Examples of the the word, mic , in a Sentence Context
The word ( mic ), is the 12087 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Components, allowing one mic rometer to function as outside mic , depth mic , step, mic , etc. (often known by the brand names Mul-T-Anvil and Uni-Mike). * Blade
- Active noise control technology. It blocks surrounding noise with integrating, mic ,in its EX-earphone. This player is one of only a few other Days that have a
- Only one mic rophone, requiring all the musicians to gather together around the, mic , The album was recorded in mono. Mellencamp wrote over 30 songs for the record
- Vacant land and new businesses such as the Phoenix Café, a venue offering open, mic ,nights, discussion forums, film nights and meet-and-greet gatherings. The
- Slams; and http://www.tongueinchicpoets.com Tongue in Chic, a regular open, mic ,poetry event which features headline poets such as Rachel Pantechnicon and John
- Fuck Fred Durst" and continuing their assault on him, Durst threw the, mic ,down after six songs and walked off-stage, but not before heckling the crowd
- Arts Council. The stand-up comedy scene has been growing, with a weekly open, mic , Singapore hosted the 2009 Genre International Ballet Competition, a classical
- Performs a third number sprawled face-down and almost-motionless on the floor, mic ,lying next to his mouth, one finger moving to the beat. But SCTV is suddenly
- Quarry. While he is leaving court, Uncle Junior is hit in the head with a boom, mic ,and falls down several steps. Tony advises him to take advantage of the
- And best sound equipment and arrange the mic rophones his way; the logistics of, mic ,placement had long been a hotly debated issue in every recording studio since
- Considered as a permanent replacement for Rotten. McLaren himself takes the, mic ,for a couple of numbers. Several tracks feature Rotten's vocals from early
- Use the mic rophone's response patterns to create effects, such as bringing the, mic ,very close to the mouth to get an enhanced bass response, or,in the case of
- By Darlene Love, the listener can clearly hear Cher and Sonny close to the, mic ,(along with Love, who recorded her own backing vocals). They received little
- Blanker reduces background noise, such as spark ignition noise. * Dyna mic or, mic ,gain – AGC adjusts transmitted sound level (modulation level). * PA – some CB
- Mics have a set of drum-mounted mic s, an approach which eliminates the need for, mic ,stands and reduces set-up time. In some styles of music, drummers may also use
- Presenting plays, Featured Players offers a" coffee-house" set-up with" open, mic ," nights and acoustic folk rock artists. Open Friday and Saturday nights. *
- Twice. The band was very primitive at this time and used hockey sticks as, mic ,stands. After performing one set, Michael Jackson's Thriller album was put on
- Did come in, he swayed wildly and once spun all the way around, going badly off, mic , On the next tune," Lover Man ", producer Ross Russell physically supported
- Skating Jam Named" Saturdays" ", and Prince Paul makes an appearance on the, mic ,in" Pass the Plugs" with a verse of his own. The album also more prominently
- Farewell Tour featured higher production value than previous" Gladys Knight,a, mic ,and a light" appearances by Gladys in the UK. A glossy program was available
- Heard a suspicious transmission upon takeoff. " Sounds like someone keyed the, mic ,and said everyone stays in your seats," the flight crew reported. This was the
- After the two came to blows right before the encore, with Michael's throwing his, mic ,at All, and All retaliating by slamming his bass into Michael's, injuring his
- A well-known comedian once a month along with local acts, improv nights, open, mic , nights,and other special events. Also in Short Pump Town Center are several
- Possible for the audio to remain digital from the first AD converter after the, mic ,preamp until it is in a CD player. Amateur and home use DAT was envisaged by
- Featured on FSN Detroit's" Sounds of the Game ", in which the TV station will, mic ,a player on the bench or a coach. To appease the fans, Nate began to stuff Big
- Licensing fees on other occasions as well, such as when they demand that open, mic ,events need to pay licensing (even if most or all of the songs are original).
- I see it, for the remainder of my life. From the earliest days of playing open, mic ,nights at coffee houses, it was apparent to me that this music was as important
- Modular components, allowing one mic rometer to function as outside mic , depth, mic , step mic , etc. (often known by the brand names Mul-T-Anvil and Uni-Mike). *
- Frame has modular components, allowing one mic rometer to function as outside, mic , depth mic , step mic , etc. (often known by the brand names Mul-T-Anvil and
- Of her prominent usage, the mic rophone design came to be known as the" Madonna, mic ,". Metz noted that Madonna represents a paradox as she is often perceived as
- In the belly allows my resonance to carry far. I can stand four feet from a, mic ,and be heard quite resonantly. " Songwriting and lyrics Morrison has written
- Redesign of the current PSP Slim & Lite, including brighter screen, built in, mic , and a PS button replacing the Home Button * Nintendo DSI (2008) - Small
- Pubs and bars and a lively music scene, including contemporary jazz, and open, mic ,comedy sessions. A few venues such as Ryan son Stoke Newington Church Street
- By many to be one of hip hop's" classic" albums, receiving the coveted 5, mic , review from The Source magazine. Released during the wake of September 11
- 2003. ISBN 0091889243; ISBN 978-0091889241 A mic rophone (colloquially called a, mic ,or mike; both pronounced) is an acoustic-to-electric transducer or sensor that
- To laughs from the studio audience. Alternatively, Carson might pull the boom, mic ,close to his face and announce" Attention K-Mart shoppers! " Move to Burbank
- Collins later recalled that" he'd be in a Slipper man costume trying to get a, mic ,anywhere near his throat, and be out of breath—all twisted up. Towards the end
- Events, even in temples and churches. Many smaller venues hold" open, mic ," events, where anyone can take the stage and perform for the audience
- Once a week on the weekends. Dante's was established in 1970 and has an open, mic ,night every Thursday, traditional Irish music on the first Wednesday of each
- And centers primarily on small student-organized events or parties. Open, mic ,nights at the Campus center happen several times a semester, and seniors
- Pirates on August 5,1921; with Westinghouse foreman Harold Carlin behind the, mic , Broadcasts ended in 1924,but returned in 1936. Except for a few years on WWSW
- The bridge mounting plate, or with a low mass mic rophone (usually a condenser, mic ,) inside the body of the guitar that will convert the vibrations in the body
- Wired in such a way as to modulate his electric steel guitar sound. The, mic , originally developed for military pilot communications, was placed on the
- Ohio, Kim and Kelley Deal had an acoustic guitar duo which played at open, mic ,nights, and opened for John Kay of Steppenwolf. Despite reports to the contrary
- Writer William Jean Cobb says" in these golden years, a critical mass of, mic ,prodigies were literally creating themselves and their art form at the same
- File: Sanctuary mare de cal car. JPG|Large limestone sanctuary File: Sanctuary, mic ,de cal car. JPG|Small limestone sanctuary File: Solar disc. JPG|Solar disk File:
- Woman Enough to Take My Man" and" Texas When I Die" on alcohol-free, open, mic , Sunday nights, backed by a middle-aged band of town locals. In spite of her
- Such as the Minutemen) recorded mostly live, performing " gigs in front of a, mic ,", as Mike Watt put it. In the post-alternative era, popular trios included
- The case of hip-hop beatboxers, doing plosive" p" and" b" sounds into the, mic ,to create percussive effects. While some bands use backup singers who only sing
- De cal car. JPG|Large limestone sanctuary, Sarmizegetusa Regina Image: Sanctuary, mic ,de cal car. JPG|Small limestone sanctuary, Sarmizegetusa Regina Image: Solar disc
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