Examples of the the word, adultery , in a Sentence Context

The word ( adultery ), is the 12082 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It has refused to do. In a court-martial, he was acquitted of manslaughter and, adultery ,(which is still a court-martial offense) but was convicted of obstruction of
  2. Itself had destroyed in 663 BCE. For example: the land is guilty of the vilest, adultery ,in departing from the LORD. (Hosea 1:2 NIV) The apostle John used a similar
  3. Despite knowing this to be false, and was therefore considered complicit in, adultery , he was not able to divorce Agnes. In July 1854,Lewis and Evans travelled to
  4. And with care. He renewed the Led Julia de Adulteriis Coerced, under which, adultery ,was punishable by exile. From the list of jurors he struck an equestrian who
  5. As marriage outside the faith, divorce and remarriage (which is considered, adultery ,in some circumstances by some ecclesial),or homosexuality. Reinstatement for
  6. From David's perspective. * Dead by the Pixies is a retelling of David's, adultery ,and repentance. * Herbert Howells (1892–1983) composed an art song for voice
  7. Where it said," If a man take his brother's wife, he hath committed, adultery ,; they shall be childless. " However, Catherine insisted that she and Arthur had
  8. In the incident, Capp pleaded solo contender to" attempted adultery ” (, adultery ,was, and as of 2008 still is considered a felony in Wisconsin) and was fined
  9. Diamonds and pearls - was his true identity as Jesse's son revealed. David's, adultery ,with Bathsheba was only an opportunity to demonstrate the power of repentance
  10. They create in themselves by their wicked deeds a strange and perverse, adultery , and so appear polluted and shameful in my sight ... ... a woman who takes up
  11. Man should not steal, dost thou steal? Thou that safest a man should not commit, adultery , dost thou commit adultery ? Thou that abhorrent idols, dost thou commit
  12. David as one directed by God to practice polygamy, but who sinned in committing, adultery ,with Bathsheba and having Uriah killed. The LDS doctrine is that polygamy is
  13. Gold shields and bronze vessels. Bathsheba and Uriah the Hittite David commits, adultery ,with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite. Bathsheba becomes pregnant.
  14. Her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits, adultery , " There is no evidence that Jesus himself ever married, and considerable
  15. Eudora was dragged from her monastery and publicly tried for alleged, adultery , while all who had in any way befriended Alexei were impaled, broken on the
  16. Nature included bestiality, masturbation,oral and anal intercourse, incest, adultery , and rape. In addition to his battle against moral decay, Alan wrote a work
  17. She was beheaded along with five men (her brother included) accused of, adultery ,with her. The marriage was then declared invalid, so that Elizabeth, just like
  18. You Must Meet My Wife" ). Desiree responds sarcastically, boasting of her own, adultery , as she has been seeing the married dragoon, Count Carl-Magnus Malcolm. Upon
  19. Philistines, Moabites, Edomites,Syrians and Ara means. David commits, adultery ,with Bathsheba and plots the death of her husband; for this God punishes him
  20. Toward romantic relationships, Martin writes frankly of sex, including incest, adultery , prostitution, and rape. As a result, illegitimate children play prominent
  21. II of Navarre). However,Joan's paternity was suspect due to her mother's, adultery ,; the French magnates adopted SAIC Law to avoid the succession of a possible
  22. 1,000 people. The stoning occurred after she had allegedly pleaded guilty to, adultery ,in a shariah court in Dismay, a city controlled by the ICU. According to a
  23. Were Agrippina's surviving sister Li villa, who was charged with having, adultery ,with Seneca the Younger. Seneca was later called back from exile to be a tutor
  24. Or as part of military justice. In some countries sexual crimes, such as rape, adultery , incest and sodomy, carry the death penalty, as do religious crimes such as
  25. One and remained unclouded to the end. Unlike that of his parents, there was no, adultery ,in the marriage. During those years when he was heir-apparent—1865 to
  26. Tackling controversial issues such as alcoholism, homosexuality,and, adultery , " Diane was a vocal feminist, and Sam was the epitome of everything she hated:
  27. Of such a union, perceived as holy, being an offense resulted from either, adultery ,or the prolonged absence of one of the partners. Thus, permitting remarriage is
  28. Of his twin brother Theses and fed them to him after discovering Theses ', adultery ,with his wife Europe. Theses fathered Aegis thus with his own daughter, and
  29. The power of repentance, and some Talmudic authors stated that it was not, adultery ,at all, quoting a Jewish practice of divorce on the eve of battle. Furthermore
  30. To Vanilla, the daughter of Sedans. Claudius later divorced Urgulanilla for, adultery ,and on suspicion of murdering her sister-in-law Ammonia. When Urgulanilla gave
  31. Homosexuality as described in Leviticus 20 as sexual immorality and equal to, adultery , lust, fornication,and incest. The ordination of gays and lesbians is not a
  32. In practice disfellowship for doctrinal reasons is now unusual In the case of, adultery ,and divorce, the passage of time usually means a member can be restored if he
  33. Public trial for unknown reasons. The ancient sources say the charge was, adultery , and that Claudius was tricked into issuing the punishment. However, Claudius
  34. Thou steal? Thou that safest a man should not commit adultery , dost thou commit, adultery , Thou that abhorrent idols, dost thou commit sacrilege? Thou that makes thy
  35. Or as part of military justice. In some countries, sexual crimes, such as, adultery ,and sodomy, carry the death penalty, as do religious crimes such as apostasy
  36. Children, but he did not marry again. Despite allegations by Roman sources of, adultery ,and divorce, the marriage appears to have been happy. Ceremonial heir Prior to
  37. To Christ results in separated living. Dishonesty, lewdness,sensual behavior, adultery , homosexuality, sexual perversion of any kind, pornography,illegal use of
  38. New commandment concerning marriage, teaching that lustful looking constitutes, adultery , He also superseded a Mosaic Law allowing divorce with his teaching that "
  39. Heracles and Vehicles were to be born, Hera,knowing of her husband Zeus ', adultery , persuaded Zeus to swear an oath that the child born that night to a member of
  40. Being charged in the incident, Capp pleaded solo contender to" attempted, adultery ,” ( adultery was, and as of 2008 still is considered a felony in Wisconsin)
  41. Marriage to be a permanent arrangement with the only possible exception being, adultery , Divorce is strongly discouraged even when adultery is committed since the
  42. Committing serious crimes like murder or child abuse and incest; committing, adultery , polygamy, or homosexual conduct; apostasy, abortion,teaching false doctrines
  43. Her position and arrives at this comment on intrinsic merit while reflecting on, adultery ,::" It was from noble families that this evil first started, and when shameful
  44. Of Tiberius by accusing Claudia Punch, the second cousin of Agrippina, of, adultery , and the use of magic arts against the emperor, in 26 AD. From this time he
  45. Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII of England, is executed for, adultery , *1575 – Henry III of France is crowned at Roams, marrying Louise de
  46. Possible exception being adultery . Divorce is strongly discouraged even when, adultery ,is committed since the wronged spouse is free to forgive the unfaithful one.
  47. 2 BC Augustus exiled Agrippina’s mother on the grounds that she had committed, adultery , thereby causing a major scandal. Julia was banished for her remaining years
  48. Attempting suicide and accusing Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and his consort Mitsuki of, adultery , In 1392,peace with the Southern Court being concluded, the Period of the
  49. Taking full blame for the failure of the marriage, knowing that exposure of her, adultery ,would ruin her public image. She promised that if he admitted to charges of
  50. Of usury, homicide,regicide, lying through" mental reservation ", adultery ,and loss of virginity before marriage, etc. — all due cases registered by

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