Examples of the the word, auditing , in a Sentence Context
The word ( auditing ), is the 12079 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Model of security, a system with a high level of security will also offer, auditing ,options. These would allow tracking of requests for access to resources (such
- Famous individuals became involved with Diabetics. Aldous Huxley received, auditing ,from Hubbard himself, the poet Jean Boomer and the science fiction writers
- Face. " The process outlined at steps 5 and 6a then repeats until the, auditing ,session's time limit (usually two hours or so) is reached. 7. The prepare
- Us believe. Procedure in practice The procedure of Diabetics therapy (known as, auditing ,) is a two-person activity. One person, the " auditor ", guides the other
- Not allowed to accept audits from convicted felons, Andersen was forced to stop, auditing ,public companies. Although the conviction was thrown out in 2005 by the Supreme
- Witnessed a series of financial information frauds involving Enron Corporation, auditing ,firm Arthur Andersen, the telecommunications company World Com, Qwest and
- The user will be notified" via a dialogue box that the author of the file is, auditing ,usage of the file, and be offered the option of continuing. " Through its
- Welcomes both genders equally at all levels from leadership positions to, auditing ,and so on since Scientologists view people as spiritual beings. 18th and 19th
- Spiritual Guidance Centers" charging customers $500 for twenty-four hours of, auditing ,(" That is real money ... Charge enough and we'd be swamped. "). He wrote:
- Engine manufacturer * Audit Bureau of Circulations, publication circulation, auditing ,companies Computer science * ABC (programming language),an imperative
- In unintended behavior or run-time errors. Automated source code checking and, auditing ,are beneficial in any language, and for C many such tools exist, such as Lint.
- Was being translated into French, German and Japanese. Five hundred Diabetic, auditing ,groups had been set up across the United States. Diabetics was poorly received
- Be found in Dr. J. A. Winter's book. Other, more comprehensive, transcripts of, auditing ,sessions carried out by Hubbard himself can be found in volume 1 of the
- Financial industry, and government bodies.; Accounting and external, auditing ,Cf. Accountancy qualifications and regulation * ACA, FCA or CA (Chartered
- Securing applications and databases, security testing, information systems, auditing , business continuity planning and digital forensics science, etc. This article
- Show the financial reality of companies and the objectivity and independence of, auditing ,firms. The scandal caused the dissolution of Arthur Andersen, which at the time
- Colombian constitution, and the Superior Council of Judicature, responsible for, auditing ,the judicial branch. Colombia operates a system of civil law, which since 2005
- Can be found throughout the Congress Lecture series. According to Hubbard, auditing ,enables the prepare to" contact" and" release" engrams stored in the
- Dollars in aid it sends to the Gaza Strip if Hamas continues to insist upon, auditing ,American foreign aid organizations after Hamas suspended operations of the
- Was written from scratch in part to address the architectural difficulties with, auditing ,the earlier BIND code bases, and also to support DNSSEC (DNS Security
- Henry Morgenthaler Jr. on the project, a special account not subject to the usual, auditing ,and controls was used to hold Trust monies. Between 1944 and the time he
- The International Association of Project & Program Management, guide to project, auditing ,and rescuing troubled projects. Project portfolio management An increasing
- Of the decade. OS/2 also was widely adopted by accounting professionals and, auditing ,companies. In mid-1990s native 32-bit accounting software were well-developed
- The other users cannot tamper with or read. Internal security is also vital if, auditing ,is to be of any use, since a program can potentially bypass the operating
- Free to pursue their own lines of research and claim that their approaches to, auditing ,produced better results than Hubbard's. The community rapidly splintered and
- Territory but an understanding had been reached that would allow independent, auditing ,teams to inspect the files of NGOs. A day after the US announced it was
- Of collecting information on resource usage for the purpose of trend analysis, auditing , billing, or cost allocation. For example when a user uses a connectivity
- To establish associations and foundations and are subject to the accounting and, auditing ,regulations of the countries in which they are established, and since 2008,TDI
- Suggests that the feeling of well-being reported by declares at the end of an, auditing ,session may be induced by post-hypnotic suggestion. According to Hubbard: "
- All stored engrams could be refiled as experience. The central technique was ", auditing ," a two-person question-and-answer therapy designed to isolate and dissipate
- Any of the information the prepare finds. The validity and practice of, auditing ,have been questioned by a variety of non-Scientologist commentators. Commenting
- Aware, happier and saner. The Diabetics procedure to achieve this is called ", auditing ,". Auditing is a process whereby a series of questions are asked by the
- Engrams, or cellular memory, or Diabetic reverie, or the effects of Scientology, auditing ,routines. Existing knowledge contradicts Hubbard's theory of recording of
- Lately, the Panamanian society and press have gotten tired of this and are, auditing ,and fighting for improvements. A sign of this is the lack of young vote in the
- Causing emotional and physical problems. By carrying out a process called ", auditing ,", a person could be regressed through his engrams to re-experiencing past
- Flying, and things mechanical, taking his first flying lesson at 14 and later, auditing ,math and aeronautical engineering courses at Caltech. On his 19th birthday
- In three divisions of practical art, named accounting, bookkeeping,and, auditing , Accountancy is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) as" the
- A program can potentially bypass the operating system, inclusive of bypassing, auditing , User interface Every computer that is to be operated by an individual requires
- And is used in many disciplines such as financial analysis, econometrics, auditing , production and operations including services improvement, and marketing
- 22 percent) of the Academy's composition. Votes have been certified by the, auditing ,firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (and its predecessor Price Waterhouse) for the
- Accepting it. " Other critics and medical experts have suggested that Diabetic, auditing ,is a form of hypnosis, although the Church of Scientology has strongly denied
- Of the owner of the property. Delaware is becoming increasingly aggressive in, auditing ,and assessing companies for unclaimed property. For example, it has deputized
- Over private contributions to political parties, tightens procedures for, auditing ,the political parties, and strengthens the authority and independence of
- Academy of Financial Management USA Certifying Board (AFM); Internal, auditing ,and fraud combat *CIA (Certified Internal Auditor),CSA, CGAP, QAR conferred
- Highlighted the need to review the effectiveness of accounting standards, auditing ,regulations and corporate governance principles. In some cases, management
- The Audit Committee, which handles accounting issues with the company including, auditing ,and reporting; the Compensation Committee, which approves compensation for the
- Possible defectors (see Fair Game Scientology) However, a few transcripts of, auditing ,sessions with confidential information removed have been published as
- Of Windows code having not been available to individual users for personal, auditing , Some quantitative studies have been done on the subject. Selling free software
- Hubbard as" absolutist and authoritarian ", He also recommended that, auditing ,be done by experts only and that it was dangerous for laymen to audit each
- Audited, it can be seen that Mattel has room to expand its supply chain, auditing , Following the high-profile recalls of 2007,Mattel appointed Geoff Massingberd
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