Examples of the the word, advantageous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( advantageous ), is the 12081 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Other languages of the world, though particular features may be more or less, advantageous ,or difficult depending on the language background of the speaker. Parts of
  2. Life for 8,000 hours and for 9-g maneuvers on full internal fuel. This proved, advantageous ,when the aircraft's mission changed from solely air-to-air combat to
  3. Representation of words as indicated by the orthography can be considered, advantageous ,since it makes etymological relationships more apparent to English readers.
  4. Followed by fusion of the male and female gametes. Asexual reproduction is, advantageous ,in that it permits efficient population increases, but less variation is
  5. Throne, and felt the necessity to strengthen his position through politically, advantageous ,marriages. Benji was particularly active in improving the military institutions
  6. Lawyers are often consulted in an effort to determine the most appropriate or, advantageous ,state in which to incorporate, and a majority of public companies in the U. S.
  7. The height of water increases, movement toward the periphery becomes no longer, advantageous , because the reduction in potential energy from working with the centrifugal
  8. And the system is said to be in stable achromatic. In practice, it is more, advantageous ,(after Abbé) to determine the chromatic aberration (for instance, that of
  9. And \, \kappa_3 are adjustable pure component parameters. PRSV2 is particularly, advantageous ,for VLE calculations. While PRSV1 does offer an advantage over the
  10. Inside directors, or between shareholders and the board. They are thought to be, advantageous ,because they can be objective and present little risk of conflict of interest.
  11. Set and points are awarded to the opponents (defenders). It can sometimes be, advantageous ,to bid a contract that one does not expect to make and to be defeated, thus
  12. League). Identification with antisemitism and as an antisemitic was politically, advantageous ,in Europe in the latter 19th century. For example, Karl Leger, the popular
  13. Inside the family the patriarch made all the decisions, and tried to arrange, advantageous ,marriages for his children. Much of the villages' communal life centered
  14. Will be held on the neighboring city of Boris. Economy Due to the Gothenburg's, advantageous ,location in the center of Scandinavia, trade and shipping have always played a
  15. And intercooler to provide a lower temperature at the same pressure would be, advantageous , A diesel engine operates under even more extreme conditions, with compression
  16. Inspection of the shown they held. Those people who worked the land found it, advantageous ,to transfer title to shown holders in return for a share of the harvest. People
  17. The ball. A quick movement by an offensive player without the ball to gain an, advantageous ,position is a cut. A legal attempt by an offensive player to stop an opponent
  18. Categories: positive eugenics, the increased reproduction of those seen to have, advantageous ,hereditary traits; and negative eugenics, the discouragement of reproduction by
  19. Be the first random access computer memory. The Williams tube would prove to be, advantageous ,to the Selection tube because of its greater capacity (the Selection was
  20. Large amount of flammable vapor. The low vapor pressure of diesel is especially, advantageous ,in marine applications, where the accumulation of explosive fuel-air mixtures
  21. To the praetor ship without having held the mediumship. However, it was an, advantageous ,position to hold because it demonstrated the aspiring politician's commitment
  22. Rebellious, less conscientious and more open to new experiences, which may be, advantageous ,to them given their particular niche in family structure. Language According to
  23. Gases switched to the anglicized pronunciation because it" evoked a figure, advantageous ,for an author of children’s books to be associated with—Mother Goose" to
  24. These moves given a fixed probability distribution. The minimal approach may be, advantageous ,where stochastic models of uncertainty are not available, but may also be
  25. This by this additional force, ability,and security, that society becomes, advantageous , Henri-Louis Chapel du Conceal In his introduction to l’” Art de l’Kinglier ”
  26. Preliminary studies suggest this combination of pharmacologic agents may be, advantageous ,in the treatment of essential hypertension, chronic heart failure, and
  27. Prefer the numbering x0,x1,... xn−1. These notations are especially, advantageous ,in computer programming: by storing the coordinates of a point as an array
  28. Enemies and the defection of our Allies, the conditions of peace will be more, advantageous ,and more glorious than those we would have obtained at Utrecht. " Eugene left
  29. And genetic drift: in the dark environment of the cave, the eyes are neither, advantageous ,nor dis advantageous and thus any genetic factors that might impair the eyes (
  30. Are not constrained by time. At almost any turn in any baseball game, the most, advantageous ,strategy is some form of aggressive strategy. In contrast, again,the clock
  31. And campaign costs The effect of gerrymandering for incumbents is particularly, advantageous , as incumbents are far more likely to be reelected under conditions of
  32. Fields of physics and chemistry Depending on the field of physics, it may be, advantageous ,to choose one or another extended set of dimensional symbols. In
  33. Commonality with the USAF and the United Kingdom's RAF was also considered, advantageous , The aircraft for the RAAF were ordered directly from the USAF production run
  34. Can identify situations where doubling on soft 19-20 and hard 8,7 and even 6 is, advantageous , The Reno rule prevents the player from taking advantage of double down in
  35. Over another to be the one that remains on the board. However, often it is most, advantageous ,for the player selecting to choose to let the more expensive chains remain on
  36. On some occasions, simple weapons employed in an unorthodox fashion have proven, advantageous , as with the Swiss pike men who gained many victories through their ability to
  37. Chemical reactions that occur between two or more constituents. Adhesives are, advantageous ,for joining thin or dissimilar materials, minimizing weight, and when a
  38. The battlefield, but held back while they decided which side it would be more, advantageous ,to support. Richard divided his army, which outnumbered Henry's, into three
  39. Are several methods for calculating results, some of which are particularly, advantageous ,to machine calculation. For example, digital computers employ the method of two
  40. No money, is dropped. Nora and her family plan to relieve their poverty with an, advantageous ,marriage. Barry refuses to accept the situation and kills Quin in a duel
  41. To handle it. You proposed such an integrating technique and proved how, advantageous ,it could be. You, sir,were 100 % right. As the Japanese Navy—not the
  42. Of the IEEE. Today the consensus regarding FM is that narrowband FM is not so, advantageous ,in terms of noise reduction, but wideband FM can bring great improvement in
  43. Fatigue properties of the crankshaft. The low temperature during treatment is, advantageous ,in that it doesn’t have any negative effects on the steel, such as annealing.
  44. Carthage as the leading center of Punic trade and leadership. It had the, advantageous ,position of being situated on the Lake of Tunis and the outlet of the Malaria
  45. The root of a USB drive and booting. BIOS chip vulnerabilities EEPROM chips are, advantageous ,because they can be easily updated by the user; hardware manufacturers
  46. The lower parts of the Tyrolean Valley, rather than including the defensively, advantageous ,western hill. Since these geographic considerations imply that, not including
  47. International bodies, with the geographic significance of the region proving, advantageous ,for diplomatic, trade and political crossroads. BIS, BSEC, CCC,CE, EAPC, EBRD
  48. Dark-squared one, the transformation into a bishops and pawns ending is usually, advantageous ,for the weaker side only, because an endgame with bishops on opposite colors is
  49. In the early 1920s with several changes in rule and circumstance that were, advantageous ,to hitters. Strict new regulations governing the ball's size, shape and
  50. Or vice versa),hence the name. In more than two dimensions, it is often, advantageous ,for cache locality to group the dimensions recursively. For example, a

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