Examples of the the word, instructive , in a Sentence Context

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  1. And instructor" and that his life works and death would" continue to be, instructive ,and inspiring incidents in American history ". Five panels on the monument
  2. Quash which is probably the largest collection of books in the world. It is, instructive ,to compare his title for this knowledge, Watching the waves in a Sacred Sea to
  3. The Prize for 1932 and to Born for Born receiving the Prize in 1954 are also, instructive ,in evaluating whether Born should have shared the Prize with Heisenberg. On 25
  4. Square meter of surface. This is somewhat below the Sun's 1373 W/m², but still, instructive , If the blackbody absorbs 1,080 watts on its sun-facing surface, it must also
  5. This article. Stephen Colbert’s television program, The Colbert Report, is, instructive , in the methods of contemporary American satire. Colbert's character is an
  6. And albedo account for the greenhouse effect. This very simple model is quite, instructive , and the only model that could fit on a page. For example, it easily determines
  7. Can be constructed in many ways, and it is neither possible nor, instructive ,to cover them all here. This article instead presents two, lower-order
  8. Papyri). Of them, the best known is the Wisdom of AHIMA, a book of, instructive ,aphorisms quite similar in style to the biblical book of Proverbs. Achaemenid
  9. Forms of travel are tried, such as the near-useless (though fascinating and, instructive ,for the quantum physicist) Are Drive (" Nor Iron Bars" ). Refinement of the
  10. Involves prayer elements. The Tibetan Buddhism tradition emphasizes an, instructive ,and devotional relationship to a guru; this may involve devotional practices
  11. Provide explanatory value all over mathematics. Examples Free groups (, instructive ,example) The construction of free groups is an extremely common adjoint
  12. With one of two case makers; the intensive" SSA/SSA" indicating time or the, instructive ," n" indicating manner. Finnish phrases using the second infinitive can often
  13. Of the relationship of abolition and antislavery prior to the Civil War: While, instructive , the distinction between antislavery and abolition can also be misleading
  14. Input F in the following way:: :λ (F) λ (n) if (n==0) then 1 else n It is, instructive ,to think of a chain of" iterates" where FI indicates i-many applications of
  15. I change meanings. For example, the genitive case will be mistaken for the, instructive ,case,e.g. Nîmes" of the name" → Jimin" using names ". Another good example
  16. As a whole. Wesley’s personal social philosophy was characterized by“ an, instructive ,reluctance to criticize existing institutions which was overborne by
  17. The surface being worked on. In this way blurring detail that might have been, instructive ,to the excavator is avoided. # In archaeology, we use our eyes. Excavation of
  18. Poetic, p. 498),mentions an Dinah composed by Abbey Mari. The Might Knot is, instructive ,reading for the historian because it throws much light upon the deeper problems
  19. For 12 tricks if no more than one ace or key card is lacking. A simplified, but, instructive , way to think about Blackwood is this:" I am concerned that we may lose the
  20. Incorporated into the" George" shot of Operation Greenhouse, which was, instructive ,in testing out concepts that went into the final design. The Fuchs–von Neumann
  21. Detail is lost. Thackeray meant the book to be not only entertaining but also, instructive , an intention demonstrated through the book's narration and through Thackeray
  22. Which Balder, in connection with this, unfolds in various works, is but little, instructive , and coincides in the main with the utterances of Böhm. In nature and in man
  23. Of the third infinitive which occurs with the verb pita: The third infinitive, instructive ,is usually replaced with the first infinitive short form in modern Finnish.
  24. Some cases and moods are rarely constructive in spoken Finnish,e.g. the, instructive ,and cogitative cases and the potential mood. Some survive only in expressions.
  25. Scale only once. ” Science fiction writer Thomas Disc has observed that: It is, instructive ,therefore to read some of what Ballard and Moor cock were writing that
  26. Writer. As Labor (1994) observes:" To compare the two versions is itself an, instructive ,lesson in what distinguished a great work of literary art from a good child
  27. Or two-dimensional spaces. Furthermore, projections on the 2D-plane become more, instructive ,by rearranging the positions of the projected vertices. In this fashion, one
  28. Not for special facts, but for a general estimate, no writer is more, instructive ,than Alvin of Marseilles in the 5th century, whose work, De Hibernation DEI
  29. Hearsay evidence. Peter Murphy in his Practical Guide to Evidence recounts an, instructive ,example. A frustrated judge in an English (adversarial) court finally asked a
  30. From a fundamental supralapsarian mode of thought. This he added to his highly, instructive ,treatise Summat topics Christianism. Beza's Dev era excommunication et
  31. 1919,though they were never added to the original score. It is perhaps, instructive ,to realize Holst attended an early performance of Schoenberg's" Five
  32. Conveyed by the public events; they asserted that moral messages were also, instructive ,in the ordinary life, and indeed, were even superior because more people would
  33. Areas being settled west of Sydney during Bligh's tenure as Governor),it is, instructive ,to note the number of boys born around 1807 to 1811 who were named" William
  34. Clearly a man of conscience, despite Admiral Rickover's last public and, instructive ,remarks he went to his deathbed questioning the meaning and purpose of his own
  35. And armored in the manner of the enemies of Rome. The minus became a morally, instructive ,form of historic enactment in which the only honorable option for the
  36. By his idiosyncratic, hyperbolic commentary which is often as entertaining as, instructive , Nimzowitsch's chess theories when first propounded flew in the face of widely
  37. Part of physicists. Any proposed perpetual motion design offers a potentially, instructive ,challenge to physicists: one is almost completely certain that it can't work
  38. Very good manners, and definite ethical standards is not universal. It is, instructive ,to know that standards differ in the most unexpected ways. Boas went on to
  39. Same idea in longer form using two clauses linked by the word run (when). The, instructive ,is even rarer and mostly exists nowadays in set phrases (for example 'tocsin
  40. Of Asia and Africa. The life of the Algerian Sufi master Emir ABD al-Qaida is, instructive ,in this regard. Notable as well are the lives of Amado Samba and Hajj Umar
  41. Lagoon. " Distribution and size The distribution of atolls around the globe is, instructive ,: most of the world's atolls are in the Pacific Ocean (with concentrations in
  42. And many parts of the book abound in information, easy to comprehend and both, instructive ,and entertaining. " While the book was readable enough to sell, its dryness
  43. Definition how exotic a distribution might be. To answer this question, it is, instructive ,to see distributions built up from a smaller space, namely the space of
  44. S Legend Area or" The Golden Legend" comprises a series of vitae or, instructive ,biographical narratives, tied to the liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic
  45. Of running a farm. In handling this theme, Virgil follows in the didactic (, instructive ,) tradition of the Greek poet Hesiod one of whose poems focus on farming and
  46. That is, SR gives the right formula for computing such relative velocity. It is, instructive ,to compute the relative velocity of particles moving at v and -v in accelerator
  47. Catered to polite society's desire for erudition – many texts had an explicit, instructive ,purpose. But the idea of taste (LE gout) was the real social indicator: to
  48. Receiving the Prize for 1932 and Born receiving the Prize in 1954 is also, instructive ,in evaluating whether Born should have shared the Prize with Heisenberg. On 25
  49. Sublative -one (as in Anne) and probative -TSE (as in posits); not the, instructive , though * some other words such as Kai 'probably ', luo 'to, towards (a person
  50. He made a fool out of me. " In the Finnish language and Estonian language,the, instructive ,case has the basic meaning of" by means of ". It is a comparatively rarely

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