Examples of the the word, suitability , in a Sentence Context
The word ( suitability ), is the 12073 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Electron 21,which has successfully undergone extensive aerospace testing for, suitability ,in engine, internal and airframe components. The European Community runs three
- Idealized" Algol also made a convincing methodological argument regarding the, suitability ,of" local" effects in the context of call-by-name languages, to be contrasted
- This time at. Nevertheless, they suggested continued testing for cold-weather, suitability ,in Alaska. Stoner was later asked to fly in to replace several parts, and when
- Trained bestiary. If this was granted, the school's physician assessed their, suitability , Their contract (auctoramentum) stipulated how often they were to perform
- Can accommodate anywhere from two to six players (with varying degrees of, suitability ,). Six-player games are somewhat rare, or require expansions, as with The
- A" one-size-fits-all" treatment unnecessarily by doctors without considering, suitability ,and differences due to age and other risk factors. Effective interventions have
- Lbf (71.8 kN) of after burning thrust. In 1959,the Phantom began carrier, suitability ,trials with the first complete launch-recovery cycle performed on 15 February
- Minister in Jackson County, Florida challenged the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, suitability ,as proper reading for young Americans, arguing it contained pro-Communist
- Fell behind schedule, at least partly due to the need for mass-production, suitability ,making them substantially different in construction than the prototype. Another
- If they are forced. Another factor to consider when judging a disputes, suitability ,for mediation is whether the parties have legal representation. If one party
- With moral fitness becoming the dominant factor in determining a person's, suitability , At death a person faced judgment by a tribunal of forty-two divine judges. If
- In the form of macro algae, should be provided for their grazing pleasure. Their, suitability ,for reef tanks is hotly debated, Anthias Although Antics resemble damsels in
- Dollars elsewhere. Though now dated, several sources estimate the costs and, suitability ,of acidification treatment. Studies conducted by the Harry Ransom Humanities
- At the European Parliament which will question them and then vote on their, suitability ,as a whole. If members of the team are found to be too inappropriate, the
- Months of the Protectorate, a set of" triers" was established to assess the, suitability ,of future parish ministers, and a related set of" ejectors" was set up to
- Of super carriers. Other exercises were performed to demonstrate the AV-8A's, suitability ,for operating from various amphibious assault ships and aircraft carriers
- Bike lanes on many streets, although concerns have been expressed regarding the, suitability ,of many of the lanes. On several central MIT streets, bike lanes transfer onto
- Cook's botanist on the voyage, presented evidence to the government on the, suitability ,of Botany Bay for the establishment of a penal settlement, and in 1787 the
- Roles in various stories. With popularity came controversy over the show's, suitability ,for children. Morality campaigner Mary Whitehorse repeatedly complained to the
- Now including the F-35C,as operational tempo requires. Future carrier, suitability ,testing is scheduled throughout 2011,including ongoing catapult testing and
- In academia peer review is often used to determine an academic paper's, suitability ,for publication. Terminology Peer review can be categorized by the type of
- Iraq has increased as a result of upstream dam construction, leading to lower, suitability ,as drinking water. The many dams and irrigation schemes, and the associated
- Value of allowing catharsis. In any case, the value of art may determine the, suitability ,of an art form. Do they differ significantly in their values, or (if not) in
- Awed by the adaptations of living things, to be stunned by their complexity and, suitability ,", was " to accept the inescapable but not humiliating fact that much of
- That he sent ambassadors to Naples to report on the 27-year-old is physical, suitability , He died at Richmond Palace on 21 April 1509 of tuberculosis, and was succeeded
- Judges of rhetorical situations by reinforcing ideas of value, morality,and, suitability , Rhetorical criticism can thus contribute to the audience’s understanding of
- Justified by Archer thus:" A ship that is built with exclusive regard to its, suitability ,for Nansen's object must differ essentially from any known vessel. " The ship
- Only to initiate reactions. Properties of explosive materials To determine the, suitability ,of an explosive substance for a particular use, its physical properties must
- Over the centuries in relation to marriage – including issues relating to the, suitability ,of partners of different denominations, faiths,tribes or races, the acceptable
- Are of particularly widespread use because of either their simplicity or their, suitability ,for detecting certain kinds of errors (e.g., the cyclic redundancy check's
- Nanocrystalline diamond aggregates. The hardness of diamond contributes to its, suitability ,as a gemstone. Because it can only be scratched by other diamonds, it maintains
- A distance of in an attempt to expose India to the automobile and test its, suitability ,for Indian conditions. Lord Carbon, the Viceroy, gave his consent to the event.
- She said," I'd like to be a queen of people's hearts. " On Charles's, suitability ,for kingship, she said," Because I know the character I would think that the
- Greenlandic in public life and education, developing its vocabulary and, suitability ,for complex contexts, this approach is labelled 'Greenlandisation' by
- Away during the breeding season. Females glean clues regarding a male's, suitability ,as a mate from these calls, showing a preference for larger males. When under
- By the great books are relevant to any society, at any time, and thus that the, suitability ,of the great books for instructional use is unaffected by their age.
- Problems had to be solved before the Corsair would enter service. Carrier, suitability ,was a major development issue, prompting changes to the main landing gear, tail
- Limestone extracts iron from its ore. * It is used in sculptures because of its, suitability ,for carving. Gallery Image: Limestone cropping. JPG|Limestone cropping out at
- And the sport and recreation organization (known generally as MUST). The, suitability ,of merging the bodies became evident after the controlling boards of the union
- The coherence and synergy of the full concepts found in Lisp. Because of its, suitability ,to ill-defined, complex,and dynamic applications, Lisp is currently enjoying
- In the United States of America). In this case the debate centers on the, suitability ,of the individual for office, not a judgement on them when appointed, and does
- Protective ceramic coatings like nitrides could be investigated for their, suitability ,to isolate these new alloys. The challenge with watt balances is not only in
- Concern, novel approaches to kernel resource management, and a design goal of, suitability ,for formal analysis, besides the usual goal of high performance. Examples are
- LGPL regarding inheritance (in programming) Some concern has risen about the, suitability ,of object-oriented classes in LGPL'd software being inherited by non- (L)GPL
- Of language used is subject to many considerations, such as company policy, suitability ,to task, availability of third-party packages, or individual preference.
- Father Peter Julian Yard recognized Rodin's talent and, sensing his lack of, suitability ,for the order, encouraged Rodin to continue with his sculpture. He returned to
- Formula. The invention was celebrated by anarchists, who recognized its, suitability ,for propaganda by the deed. Manufacture Classic dynamite consists of three
- To a certain degree by the" fit" between analyst and patient. A person's, suitability ,for analysis at any particular time is based on their desire to know something
- Not all disputes lend themselves well to mediation. One set of criteria for, suitability , which is applied in the subsection below, is provided in Mediation -
- Of a planned baptismal event, to allow for congregation elders to assess their, suitability , Elders approve candidates for baptism if the candidates are considered to
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