Examples of the the word, synagogue , in a Sentence Context
The word ( synagogue ), is the 12071 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Buchanan penitential prayers are omitted. The Torah is read every day in the, synagogue , the first day beginning from Numbers 6:22 (according to some customs, Numbers
- Local Jewish population referred to themselves as Monastery, and a Monastery, synagogue ,exists to this day in modern Thessaloniki. There was little evidence of
- It in (Hulling 110a). Special attention was given by him to the liturgy of the, synagogue , He is reputed to be the author of one of the finest compositions in the Jewish
- Be because Ezra is seen as an intermediary between the prophets and the 'great, synagogue ,'. There is, however,no historical evidence yet to support this claim. Some
- His parents, see Presentation of Jesus at the Temple. The early history of the, synagogue ,is obscure, but it seems to be an institution developed for public Jewish
- Bay bars conquers the Track of Chevaliers. *1730 – Sheath Israel, the first, synagogue ,in New York City, is dedicated. *1740 – War of Jenkin's Ear: Three British
- Noor Islamic Cultural Center, and the Reform Jewish Temple Israel, the oldest, synagogue ,in Columbus, Life Church at Easton in NE Columbus. Megachurches include the
- This capacity was involved in the expulsion of the Jews, the destruction of the, synagogue ,and in its place the construction of a church and shrine to the Shone Maria
- 200,000 Jewish manuscripts that were found in the genial of the Ben Ezra, synagogue ,(built 882) of Format, Egypt (now Old Cairo),the Ba satin cemetery east of
- Rich" while impoverished and in tribulation. #### Admonished not to fear the ", synagogue ,of Satan ", nor fear a ten-day tribulation of being thrown into prison. ### to
- Within two hundred feet of a building occupied exclusively as a school, church, synagogue , or other place of worship North Carolina does not allow alcohol
- Maria that occurred in 1519. Adorer made etchings of the interior of the, synagogue ,and designed a woodcut of the cult image of the Shone Maria. In 1529-1530 he
- Is limited to a very strictly defined set of sounds and specific places in the, synagogue ,service. Muslim Many Muslim musicians also perform a form of a cappella music
- Mother kept a kosher home for her husband's sake, but was lax about attending, synagogue ,and observing the Jewish holidays. His Bar Mitzvah marked the end of Laurent's
- Has existed in the city since the early 19th century. There is a small Orthodox, synagogue ,at Dud hope Park that was built in the 1960s,with the Hebrew Burial Grounds
- Ark may refer to: Religion * Ark ( synagogue ),a cabinet used to store a, synagogue ,'s Torah scroll * Ark of the Covenant, the consecrated container for the
- China after a collision with a J-8 fighter is released. *2002 – The Chiba, synagogue ,bombing by Al-Qaeda kills 21 in Tunisia. * 2002 – Over two hundred thousand
- Not restricted to one people, and as Jewish Christians were excluded from the, synagogue ,(see Council of Jamaica),they also lost the protection of the status of
- Conclusion. A person cannot become Jewish by marrying a Jew, or by joining a, synagogue , nor by any degree of involvement in the community or religion, but only by
- The town, but by 1750 the Rabbi Elijah Synagogue was built as the first Jewish, synagogue ,in Casablanca. It was destroyed along with much of the town in the 1755 Lisbon
- The site of an abandoned printing press (which itself was the former site of a, synagogue ,). The 25th anniversary of the temple's founding was celebrated in September
- Word that means a" box" or container. Ark may refer to: Religion * Ark (, synagogue ,), a cabinet used to store a synagogue 's Torah scroll * Ark of the Covenant
- Books, and printed copies of the Scriptures are used for study outside the, synagogue , A safer (scribe) is a highly respected member of any observant Jewish
- Symbolic House of God ". A plaque in the entrance serves as a memorial to the, synagogue ,and to Jewish residents who were murdered during the Holocaust. In 1940,at
- Catholic, Baptist,Lutheran and Methodist churches in the area, as well as one, synagogue , Local government Aberdeen is the center of government for Brown County. City
- Has begun on seven of the original 11 synagogue s, including the Gila, synagogue , built in 1896,and the large Area Synagogue. Ethnic groups Today the vast
- Of 612. Ceremony Time and place It is customary for the Brit to be held in a, synagogue , but it can also be held at home or any other suitable location. The Brit is
- Quick to come. They were expelled from the local health-fund clinic and village, synagogue , The cooperative's truck wouldn't make deliveries to their farm nor collect
- Once numbered 50,000 but is now estimated at below 50. The most important, synagogue ,in Alexandria is the Elijah Hawaii Synagogue. Education Colleges and
- Or killed by the Nazis. The six synagogue s of the city were destroyed. The, synagogue ,on Remonstrate was rebuilt in 1959. Cologne was heavily defended by the Germans
- Continues as a minor dialect from Old East Jordanian. The inscriptions in the, synagogue ,at Dura-Europos are either in Middle East Jordanian or Middle Judea.
- Or learn (horn) is the only temple instrument still being used today in the, synagogue , and it is only used from Rosh Chodesh Elul through the end of Yom Kippur. The
- I'm Dead, Barry describes himself as non-religious but describes attending, synagogue ,with his Jewish wife. Work Films Fiction * Naked Came the Manatee (1998) (
- Wall. Thus were preserved and securely dated an early decorated church and a, synagogue ,decorated with extensive wall paintings. Both had been converted from earlier
- Upon his death, his will specified that his estate be split equally between the, synagogue ,and St. Thomas’ Protestant church. When Camille was twelve his father sent him
- Up to the present. According to Jewish tradition, the Torah scroll placed in a, synagogue ,must be written by hand on parchment, and a printed book would not do, though
- From the synagogue s, the Christian message was always first heard in the, synagogue ,and, for cultural reasons, the evangelist would have spoken in Aramaic, else "
- Lyric theater in Australia. Ballarat is also home to the oldest Jewish, synagogue ,on mainland Australia which is located in Bakery Hill in the Ballarat CBD. The
- Also grew after the turn of the 20th century, and its first and oldest, synagogue , Beth Israel Congregation, was established in 1916. During the 1960s and 1970s
- His father had Benjamin baptized in July 1817 following a dispute with their, synagogue , The elder D'Israeli was content to remain outside organized religion. From
- Of the cemetery commemorates these events. The Jewish Congregation built its, synagogue ,at No 3 Rosenbadstrasse, but it too was damaged by the SA, though it was not
- A charge placed in the upper dexter corner * Canton Synagogue, a historical, synagogue ,in the Venetian Ghetto Class may refer to: General * Class (education),a
- A temple to Jesus, but was dissuaded by the pagan priests. He allowed a, synagogue ,to be built in Rome, and he gave as a gift to this synagogue a scroll of the
- He allowed a synagogue to be built in Rome, and he gave as a gift to this, synagogue ,a scroll of the Torah known as the Severus Scroll. Marriage Alexander was
- 1763 – Dedication of the Tour Synagogue, in Newport, Rhode Island, the first, synagogue ,in what became the United States. *1775 – The becomes the first vessel to fly
- Is from I Kings 7:40–50. The Hanukkah menorah is also kindled daily in the, synagogue , at night with the blessings and in the morning without the blessings. The
- The Torah scroll in the building probably originally built as a Judeo-Christian, synagogue ,between AD 70 and AD 135 on the traditional site of the Enable or upper room
- Were handed over. Over 500 Jewish refugees were granted asylum. The field, synagogue ,in Eastern Karelia was one of the very few functioning synagogue s on the Axis
- The first notification was made of Jewish religious service. In 1639,the first, synagogue ,was consecrated. The Jews came to call the town Jerusalem of the West, a
- For the Perplexed part one chapter 34),and had the order promulgated in the, synagogue ,on Sabbath, July 26, 1305. When this heresy-decree, to be made effective, was
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