Examples of the the word, stationery , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stationery ), is the 12088 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Dot matrix printers, like any impact printer, can print on multipart, stationery ,or make carbon-copies. Impact printers have one of the lowest printing costs
  2. Charles Lewis Tiffany and Teddy Young in New York City. The store is called a ", stationery ,and fancy goods emporium ". *1838 – The Anti-Corn Law League is established by
  3. On stamps, famous people, chess,Chinese new year, and many others. * Postal, stationery ,- includes government-issued postal cards, aerograms,letter card, wrappers
  4. And subsisting on old bread donated by the local baker. Unable to afford new, stationery , he wrote on the verso side of old manuscripts. An outstanding warrant for
  5. The formal name by having" White House–Washington" engraved on the, stationery ,in 1901. Evolution of the White House Early use, the 1814 fire, and rebuilding
  6. And developed a remarkable scheme. Lusting had a forger produce fake government, stationery ,for him and invited six scrap metal dealers to a confidential meeting at the
  7. Is an important anti-counterfeiting measure. Watermarks on postage stamps and, stationery ,In philately, the watermark is a key feature of a stamp, and often constitutes
  8. In New York City, and by 1850,had opened a store selling pencils and other, stationery ,items in Manhattan. In 1861,Faber opened the American manufacturing branch of
  9. Full-size dot-matrix impact printers are still used to print multipart, stationery , for example at bank tellers and auto repair shops, and other applications
  10. Queen's Ware ", and trumpeted the royal association in his paperwork and, stationery , In 1774,Empress Catherine of Russia ordered the Green Frog Service from
  11. Distributor of the industry-standard SolidWorks CAD software package. Sacco UK (, stationery ,) are on the A418 in Amesbury, opposite Amesbury College. Milton Keynes is
  12. Tuck-ins ". Many pencillers like to trade sheets of stickers, notecards and, stationery ,sets. Penal clubs can be found on the Internet, in magazine columns
  13. Schools usually charge attendance fees. However, in addition to attendance fees;, stationery , textbooks, uniforms,school camps and other schooling costs are not covered
  14. The number 31 was not supposed to be issued to any other player. The Bills had, stationery ,and various other team merchandise showing a running player wearing that number
  15. Relief to him, as he was well past the 200,000 mark, having used up all that, stationery , Jones and several of his siblings went on to artistic careers. After
  16. Serious financial pressures on monthly running costs, with fuel, rations, stationery , and maintenance 'for both equipment and the estate' rarely funded. Other army
  17. And usage rather than a specific decision. The emblem now appears on official, stationery , publications and papers, and is stamped on various items in use in the Palace
  18. Life with correspondents around the world. He avidly typed or wrote on whatever, stationery ,was at hand, recording instant takes on music, sex,food, childhood memories
  19. Was tried in the Moot Hall (on the site of the present-day W H Smith, stationery ,shop, where a plaque commemorates the event) and adjudged a 'traitor '
  20. Ability, and Mortality paper. These were for the manufacture of post cards and, stationery ,to be given to German prisoners of war in the US and Canada. If POWs tried to
  21. Physical artifact, such as a seal, signature,watermark, special, stationery , or fingerprint. * A shared secret, such as a passphrase, in the content of the
  22. And optical products, motor vehicles, writing and drawing paraphernalia, stationery ,products, and printed materials. The city is also strong in the fields of
  23. Mark on the" e ", as the spelling of the city name on the city seal, official, stationery , office titles and department names. Also, by city council convention, this
  24. That postal patrons in the affected area can notify correspondents, order new, stationery , etc. In rapidly growing communities, it is sometimes necessary to open a new
  25. Wax coloring crayons in the late 1880s. Mr. Bowler had been selling various, stationery ,items around the vicinity of Dancers and had developed clumps of colored wax
  26. From 1810 Tolkien's great-great-grandfather William Duffield had a book and, stationery ,shop there; from 1826 Tolkien's great-grandfather, also named John Duffield
  27. Paper acts as a guideline often as well. Pens may be obtained from various, stationery ,sources - from the traditional" nib" pens dipped in ink, to calligraphy pens
  28. Indicating Smith's full support for Muskie. The endorsement was written on, stationery ,with ABC's letterhead. Nothing ever came of this controversy, however,and
  29. Services have been extensively studied and documented by specialists. Postal, stationery ,includes stamped envelopes, postal cards, letter sheets, aérogrammes (air
  30. For school and college students to use it, because it is easily available in, stationery ,shops in India. This fluid is also used by street and working children in Delhi
  31. To Gettysburg the first part of the speech written in ink on Executive Mansion, stationery , and that he had written the second page in pencil on lined paper before the
  32. Steel dip nib, knives were still manufactured but became known as desk knives, stationery ,knives or latterly as the name stuck 'pen' knives. There is a small but
  33. Blue or black, based on the trademark colors of Faber-Castell, a major German, stationery ,company which has major plants in those countries. In southern European
  34. Specifically for pneumatic post. Austria, France,and Germany issued postal, stationery ,for pneumatic use. Typical current applications are in banks and hospitals.
  35. Valid postage. Postage payment may be in the form of stamps, stamped, stationery , precanceled stamps, postage meter imprints & PC Postage products (" Postage
  36. The same as friendship books, but they are made on a single sheet of paper or, stationery , Deck Decks are similar to FB's, but are often larger. The cover is
  37. Valet parking service free of charge. Companies may also distribute branded, stationery , refrigerator magnet, or similar items free to promote their brand instead of
  38. Philately In philately, an error refers to a postage stamp or piece of postal, stationery ,that exhibits a printing or production mistake that differentiates it from a
  39. An element of beauty to be introduced. Later related inventions include postal, stationery ,such as prepaid-postage envelopes, post cards, lettercards, aerogrammes and
  40. To" Enron ". The final name was decided upon only after business cards, stationery , and other items had been printed reading Enter on. Enron's" crooked E" logo
  41. Jones recounts, would start every new business venture by purchasing new, stationery ,and new pencils with the company name on them. When the business failed, his
  42. By impress system. Items such as coffee, tea,birthday cards for employees, stationery ,for office working, a few dollars if you're short on postage, are listed down
  43. Offices and public libraries display bilingual signs and use bilingual, stationery , New Zealand Post recognizes Māori place-names in postal addresses. Dealings
  44. 1580 and was inaugurated on March 3,1585,after the realization of the famous, stationery ,scenes of Vincenzo Scampi. These wooden structures are the only of the
  45. Pointing downward. Ferrari has used the calling rampant on official company, stationery ,since 1929. Since the Spa 24 Hours of 9 July 1932,the calling rampant has
  46. The business failed, his father would quietly turn the huge stacks of useless, stationery ,and pencils over to his children, requiring them to use up all the material as
  47. Blouse for girls. 1.2.10 Costs The secondary education is free although school, stationery , swimming pool and trip expenses are generally payable by the parents. 1.2.11
  48. Still officially Londonderry. Nevertheless, the council has printed two sets of, stationery ,– one for each term – and their policy is to reply to correspondence using
  49. Considered a standard ISO size.; Pop a Point Pencils: Pioneered by Taiwanese, stationery ,manufacturer Bosnia Pioneer Industrial Corporation in the early 70s, the
  50. Company (GPTC),has issued numerous stamps, souvenir sheets, postal, stationery , booklets, etc. relating to Gaddafi. Transliteration of his Arabic name Because

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