Examples of the the word, drake , in a Sentence Context
The word ( drake ), is the 12069 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Side of the face. In non-breeding (eclipse) plumage,the, drake ,resembles the female. The female is a drab mottled brown like other dabblers
- The player can traverse the over world by foot, Chocobo, hydra-guided ship, wind, drake , or airship, depending on the situation. Most towns scattered contain inns for
- Aerodynamics. Both sexes have blue gray bills and gray legs and feet. The, drake ,is more striking, having a thin white stripe running from the back of its
- Duck File: Muscovy Mating Pair Water In Action. JPG|Mating in water; the large, drake ,entirely submerges the female Feral bird Feral Muscovy Ducks can breed near
- Are very distinctive, accounting for a quarter of the total length of the, drake ,when in full plumage. Fast and graceful fliers, pintails are equipped with long
- Lawful neutral drake with earth mastery and tremor. *Smoke - Chaotic evil, drake ,with smoke breath weapon. Various other types of lesser dragons exist
- Have hybridized with the Common Eider on at least two occasions in the wild. A, drake ,showing characters of both species was present at Cuxhaven, Niedersachen
- The king of Tycoon makes ready to travel to the Wind Shrine on the back of his, drake , quelling the worries of his daughter, Princess Lena (Ran in Final Fantasy
- Folk names in northeastern North America—including cape race, cape brace, cape, drake , and cape racer, as well as corruptions such as scapegrace—originated from its
- Shape, long neck, and long gray bill. In non-breeding (eclipse) plumage,the, drake ,Pigtail looks similar to the female, but retains the male upper wing pattern and
- Adolphus. The light field guns of the 17th century, commonly known as a, drake ,in England, came in almost 100 different calibers, with each having its own
- Besides dragon (derived from French),Tolkien variously used the terms, drake ,(the original English term, from Old English drama, in turn from Latin Draco)
- Chaotic neutral drake with air mastery and blinding sandstorm. *Water - Neutral, drake ,with water mastery and drench. *Earth - Lawful neutral drake with earth mastery
- To the dark brown body. The behavior and voice are the same as for the Mallard, drake , Breeding Their breeding habitat is alkaline marshes, acid bogs, lakes,ponds
- Memphis, Tennessee has maintained a long tradition of keeping one Mallard, drake ,and four Mallard hens, called The Peabody Ducks, as a popular hotel attraction
- Rest. It has a chestnut head with a green eye patch. It is distinguished from, drake ,Common Teals (the Eurasian relative of this bird) by a vertical white stripe
- JPG|Drake File: Mandarin duckling 800. JPG|Duckling File: Mandarin, drake , JPG|Drake File: Mandarin Duck pair. JPG|Pair File: Mandarinducksum. JPG|Drake
- Has a distinctive wedge-shaped head and long graceful neck. The adult male (, drake ,) has a black bill, a chestnut red head and neck, a black breast, a grayish
- For adult males, for the species described here; others use" hen" and ", drake ,", respectively. A duckling is a young duck in downy plumage or baby duck; but
- Obvious in flight or at rest. In non-breeding (eclipse) plumage,the, drake ,looks more like the female, but retains the male wing pattern, and is usually
- Of the Dark Sun campaign setting, normal D&D dragons do not exist. Dragon-like, drake ,races exist, one for each classical element, but for most people the word
- A chestnut head with a creamy crown. In non-breeding (eclipse) plumage,the, drake ,looks more like the female. The female is light brown, with plumage much like a
- As extensive as in those ducks. The only duck which is at all similar is the, drake ,North American Ring-necked Duck, which however has a different head shape, no
- Among others. Some people use" duck" specifically for adult females and ", drake ," for adult males, for the species described here; others use" hen" and "
- 34–43 cm (13–17 in) length and with an average weight of 360 g (13 oz) in, drake ,(males) and 340 g (12 oz) in hens (females). The wings are 17.5-20.4 cm (
- Are also seen. Both sexes have a nude black-and-red or all-red face; the, drake ,also has pronounced carbuncles at the base of the bill and a low erectile crest
- Its black upper parts and neck collar, white head and yellowish underparts. The, drake ,'s call is a deep crooning, although it is relatively quiet compared to the
- From other scorers, apart from Black, by the lack of white anywhere on the, drake , and the more extensive pale areas on the female. This species dives for
- Flash as the birds bank and turn. In non-breeding (eclipse) plumage,the, drake ,looks more like the female. Name "/IN"> Du"/> The hens are much less
- 19th century European theaters. Lamps are of brass and glass in the shape of a, drake , Armchairs on the main floor are made of strained iron and red velvet. In the
- Its chocolate-colored head down its neck to its mostly white undercarriage. The, drake ,also has attractive gray, brown,and black patterning on its back and sides.
- All Muscovy Ducks have long claws on their feet and a wide flat tail. The, drake ,(male) is about 86 cm long and weighs 4.6-6.8 kg (10-15 lb),while the hen
- Molt in the first year, as well. Name" Floyd" /> The breeding male (, drake ,) is a striking bird with a mask of green feathers around its eyes and a cream
- Scalp hen. Note bright yellow iris. File: Greater scalp male. JPG|Greater Scalp, drake ,in alternate plumage. Note typical head shape; green sheen visible on neck.
- Was present at Cuxhaven, Niedersachen, Germany on 17 November 1993. Another, drake ,was seen in Radio harbor, Varanger, Norway on 7 April 1995; a photograph of
- Ducks. The name is derived from the Old French apart or mallard" wild, drake ,", although its ultimate derivation is unclear. It may be related to an Old
- By fossils from the earliest Pleistocene found in England. Description The, drake ,Slew, with its 'cracked ice' appearance, is unmistakable, and looks very
- A black breast, a grayish back, black rump, and a blackish brown tail. The, drake ,'s sides, back,and belly are white with fine articulation resembling the
- Water - Neutral drake with water mastery and drench. *Earth - Lawful neutral, drake ,with earth mastery and tremor. *Smoke - Chaotic evil drake with smoke breath
- From other scorers, apart from Common, by the lack of white anywhere on the, drake , and the more extensive pale areas on the female. Vocalizations Black Scorer
- Purple sheen visible on neck. File: Greater scalp male. JPG|Greater Scalp, drake ,in alternate plumage. Note typical head shape; green sheen visible on neck.
- Or duck on a rock, a medieval game in which a person guards a large, drake ,stone from opposing players, who try to knock it down by throwing smaller
- The Hostess enters and sings the 'Song of the Drake' (" I have caught a gray, drake ,"). It is interrupted towards the end by approaching voices. The vagrants
- Mounts by Jane. Unlike wyverns, they are sentient. Types *Air - Chaotic neutral, drake ,with air mastery and blinding sandstorm. *Water - Neutral drake with water
- Regions, so they will stay close to the mother especially at night. Often,the, drake ,will stay in close contact with the brood for several weeks. The male will walk
- Is unmistakable with its black body, white breast and multicolored head. The, drake ,'s call is a deep cooing. The female (occasionally colloquially referred to as
- Yellowish-buff triangular patch in the center of the coverts at each side. The, drake ,'s bill is dark gray, in eclipse plumage often with some light greenish or
- Female Common Teal is problematic. In non-breeding (eclipse) plumage,the, drake ,looks more like the female. It is a common duck of sheltered wetlands, such as
- Plumage. File: refuge_1764. JPG|Female File: Flickr - Rain birder - Eider, drake ,(Material mollissima) in flight. JPG|In flight File: Eider-duck fur peering
- And back spots. Identification file: Lesser Scalp 2. JPG|Lesser Scalp, drake ,in alternate plumage. Note typical head shape; purple sheen visible on neck.
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