Examples of the the word, routing , in a Sentence Context
The word ( routing ), is the 12070 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- In order to prevent consumer telephones from interfering with the MF-based, routing ,and switching between telephone switching centers,DTMF's frequencies differ
- Account for approximately 74 % of its sales. IP core network (switching, routing , control and transport) Ericsson's core network solutions include the mobile
- Was short-lived, and Sennacherib sacked Babylon, destroying the city in 689 BC, routing ,the Babylonians, the Chaldean's of Bit-Yâkin and their Elam ite backers in the
- Resulted in this route’s cancellation; the last flights were almost empty. The, routing ,between Washington or New York and Mexico City included a deceleration, from
- Does not improve performance, it gives more flexibility for chip designers, routing ,electrical pathways within a chip, and importantly for the Thoroughbred core
- The most essential information needed is an IP address, and a default route and, routing ,prefix. DHCP eliminates the manual task by a network administrator. It also
- Via server entities. However, the collision of session may be larger than with, routing ,via server nodes. In the peer to peer network, software applications can be
- Clubs/Labs and I/Os required is easily determined from the design, the number of, routing ,tracks needed may vary considerably even among designs with the same amount of
- And 1990s After moving headquarters to Fort Worth in 1979,American changed its, routing ,to a hub-and-spoke system in 1981,opening its first hubs at DFW and Chicago
- The same amount of logic. For example, a crossbar switch requires much more, routing ,than a systolic array with the same gate count. Since unused routing tracks
- Limited-access road linking to U. S. 101 at Marsh Road, Atherton (the official, routing ,of SR 84) # Willow Road (SR 114),an approximately one-mile expressway
- Known as Macintosh Office, which would consist of a host machine providing, routing , printer sharing and file sharing. However, this project was canceled in 1986.
- Twin Engine Operations over water, providing operators with more versatility in, routing , In 1982 Garuda Indonesia became the first airline to fly the A300B4-200FF. By
- Proved devastatingly effective against the more lightly armed Persian infantry, routing ,the wings before turning in on the center of the Persian line. The defeat at
- Solving software by Intelligence that uses A. I. techniques. * OpenAI,a, routing ,and communication protocol based on a publish-subscribe architecture, built
- The hierarchy of Fishnet BBS nodes, hubs,and zones was maintained in a, routing ,table called a Novelist. Some larger BBSes or regional Fishnet hubs would make
- LAB, depending on vendor),I/O pads, and routing channels. Generally, all the, routing ,channels have the same width (number of wires). Multiple I/O pads may fit
- Also used in attempts to replace local area networks with ATM. Virtual circuit, routing ,Most ATM networks supporting SVPs, SPVCs, and Sacs use the Private Network
- Networking advances IEEE 802.1aq (SPB) include the use of the link-state, routing ,protocol IS-IS to allow larger networks with the shortest path routes between
- An IP address cannot communicate directly with the DHCP server using IP, routing , because it doesn't have a routable IP address, nor does it know the IP
- Constructed. For higher speed interconnect, some FPGA architectures use longer, routing ,lines that span multiple logic blocks. Whenever a vertical and a horizontal
- Controllers. Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 uses the site topology for mail, routing , Policies can also be defined at the site level. Physically the Active
- 3 messages are the messages that actually control the call setup, teardown,and, routing , The Layer 3 messages or Call Control messages are the minimum messages that
- Of the barren Canadian Shield and muskeg of Northern Ontario. To ensure this, routing , the government offered huge incentives including vast grants of land in
- Networks are the go-between in EDI communications. *The VAN is responsible for, routing , storing and delivering EDI messages. They also provide delivery reports
- Other. (Eventually the UUP Mapping Project would provide a form of network, routing ,database for email. ) Operation overview The diagram to the right shows a
- Dijkstra's algorithm is used in SPF, Shortest Path First, which is used in the, routing ,protocols OSPF and IS-IS. While he had programmed extensively in machine code
- Random number generation. **2 KB on-board BIOS for system startup and interrupt, routing , **32 KB ROM window for standard game cartridges, expandable using bank
- Verification of pipeline microprocessors, automatic test pattern generation, routing ,of FPGA, and so on. A SAT-solving engine is now considered to be an essential
- Luxury tour charter, British Airways implemented changes to this, routing ,that allowed U-BOAT to maintain Mach 2.02 by passing around Florida to the east
- As Automatic Call Distribution, Interactive Voice Response, and skills-based, routing , The call center operator would be responsible for the maintenance of the
- Capable of receiving and storing incoming faxes electronically, and then, routing ,them to users on paper or via an email (which may be secured). Such systems
- Simplify the arrangement of the electromechanical relays then used in telephone, routing ,switches, then expanded the concept and also proved that it should be possible
- Business-related AS2 transmission usually involves a security certificate, routing ,many partners through a VAN can make certificate replacement much
- Lifted and ABD ar-Rahman's men fell upon the unsuspecting Abbasid's, thoroughly, routing , them. Most of the Abbasid army was killed. The heads of the main Abbasid
- Width) in the horizontal channel immediately below it. Generally, the FPGA, routing ,is unsegmented. That is, each wiring segment spans only one logic block before
- Much more routing than a systolic array with the same gate count. Since unused, routing ,tracks increase the cost (and decrease the performance) of the part without
- The shortest communication route between Middle Europe and the Adriatic. The, routing ,of the road passes through the central part of the country in the North-South
- Leonard Klein rock – ARPANET, queueing theory, packet switching, hierarchical, routing , * Donald Knuth – The Art of Computer Programming, MIX/MIX, TeX,literate
- And control architecture, combined with broadband access and core network, routing ,and transmission elements. Fixed network equipment and associated network
- Allowed the forwarding of BOOT packets off the local network using standard IP, routing , thus one central BOOT server could serve hosts on many IP subnets. Technical
- Were similar to the Internet. Telegraphy allowed applications such as message, routing , social networking (between Morse operators—with gossiping and even marriages
- DUAL algorithm, or Diffusing update algorithm, used to update Internet protocol, routing ,tables * DUAL table, a special one-row and one-column database table * Dual
- But also to provide a high level of protection for network connections and, routing ,services. Secure coding If the operating environment is not based on a secure
- This underscored the courage displayed by Le Pele tier and his companions in, routing ,an oppressive king. The sword pierces a piece of paper on which is written ‘ I
- Information can remain consistent and constant even if the current Internet, routing ,arrangements change or the participant uses a mobile device. Internet domain
- Block, CLB,or Logic Array Block, LAB,depending on vendor),I/O pads, and, routing , channels. Generally, all the routing channels have the same width (number of
- It was thought that 10 % of the payload was the maximum price to pay for, routing ,information. ATM multiplexed these 53-byte cells instead of packets. Doing so
- Not requiring any additional coordination entity and not delaying transfers by, routing ,via server entities. However, the collision of session may be larger than with
- That this should not be confused with the pre-VIP 'Voice VPN' deployed by, routing ,calls intelligently in a TDM switching platform, often Nor tel DMS100 and
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