Examples of the the word, sloppy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sloppy ), is the 12075 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Joglar. According to Require, every vocation deserved a name of its own and the, sloppy ,usage of dollar assured that it covered a multitude of activities, some which
  2. Or croquettes),loaves, or sausages, or used in loose form (as in ", sloppy ,Joe" or Bolognese sauce). Some meat is cured, by smoking, pickling
  3. Reached the quarter-finals before going out to Manchester United. Despite the, sloppy ,start in UEFA Champions League 2008–09,Roma managed to reach the knockout
  4. Rate limitations for high frequency signals. Consequently, an op-amp makes a, sloppy ,comparator with propagation delays that can be as slow as tens of microseconds.
  5. Which she describes as" a loud release of tension ", with " lots of long, sloppy ,guitar solos. And no love songs ... a not-at-all attractive reaction to the
  6. A review that characterized Wolf as a" frustratingly inept messenger: a, sloppy ,thinker and incompetent writer. She tries in vain to pass off tired
  7. 5200's non-centering analog controllers received much criticism for their ", sloppy ," design. At one point following the 5200's release, Atari had planned a
  8. Of an approaching stall One symptom of an approaching stall is slow and, sloppy ,controls. As the speed of the aircraft decreases approaching the stall, there
  9. Too few facts to examine eco-activism case, said," the reporting is thin and, sloppy , and the humdrum prose is marred by dubious speculation. " Bar was the
  10. To increase the Dallas lead to 13-0. The rest of the quarter was filled with, sloppy ,play and turnovers by both teams. On the second play after receiving the
  11. To support the view that transmission of traditional songs can be rather, sloppy , Occasionally, collected traditional song versions include material or verses
  12. To copy is said to have a" good fist ". A" poor fist" is a characteristic of, sloppy ,or hard to copy Morse code. The measure of the speed of Morse code is wpm
  13. I'd ever heard. I said to myself,they're not even trying! It was just a, sloppy ,cacophony. Then I listened to it a couple more times, because I couldn't
  14. Virtually unbreakable if properly used. It was poor operational procedures and, sloppy ,operator behavior that allowed the GC&CS cryptanalysts to find ways to read
  15. Early days of Test cricket, fielding was not a priority and many players were, sloppy ,when it came to fielding. With the advent of One Day International matches
  16. Contamination in the palladium electrodes or simply contamination due to, sloppy ,work. In June 1990 an article in Science by science writer Gary Tubes
  17. Successful experimental results in psi research are more likely due to, sloppy ,procedures, poorly trained researchers, or methodological flaws rather than to
  18. York Times writing that the film was unremarkable, with foolish symbolism and, sloppy ,editing, although he praised Eastwood's performance. In 1973 Eastwood directed
  19. I've finally found the best musical of the Broadway season ... it's that, sloppy , vulgar, terrific tribal love rock musical Hair. " A reviewer from Variety, on
  20. Since many pocket trumpet models suffer from poor design as well as cheap and, sloppy ,manufacturing, the intonation, tone color and dynamic range of such instruments
  21. And other people described by the FBI as" subversive ". The FBI was often, sloppy ,in collecting information on OCS: his name was frequently misspelled" Oakes "
  22. Of physics. While highly dependent on higher math, physicists tended to be ", sloppy ," with it. To a" pure" mathematician like Hilbert, this was both" ugly" and
  23. As the increasing prevalence on the left of" a particular kind of nonsense and, sloppy ,thinking ... that denies the existence of objective realities ". He called into
  24. That he wanted to own the Dallas Cowboys (the Broncos are playing very, sloppy ,football on his front lawn while he says this). Incidentally, the Broncos were
  25. Having copied around 3000 lines of code. They were described as having done 'a, sloppy ,job of copying,' with some lines of the copied code continuing to direct
  26. Is apparently replaced by a back-up computer called Queen. Whereas Holly is, sloppy ,and easy-going, Queeg is ruthless, authoritarian and by-the-book, bringing
  27. Confirm his own navigational work, which some claim to have been particularly, sloppy ,as he approached the Pole. The distances and speeds that Peary claimed to have
  28. 133 yards. Bubba Smith refused to wear his Super Bowl V ring because of the ", sloppy ," play. It was finally settled with five seconds left when Colts rookie kicker
  29. Random, reform,remodel, repair,resort, rough,shaken, shifting,silly, sloppy , smashed, somehow,sort, spoilt, strange,style, switch,tangled, treated
  30. The same year. The album was well received but failed commercially; after a, sloppy ,cross-country tour, they hastily recorded Burrito Deluxe. Parsons was fired
  31. Reviewers contend that apparently successful results are more likely due to, sloppy ,procedures, poorly trained researchers, or methodological flaws than to actual
  32. The old woman who teaches the children throat singing songs corrects, sloppy ,intonation of contours, poorly meshed phase displacements, and vague rhythms
  33. Deciding to try and land the 747 there, with Jean's assistance, Grant makes a, sloppy ,but safe landing but is unable to stop before reaching the end of the airport
  34. Were voiced, by Creek in particular, that in the US ABBA had endured" a very, sloppy ,promotional campaign ". The group, however,enjoyed warm reviews from American
  35. Therefore could not have been added sequentially. Bee has acknowledged using ", sloppy ,prose ", and that his" argument against Darwinism does not add up to a logical
  36. Increasingly erratic, ... working with terrible backup bands and turning in, sloppy , out-of-tune performances" which" tarnished his reputation with younger fans
  37. It is most susceptible to magic. " He could be caustic and witty, sometimes, sloppy , and ill-informed. Debussy was for the most part enthusiastic about Richard
  38. Performances, often mixing male and female signifiers (also called ", sloppy ,drag" ), and her many appearances in performance art venues since the 1980s
  39. Catacombs and crypts of an ancient church within the village. The Division's, sloppy ,precautions have led to the awakening of hordes of undead creatures, including
  40. Experience and good connection, since without proper timing it may look like, sloppy ,dancing. A signal for hijacking is typically an unusually changed (mostly
  41. Employee told biographer Orin Keep news that Jefferson was a womanizing, sloppy ,drunk; on the other hand,Jefferson's neighbor in Chicago, Romeo Nelson
  42. And which age must defend against) have been criticized as being" weak," ", sloppy ," and" little more than caricatures of an attack. " Weak attacks from use
  43. S inability to agree with these four numbers as partly due to some, sloppy ,rounding and calculation errors by Hipparchus, for which Ptolemy criticized him
  44. Unaware of. Via the comic scenes, the Tramp is shown to be short, dirty and, sloppy , His life is contrasted with good food, clean clothing, a large house, and
  45. Altitude rules increase the risk of collision between 10 and 33 times over more, sloppy ,alternatives when air traffic control errors occur. Weather Beyond runway
  46. Motor Co. Ltd. Employees in the Art Skokie shop soon came to understand that, sloppy ,workmanship and poor performance would not be tolerated, but while Honda's
  47. Steady in this form of tagging is very difficult, usually coming out wavy and, sloppy , Another form is the" throw-up ", also known as a" bombing" which is
  48. Is to reward the number of bugs fixed, then some developers may quickly write, sloppy ,code knowing they can fix the bugs later and be rewarded for it, whereas
  49. Where he had friends whom they might recruit. However, they relocated in a, sloppy ,manner and had much difficulty in becoming established on their new turf. The
  50. The two highest scoring teams in the league, but after the end of an extremely, sloppy ,first quarter, both of them would be scoreless. The miscues began right from

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