Examples of the the word, imperialist , in a Sentence Context
The word ( imperialist ), is the 12072 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And Dervish State, among others, employing cavalry in their battles against the, imperialist ,European powers at the turn of the 20th century. In Italian Somaliland, eight "
- Has been built, and on a world scale, with regard to all peoples suffering from, imperialist ,oppression. In the middle of the 20th century, socialist intellectuals retained
- Vietnamese Communist league of the same name),to aid Asian peoples in anti, imperialist ,struggles. The VNQDD was founded with KMT aid in 1925,they were against Ho Chi
- Partly as a means of preventing the intrusion of the Russians, and partly for, imperialist ,reasons. According to the Russian Empire Census of 1897,1446 persons in the
- Recommendation that a reform was necessary" to raise children in the firm and, imperialist ,spirit of the Fascist revolution," the Italian Government banned foreign
- East. The Suez Crisis also made France and the United Kingdom look again like, imperialist ,powers attempting to impose their will upon weaker nations. Another hindrance
- To be actually capitalist in essence—their phrase," socialist in words, imperialist ,in deeds" denotes this. Use by classical liberals and laissez-faire
- 19th century, the phrase" The White Man's Burden" was widely used to justify, imperialist ,policy as a noble enterprise. Segregationist Racial segregation is the
- Ground that the League of Nations was 'nothing but the tool of the satiated, imperialist ,powers '. " Danbury was eventually persuaded to resign as Labor leader by the
- A" concentrated strike against the heart of the State, because the state is an, imperialist ,collection of multinational corporations ". The" SIM" ( State Imperialist
- At the time. A series of conflicts known as the Anglo-Afghan Wars during the, imperialist ,Great Game, wars between the British and Russian governments, led to the
- Homosexuals are often rejected by Indian activists for being the result of, imperialist ,influence, but most discourse on homosexuality centers on men. Women's rights
- As a new imperial power in the Pacific and Asia, one of the two oldest Western, imperialist ,powers in the regions, Spain,was finding it increasingly difficult to maintain
- That" planning to seize power, Beria tried to obtain the support of, imperialist ,states at the price of violation of territorial integrity of the Soviet Union
- Blended with scientific racist discourses, as well as with" continental, imperialist ," (Hannah Arendt,1951) discourses, for example in the pan-Germanism
- Fled from the province, and some Chinese Christians were also attacked as, imperialist ,agents. The three goals of his movement were anti-foreigism, anti-imperialism
- Was also horrified at the tactics being used. Lionel Curtis, writing in the, imperialist ,journal The Round Table, wrote:" If the British Commonwealth can only be
- Departure from Lebanon as a prelude to its final obliteration," ending" any, imperialist ,power in Lebanon," submission of the Phalangists to" just rule" and bringing
- But he agreed with the Left Communists that a separate peace treaty with an, imperialist ,power would be a terrible morale and material blow to the Soviet government
- FGM, but she cautions that some African feminists object to what she calls the, imperialist ,incentivization of African women, and they reject the idea that FGM is nothing
- Known as the VNQDD, set up headquarters in Canton and Yunnan, to aid their anti, imperialist ,struggle against the French occupiers of Into China and against the Vietnamese
- World War),authorities of the Soviet Union denied that Stalin accepted the ", imperialist ,proposal ". Dresden bombings controversy Between 13–15 February 1945,British
- Vietnam's revolutionary history as he attacked the United States for its ", imperialist ," crimes in the Vietnam War. On the 2008 visit Vietnamese President Nguyen Mind
- Of the Sanders of the River (1935),a stereotypical portrayal of Africa under, imperialist ,rule, that he became" more conscious politically. " By the end of the 1930s
- Art, music,and literature, that reacted against a range of tendencies in the, imperialist ,phase of capitalism called" modernism," and are typically marked by revival
- He believed that the cold warriors were more indebted in theory to the left and, imperialist ,progressives, especially in regard to Trotsky theory. Later, Rothbard
- Fled from the province, and some Chinese Christians were also attacked as, imperialist ,agents. Japan Tokugawa Ieyasu assumed control over Japan in 1600. Like Toyota
- Felt no friendliness towards the United States, and viewed it as pursuing, imperialist ,motives in China. Chiang did not want to be subordinate to either the United
- Law implemented gradually and by persuasion, and of eliminating all non-Muslim, imperialist ,influence in the Muslim world. Jihad was declared against European colonial
- Translator. Republished 1908 with extensive commentary and notes by Victorian, imperialist ,F. N. Maude. http://www.gutenberg.net/etext/1946 Project Gutenberg e-book, a
- Start the revolution for independence was affected by his growing fear that the, imperialist ,forces in the United States would succeed in annexing Cuba before the
- Racism) that developed at the end of the 19th century helped legitimize the, imperialist ,conquests of foreign territories and the acts that accompanied them (such as
- In his three-volume work, Deutsche Politic (1905–07),Hesse called for German, imperialist ,expansion in Europe. Similar expansionist policies were preached by Munich
- To these policies, for which he was ostracized in 443 BC. At times the, imperialist ,democracy acted with extreme brutality, as in the decision to execute the
- Of bombings of government and corporate targets in retaliation for specific, imperialist ,and oppressive acts. Small, well-constructed time bombs were used, generally in
- The re-territorrialisation of political space, the re-emergence of classical, imperialist ,practices (the“ inside” vs.“ outside” duality, cf. the Other),the
- Dated 1577 in a work by John Dee. Today, this name is seen by some as carrying, imperialist ,overtones British-Irish Isles, Britain and Ireland, UK and Ireland, and British
- Level, as a heroic and honest person who tried to combat the evil forces of, imperialist ,national and international governments that existed in Nicaragua's history.
- The end of the Chinese Civil War. In 1949,Mao Zedong asserted that" to oppose, imperialist ,aggression, we must build a powerful navy. " During the Landing Operation on
- In other countries that were" attempting to liberate themselves from the, imperialist ,yoke ", in Chavez's words. Israel Israel-Venezuela relations were historically
- Then, or influencing them in order to expand their own power. Although, imperialist ,practices have existed for thousands of years, the term" Age of Imperialism "
- Conservationism. However, he has been criticized for his interventionist and, imperialist ,approach to nations he considered" uncivilized ". His friend, historian Henry
- The British South Africa Company (BSA, originally setup by the British, imperialist ,Cecil Rhodes) retained commercial assets and mineral rights that it claimed it
- Maoist regime in China, which aimed to transform individuals with a reactionary, imperialist ,mindset into" right-thinking" members of the new Chinese social system. To
- Fled from the province, and some Chinese Christians were also attacked as, imperialist ,agents. The three goals of his movement were anti-foreignism, anti-imperialism
- Revolution could not occur in the developed capitalist countries while the, imperialist ,global system was intact; thus an under-developed country would feature the
- Modern wars are caused by competition for resources and markets between great (, imperialist ,) powers, claiming these wars are a natural result of the free market and class
- With a military parade in which Kim declared" Despite their best efforts,the, imperialist ,invaders were defeated with great loss in men and material. " Reconstruction of
- They had not been involved in human sacrifice, and that such accusations were, imperialist ,Roman propaganda. Philosophy Alexander Cornelius Polyester referred to the
- A historical or religious connection to Palestine, and label Zionism a racist, imperialist , fanatic, fascist,aggressive, colonialist political movement that must be
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