Examples of the the word, buckle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( buckle ), is the 12083 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. we're not going to be able to all our lives. We know we're going to have to, buckle ,down and work. We know we're going to have to eventually become family men and
  2. Shoulder harness may attach to the lap belt tongue, or it may have a tongue and, buckle ,completely separate from those of the lap belt. Shoulder harnesses of this
  3. Purple with gold buckle s at their throats by way of brooches, and another gold, buckle ,each at the end of hatpins which they wore through their gray hair in order
  4. 21 November 1999,during a Serie A match against Recce, Ronaldo felt his knee, buckle ,and was forced to limp off the pitch. Medical exams after the match confirmed
  5. Society existed from 1765 to 1813. Before 1765: *Matthew Boulton, originally a, buckle ,maker in Birmingham *John Whitehorse of Derby, maker of clocks and scientific
  6. Moment. For example, a beam with an elliptical cross-section will tend to, buckle ,in the direction of the smaller semiaxis. It also can be referred to as the
  7. Where most tornadoes of the world occur, the Rocky Mountains block moisture and, buckle ,the atmospheric flow, forcing drier air at mid-levels of the troposphere due to
  8. Near the Woodcock Garrison House at the Hatch Tavern where he swapped one shoe, buckle ,with Israel Hatch, a revolutionary soldier and new owner of the Garrison House.
  9. She was wearing, which had 15 gilded wooden birds sewn to it. On a gold, buckle ,retrieved from another tomb, a similar woman's headdress intertwined with
  10. Days, he wore embroidery and jewels on his clothing and shoes. He had a golden, buckle ,for his cloak on such occasions and would appear with his great diadem, but he
  11. Ornament, a bronze brooch, a silver buckle and a gold-coated stud from a, buckle , Four objects had a special kinship with the Mound 1 finds: the tip of a sword
  12. Methods for fixing a retinal detachment: pneumatic retinopathy, scleral, buckle , cryotherapy, laser photocoagulation and pars plan directory. *Both
  13. Passengers were not buckle d up. Therefore, people who did not wish to, buckle ,up would defeat this system by fastening the seatbelts with the seat empty and
  14. In moderately dangerous areas at night, we exercise, we buy smoke detectors, we, buckle , our seatbelts. International agreements and declarations The World Charter for
  15. In vain to fasten a large garment on him with too small a belt:" He cannot, buckle ,his distemper'd cause / Within the belt of rule" ( V,2’ll. 14–15),while
  16. Civil Rights Era The county was referred to as" Bloody Lowndes," the rusty, buckle ,of Alabama's Black Belt. In 1965,a full century after the American Civil War
  17. Dalí made for her include a shoe-shaped hat and a pink belt with lips for a, buckle , He was also involved in creating textile designs and perfume bottles. In 1950
  18. Would open the seat lid, take out the two ends of an automotive seatbelt, and, buckle , himself onto the bench," for safety. " Conducting an orchestra, he might stop
  19. Of the two-dimensional gyration tensor are not equal, the beam will tend to, buckle ,around the axis with the smaller principal moment. For example, a beam with an
  20. But flexible sole, and padded uppers. The foot is held onto the board with two, buckle ,straps – one strapped across the top of the toe area, and one across the ankle
  21. Officially adopted by the government. The faces appears on the helmet and the, buckle ,insignia of the French Army's Autonomous Corps of Military Justice, as well as
  22. Garnet cell work ornament. Upper body area: purse, shoulder-clasps and great, buckle ,Together with the sword harness and scabbard mounts, the gold and garnet
  23. Intruders, numbered variously between seven and 25. While Pizarro struggled to, buckle ,on his breastplate, his defenders, including his half-brother Alcántara, were
  24. Accessory for guitarist and composer Omar Rodríguez-López in the form of a belt, buckle , * In the modern classic fantasy The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle, a plain
  25. On their knapsacks or scratched it in the soft lead backing of the Army belt, buckle , Manufacturers of identification badges recognized a market and began
  26. The internal cymbal muscles produce a clicking sound as the cymbals, buckle ,inwards. As these muscles relax, the cymbals return to their original position
  27. German languages. Alemannic runic inscriptions such as those on the Frozen, buckle ,are among the earliest testimonies of Old High German. The High German
  28. Is regulated to hit an enemy center-of-mass to 350 meters if aimed at the belt, buckle , This is due to the necessity of quick instruction of conscripted soldiers.
  29. A hole. Such" lace cards" lacked structural strength, and would frequently, buckle ,and jam inside the machine. The 80-column card format dominated the industry
  30. The adoption of bronze: shields were now made from solid wood with a bronze, buckle , spears were tipped with a bronze point, and the Hopes was adopted from
  31. Survived, roughly half of them on fibulae, others on belt buckle s (see Frozen, buckle , Black fibula) and other jewelry and weapon parts. Use of runes subsides with
  32. Typical tie rod's length to its cross-section is usually very large, it would, buckle ,under the action of compressive forces. The working strength of a tie rod is
  33. Of France calling forth her people on this last was used as the belt, buckle ,for the honorary rank of Marshal of France. Since the fall of Napoleon (1815)
  34. On his right and his sword-belt, wrapped around the blade, which had a bronze, buckle ,with garnet cloisonné cell work, two pyramidal strap mounts and a scabbard- buckle
  35. Yielded late Roman or insular Roman metalwork including a Quoit Brooch Style, buckle , which would indicate settlement here to the early 5th century. Subsequent
  36. Made of Frankish cloth with golden threads, and he wore a belt with a costly, buckle , There were four cameos from the Middle East which were probably part of a
  37. The absence of an ERV by making their keys into a tie bar, or part of a belt, buckle ,or brooch. The key thereby becomes a legitimate article of clothing or jewelry
  38. Two gilt-bronze discs with animal interlace ornament, a bronze brooch, a silver, buckle ,and a gold-coated stud from a buckle . Four objects had a special kinship with
  39. Their artistic and technical quality is quite exceptional. The 'great' gold, buckle ,is made in three parts. The plate is a long ovoid of meandering but symmetrical
  40. With your forefinger and looking towards your nose, moving the lens) it will, buckle ,up (due to the difference in curvature),making it easier to grasp. As an
  41. Is a lightweight halter or head collar which is made with only one small, buckle , and can be worn under a bridle for tethering a horse without unpacking.
  42. S character Margo Channing, was perhaps corrupted as it makes more sense to, buckle ,for a ride somewhere. *" Just the facts, Ma'am. " – Jack Webb as Sgt. Joe
  43. For blood poisoning caused by a cut in her wrist from her metal grip, buckle , Against doctors' orders, she left the hospital and competed on the beam
  44. Buckle. JPG|Dodge Brothers logo used from 1914 to 27 (seen here on a modern belt, buckle ,) Image: ForwardLookPatch. JPG|Forward Look corporate logo, shortly used in
  45. Tension, meaning the structure will only fail if the cables yield or the rods, buckle ,* preload or tension prestress, which allows cables to be rigid in tension *
  46. If the smoker is allowed to get hotter than, the foods will shrink excessively, buckle , or even split. Smoking at high temperatures also reduces yield, as both
  47. A gold-embroidered satin waistcoat his mother had made for the occasion, and, buckle , shoes. Then Rev. Smith (the bride's father) performed the nuptials. After
  48. Furnished inhumations. One small mound held a child's remains, along with his, buckle ,and miniature spear. A man's grave included two belt- buckle s and a knife, and
  49. To the flow being along the Earth's latitudinal" zones ". This pattern can, buckle ,and thus become a meridional flow. Meridional flow When the zonal flow buckle s
  50. With 3,519,459; and the United Methodist Church with 1,022,342. Known as the, buckle ,of the Bible Belt, East Texas is socially conservative. Dallas-Fort Worth is

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