Examples of the the word, impatient , in a Sentence Context
The word ( impatient ), is the 12077 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Initially volunteers to feed him and clean his room, she grows more and more, impatient ,with the burden and begins to leave his room in disarray out of spite. She
- Decennalia),and a triumph for the war with Persia. Diocletian soon grew, impatient ,with the city, as the Romans acted towards him with what Edward Gibbon
- Of the Year" after that season. Like many great players, Williams became, impatient ,with ordinary athletes' abilities and attitudes, particularly those of
- Just before the discovery that Linear B writes an early form of Greek. An, impatient ,Venturis and Chadwick declared:" Two generations of scholars had been cheated
- Of a Dark Knight. Shortly before B. J. is arrival, Zemph tries to talk the, impatient ,Helga von Below out of retrieving an ancient Julian artifact, the " Dagger of
- Shelton was Henry's lover. King's Great Matter: 1525–1533 Henry became, impatient ,with Catherine's inability to produce the heir he desired. All of Catherine's
- That North-South or East-West are holding good cards. Kaufman was notoriously, impatient ,with less-competent partners at the bridge table. According to legend, one such
- Did not help his candidacy. According to recent academics, Athanasius,growing, impatient , took a few bishops who supported his claim, and held a private
- Refused to handle the film. Schaefer lined up a few theaters, but Welles grew, impatient ,and threatened RIO with a lawsuit. Hearst papers refused to accept advertising
- With everyone trying to flee the likely impact sites. Caught in a traffic jam, impatient ,and disconnected Claire Turner (Solvay Domain) escapes the highway
- One of the cross-beams has gone out of skew on the treadle! ", but then becomes, impatient , saying," I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition! " This is the cue
- In an overly complicated world of existence. It is a ready-made doctrine for, impatient ,young people and all those for whom the pursuit of the complex has become a
- One by one ... But the real world is messier, more unpredictable - and more, impatient , " On September 5,2001,at a Lomborg book reading in England, British
- Of making the correct adjustments. Eventually, due to the manager growing, impatient , due to the teammates growing impatient , Valderrama was replaced with a more
- After George B. Anti described his work in a few minutes, after an, impatient ,von Neumann asked him to get to the point. Then, Dantzig listened dumbfounded
- As president in 1971. Banner ruled with MNR support from 1971 to 1974. Then, impatient ,with schisms in the coalition, he replaced civilians with members of the armed
- Klingon at a Halloween party, until,his superior, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, becomes, impatient , enough to force the suspect to speak in English. A cryptic message left by a
- Eventually, due to the manager growing impatient , due to the teammates growing, impatient , Valderrama was replaced with a more traditional number ten, someone who could
- Serbia for future struggle, but some military officers grew, impatient ,with the more moderate radical policies. Consequently, the more zealous members
- To Psalm 40,David’s cries to God were heartfelt though not necessarily, impatient ,; the poignant combination of a cry for help with a confident expression of
- Reported that Nirvana's breakthrough had made others in the alternative scene, impatient ,for achieving similar success, noting," Suddenly, all bets are off. No one has
- End of the covered entrance have much trouble in restraining the struggling and, impatient ,multitude. For some hours yesterday there were never less than a couple of
- Dunkirk. " While Patton has a reputation today as a senior general who was both, impatient ,and impulsive, with little tolerance for officers who had failed to succeed on
- Tolls still could not induce the U. S. Congress to approve the project. Growing, impatient , and with Ontario desperate for hydroelectricity, Canada began to consider "
- Remained in her dressing room due to stage fright, and that Hawks was growing, impatient ,with her tardiness, Russell started escorting her to the set. At the Los
- VI of Scotland, who had a strong but unrecognized claim. Cecil coached the, impatient ,James to humor Elizabeth and" secure the heart of the highest, to whose sex
- That it would be a net economic drain unless it was captured intact. Hitler was, impatient ,to get on with his long-desired invasion of the east. He was convinced Britain
- Is an old country, but a young nation; and like the young everywhere, we are, impatient , I am young and I too have a dream. I dream of an India, strong,independent
- A fleet to barricade it, and ordered the castle besieged. But SER Lora's Tyrell, impatient ,to free the fleet to protect his home castle of High garden, attacked
- Ark was with the army before he first met the Philistines, but the king was too, impatient ,to consult it before engaging in battle. In 1 Chronicles 13:3 it is stated that
- Heir to consolidate the power of the Tudor dynasty. In 1525,as Henry grew more, impatient , he became enamored of a charismatic young woman in the Queen's entourage
- While Berwick collects money and issues tips on behavior, Moses placates the, impatient ,men waiting in line to make love to Jenny and the other whores. The men sing
- Autumn of 1559 several foreign suitors were vying for Elizabeth's hand; their, impatient ,envoys engaged in ever more scandalous talk and reported that a marriage with
- Faith under which Pizarro's envoy served, the Spanish became frustrated and, impatient , attacking the Inca's retinue and capturing Atahualpa as hostage. Atahualpa
- First, almost stupefied, and then aloof, cold,depressed, extremely suspicious, impatient ,of the slightest crossing, and subject to violent outbursts of temper ". Its
- S swift and successful occupation of France and the Low Countries and growing, impatient ,with Britain's indifference towards his recent peace overtures, Hitler issued
- Grimm and Rank, but this may have well been the fault of the latter, who, impatient , of contradiction and irritable in controversy, refused to play with the value
- Don Belles with his friend Rob Henley on drums. Crash became increasingly, impatient ,with Don Belles' antics and fired him. Shortly after the Germs split, Darby
- S solitary quarters. Although initially pleasant and courteous, Lecter grows, impatient ,with Starling's attempts at" dissecting" him and rebuffs her. As she is
- Ill, and worked all day without haste and without pause. He was not at all, impatient ,of interruption, but seemed rather to be refreshed by it, returning to his work
- Bonaparte's classical features. Requesting a sitting from the busy and, impatient ,general, David was able to sketch Napoleon in 1797. David recorded the
- Later than 901,by the 940s he was no longer a young man, and may have become, impatient ,in awaiting the throne. Willingly or not—the 11th-century Prophecy of Merchant
- Then join in some family activities, she reads, although she is often, impatient ,for display. She works hard for knowledge and accomplishment, but has neither
- So-called“ establishment” and the way the establishment functioned. Many were, impatient ,and wanted to use their knowledge to change society. It was thought that
- In Berlin (September 1662 to May 1663) led only to fresh discord. Growing, impatient , the Elector ended his conferences in 1664 and published another" syncretistic
- Ceylon Communist Party, but he was increasingly at odds with party leaders and, impatient ,with its lack of revolutionary purpose. His success in working with youth
- German commission unlawful, it became clear that he would never be won over. An, impatient ,Hitler appointed German Josef Verboten as the new Norwegian Reichskommissar on
- No later than 901,by the 940s he was no longer a young man, and may have been, impatient , Willingly or not—the 11th-century Prophecy of Merchant, a verse history in the
- Cornell's company, including two roles in Romeo and Juliet. Restless and, impatient ,when the planned Broadway opening of Romeo and Juliet was canceled, Welles
- Following a cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe, the ruling ANC in South Africa became, impatient ,and has urged the parties to form a unity government. Europe Americas Argentina
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