, housewife ,from Leicester, went into labor whilst laughing at a sketch in The Goodies
  30. Like Charlie Brown's parents,Schulz's father was a barber and his mother a, housewife , * Schulz had a dog when he was a boy, although unlike Snoopy the beagle, it
  31. In 1942 as the eldest of four boys. His father was a tailor, and his mother a, housewife , His wife Marita is a medical doctor, and he has four children. Starting in the
  32. Milk, and sometimes labor in the Queen And bootless make the breathless, housewife ,churn; And sometime make the drink to bear no arm; Mislead
  33. Worker from Kamenets-Podolsk, Ukraine; his mother, Rachel Molly Gruber,a, housewife , Carl was named in honor of Rachel's biological mother, Chaiya Clara, in Sagan
  34. A showing of the latest fashion ... in murder. " It centers on the murder of a, housewife , and the investigation headed by the witness to the murder, a young prostitute
  35. Colour feature Juliet of the Spirits (1965),depicting Gillette Marina as a, housewife , Juliet, who rightly suspects her husband's infidelity and succumbs to hearing
  36. Calling it" stupid" and stating that he thought it ridiculous to expect a, housewife ,in Vancouver to be fluent in both English and French. Despite his often
  37. Milk, and sometimes labor in the Queen And bootless make the breathless, housewife ,churn; And sometime make the drink to bear no arm; Mislead
  38. Later served as president of Valley Forge Christian College. His mother was a, housewife ,whose parents immigrated to the United States from Norway. Ashcroft went to
  39. Law practice and the travails of his wife Nancy who, tired of being" the loyal, housewife ," in the 1970s,became one of the first older women on the American serials to
  40. To make Ricky Ricardo a struggling young orchestra leader and Lucy an ordinary, housewife ,who had show business fantasies but no talent. (The character name" Larry
  41. Was born in Southport, Lancashire,to Marian Georgina (née Townsend),a, housewife , and William Alan Richardson, a marketing executive. The second daughter of a
  42. Fully nude in the scene because she recently learned she was pregnant; Scottish, housewife ,Jane Jackson appeared as a body double. Decades after its release, the film
  43. Doesn’t have the right to criticize me. With us in Chechen society, a wife is a, housewife , A woman should know her place. A woman should give her love to us men ... She
  44. LaBianca, American businessman (b. 1925) * 1969 – Rosemary LaBianca, American, housewife , ( b. 1930) * 1969 – János Kodolányi, Hungarian writer (b. 1899) *1976 – Bert
  45. Bread-winning father figure; the killer Leather face is depicted as a bourgeois, housewife ,; the hitchhiker acts as the rebellious teenager. Isabel Cristina Pined, author
  46. With the experience in London and her initially debilitating experience as a, housewife ,in Seneca Falls, galvanized Stanton. She later wrote:" The general discontent
  47. Musical talents, she married young and devoted herself to being a mother and, housewife , She gave up her performing career, but settled into painting for another
  48. But warns her not to get overly involved in it.;:: Lain's mother, a caring, housewife ,and mother. She always dotes on Mikey, but treats Lain indifferently. Like her
  49. Until Polanski told her that he wanted to be married to" a hippie, not a, housewife ,". The couple returned to Los Angeles and quickly became part of a social group
  50. Was born in the Cincinnati neighborhood of Evanston to Alma Sophia Well (a, housewife ,) and William Kappelhoff (a music teacher and choir master). All of her

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