Examples of the the word, nerd , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nerd ), is the 12068 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of like-minded people. Etymology The first documented appearance of the word ", nerd ," is as the name of a creature in Dr. Seuss's book If I Ran the Zoo (1950)
  2. A children's novel by Canadian author Gordon Korean, in which a sixth-grade, nerd ,is transplanted there from Los Angeles. Demographics As of the census of 2000
  3. Immediately earning positive critical reviews. Willow is presented as a bookish, nerd ,with considerable computer skills, dowdily dressed and easily intimidated by
  4. His son. A new Pheidippides emerges, startlingly transformed into the pale, nerd ,and intellectual bum that he had once feared to become. Rejoicing in the
  5. Stephen King novel of the same name. The story revolves around a high-school, nerd ,named Arnie Cunningham (Keith Gordon) who buys a junked 1958 Plymouth Fury
  6. Airlines flight between Austin and San Jose, California to be dubbed the ", nerd ,bird. " Austin is also emerging as a hub for pharmaceutical and biotechnology
  7. http://paulgraham.com/ nerd s.html Why Nerds are Unpopular ", a discussion of, nerd ,life in high school. A collection of his essays has been published as Hackers &
  8. world-class skier: family from Spencer port. *Martin Sargent, professional ", nerd ," and host of TWIN, as well as a podcaster and blogger: went to school in
  9. Terms for individuals with obsessive interests in technical minutiae, such as, nerd , trainspotter or anorak. In his essay" On the Uses and Abuses of History for
  10. Being perceived as nerd s. Many, however,seem to share Radloff's view, as ", nerd ,pride" has become more widespread in the years since. MIT professor Gerald
  11. School in Sims bury, Connecticut,where she was regularly teased for being a, nerd ,and for her height. She also attended The Chain School. Sigourney was
  12. Man ", in which Comic Book Guy is logging on to his favorite newsgroup alt., nerd , Obsessive. Comic Book Guy's oft-repeated catchphrase," Worst episode ever,"
  13. Generally considered to be awkward, shy and/or unattractive by most. Thus,a, nerd ,is often excluded from physical activity and considered a loner by others, or
  14. Grace. Majumder's characters; Raj Binder: a sweaty soft-spoken Indian sports, nerd ,portrayed by Shaun Maunder, who has also been used as a behind-the-scenes
  15. By its heavy use in the sitcom Happy Days. Characteristics The stereotypical, nerd ,is intelligent but socially and physically awkward. They typically appear
  16. Chichi. * Eugene Kelvin (Denis Manuel): Twin brother of Melvin Kelvin. Also, a, nerd , * Bobby (Harris KAL): Friend of Chichi and Joanne seen in episodes after
  17. Games and not-so-great fashion sense. He has an IQ of 216. As the class, nerd , he unwittingly becomes the perfect target for ruthless bullying at Springfield
  18. Fiction fandoms). The term take is close in connotation to the English, nerd , but the closest English-language analogue to take is probably the British
  19. Also appeared in his own five-part comic book, in which his death influenced a, nerd ,and geek gang war. The Simpsons Library of Wisdom includes a volume entitled "
  20. Leggings, leg warmers, aviator sunglasses, western shirts, baseball jackets, nerd ,glasses, and high top sneakers. It is also very popular to wear neon colors
  21. Bandstand. Hosted by" Rocking' Mel" Stirrup (Levy),a nervous, bespectacled, nerd , who played lame pop songs for surly in-studio teen guests. One memorable
  22. But before he can Green Tentacle sends a plea of help to his old friend,the, nerd ,Bernard Bernoulli. Bernard travels to the Edison family motel with his two
  23. York City area. *Andrew Wells — Another former villain, Andrew is an immature, nerd ,who was captured by the Cookies. Over time, he learns to show remorse for his
  24. Public image Hofstadter has said that he feels" uncomfortable with the, nerd ,culture that centers on computers ". He admits that" a large fraction of his
  25. If they do not focus on improving their physical attractiveness. Stereotypical, nerd ,qualities have evolved in recent years, going from awkwardness and social
  26. Proper eyeliner application ". She cites Daria as" the most authentic TV, nerd ,... she didn't look for her fellow students to accept her. She just wanted to
  27. Nerds by definition. One cannot be an authentic nerd by imitation alone; a, nerd ,is an outsider and someone who is unable or unwilling to follow trends. Popular
  28. Music that has risen in popularity over the last few years, often expressing, nerd ,themes with pride and humor. Notable artists include MC Chris, MC Plus+, MC
  29. An academically brilliant teacher's pet, and is portrayed as a stereotypical, nerd , and is a 4th grade student at Springfield Elementary School.
  30. Name "/NP"> Arrhenius"/> He is also a teacher's pet with the stereotypical, nerd ,enthusiasms for science fiction, role-playing games and not-so-great fashion
  31. In the 1984 film Revenge of the Nerds Robert Carrying worked to embody the, nerd ,stereotype; in doing so, he helped create a definitive image of nerd s.
  32. Of nerd s are not actually nerd s by definition. One cannot be an authentic, nerd ,by imitation alone; a nerd is an outsider and someone who is unable or
  33. Live. He was created and played by Martin Short. He is a hyperactive, neurotic, nerd , with a large frontal cowlick who is obsessed with banal popular culture
  34. Confrontational" fanboy" whose disagreements with friends over obscure, nerd ,trivia are documented in hostile letters typically demanding conversion to his
  35. Original London production). * Eugene Flock – A silly, pompous but gullible, nerd , Played by Eddie Deepen (film version),Ian Cardiff. * Johnny Casino –
  36. Courtesy of Bell Labs) Bozo. * will, of course, be subdivided logically: bozo., nerd , *, bozo. Tv. *, bozo. Inane. *, bozo. Boring. *, bozo. Sex. *, bozo. Argue. *.
  37. Penny Arcade, User Friendly, PvP, and Megaton) and other media that express, nerd ,themes without inhibition. Although the idea of nerd s is popular, those
  38. By Jack Angel. * Megavolt - Elmo Sputter spark is a rat and was a high school, nerd ,who gained the power to control electricity when one of his experiments was
  39. With imaginary characters. He has characteristics associated with many negative, nerd ,and geek stereotypes. While possessing great technical skill and sincere
  40. The saga of Den are a fantasy series about the adventures of a young underweight, nerd ,who travels to Never where, a universe taking inspirational nods from Robert E.
  41. In Marvel Comics; also used in pop culture as a sly reference to him * The, nerd ,club residing in" the refuge of the damned" in The Simpsons fifth season
  42. Nerds. Additionally, the storyline presaged, and may have helped inspire, the ", nerd ,pride" that emerged in the 1990s. American Splendor regular Toby Karloff
  43. Up. It has been suggested by some, such as linguist Mary Schultz, that being a, nerd ,may be a state of being" hyperwhite" and rejecting African-American culture
  44. American in origin; some have lost their American flavor (from OK and cool to, nerd ,and 24/7),while others have not (have a nice day, sure ); many are now
  45. Album),a 1988 album by They Might Be Giants * Lincoln (band),an American, nerd ,pop band of the late 1990s * Lincoln (2012 film),an in-development film by
  46. Being a frequent young Asian male stereotype in North America. Portrayal of ", nerd ,girls ", or Bluestockings, in films such as She's Out of Control, Welcome to
  47. Occasional appearances on This Week in Tech, where he is a self-proclaimed ", nerd ,", and also participated in the Consumer Electronics Show 2010. In 2010,he
  48. By Dustin Diamond, Screech Powers (whose given name is Samuel) is the school, nerd ,who has an undying love for Lisa Turtle. Screech has been tagging along with
  49. Carrera has an active presence on the Internet and describes herself as" the, nerd ,of porn. " She states that she created her own Website in the late 1990s
  50. Montague is the protagonist and titular character. He is an odd, optimistic, nerd , who often comes up with strange inventions and works odd jobs. Monty was

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