Examples of the the word, irradiation , in a Sentence Context
The word ( irradiation ), is the 12080 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The accumulation of static electric fields at the specimen due to the electron, irradiation ,required during imaging. The coating materials include gold, gold/palladium
- Sterilisation); for this reason irradiation facilities have a heavily shielded, irradiation ,room where the process takes place. Radiation safety procedures ensure that
- 60,000 to 1 million years. Additionally, large amounts of 36Cl were produced by, irradiation ,of seawater during atmospheric detonations of nuclear weapons between 1952 and
- Via nuclear reactions conducted with nuclear reactors. For example, under, irradiation , with reactor neutrons,uranium-238 partially converts to plutonium-239::
- Is hazardous to life (hence its usefulness in sterilization); for this reason, irradiation ,facilities have a heavily shielded irradiation room where the process takes
- Elements. Milligrams of einsteinium that would normally take a year of, irradiation ,in a high-power reactor, were produced within a microsecond. Shafts were
- Which has been first doped with ferric impurities. On exposure to heat,the, irradiation ,effects can be partially cancelled and amethyst generally becomes yellow or
- Synthetic amethyst is thus man-made by gamma-ray, x-ray or electron beam, irradiation ,of clear quartz which has been first doped with ferric impurities. On exposure
- Mediated by CD95,ANFR, etc. but not resistant to apoptosis caused by UV, irradiation , chemotherapeutic drugs, and other stimuli. Finally, a cascade 3 knock-out was
- Lanthanides, except for the lanthanide cerium (lanthanides are absent in the, irradiation ,target but are created in various nuclear fission decay chains). A more
- As 'wholesome '; UN-organizations as WHO and FAO are endorsing to use food, irradiation , International legislation on whether food may be irradiated or not varies
- 1958,after a continuous reactor irradiation of this target for six years. This, irradiation ,method was, and still is the only way of producing washable amounts of the
- Sample pretreatment determined by acid reagents, ligands,or preliminary UV, irradiation ,allow cyanide speciation of free cyanide, available cyanide, and total cyanide
- Its use. However, India is also capable of creating tritium more efficiently by, irradiation ,of lithium-6 in reactors. Tritium emissions Tritium is a radioactive form of
- Many other actinides, self-damage of the crystal lattice due to alpha-particle, irradiation ,is intrinsic to americium. It is especially noticeable at low temperatures
- The high water solubility is a disadvantage which makes it incompatible with, irradiation ,of food and medical supplies. It has been used in agriculture, cancer treatment
- Particles. The first method is most important for applications, as only neutron, irradiation ,using nuclear reactors allows the production of sizeable amounts of synthetic
- There are two major methods of producing isotopes of transplutonium elements:, irradiation ,of the lighter elements with either neutrons or accelerated charged particles.
- Organizations. National and international expert bodies have declared food, irradiation ,as 'wholesome '; UN-organizations as WHO and FAO are endorsing to use food
- Radioactive, and national and international expert bodies have declared food, irradiation ,as wholesome. However, the wholesomeness of consuming such food is disputed by
- 5 kg),high lethality, and a relatively short period of toxic environmental, irradiation , The low critical mass of californium led to some exaggerated claims about
- To California. " Washable quantities of californium were first produced by the, irradiation ,of plutonium targets at the Materials Testing Reactor at the Idaho National
- Achieved. Instead, actinium is prepared, in milligram amounts, by the neutron, irradiation ,of 226 in a nuclear reactor.: \math rm The reaction yield is about 2 % of the
- Interestingly,APAF-1 cells are protected from apoptosis stimuli such as, irradiation , A BAX-1 knock-out mouse exhibits normal forebrain formation and a decreased
- And their production from radioisotopes. Gamma rays are also used for the, irradiation ,of food and seed for sterilization, and in medicine they are used in radiation
- These quantities however refer to the integral amount in the target right after, irradiation , Subsequent separation procedures reduced the amount of isotopically pure
- Research. A 22 milligram batch of berkelium-249 was prepared in a 250-day, irradiation , and then purified for 90 days at Oak Ridge in 2009. This target yielded the
- Of an H-bomb. However, in an H-bomb,it's usually created in situ by neutron, irradiation ,of lithium-6. Tritium is extracted from some CANDY plants in Canada, mainly to
- In such experiments are relatively low. The yields are much higher for reactor, irradiation , but there, the product is a mixture of various actinide isotopes, as well as
- This limitation has been recently addressed by applying high-energy electron, irradiation , which cross links inner shells and tubes, and effectively increases the
- Foil, and the generated einsteinium is simply washed off the foil after the, irradiation , However, the produced amounts in such experiments are relatively low. The
- The absorption properties of the nanoparticles to the wavelength of light for, irradiation , The success of this approach to cancer treatment rests on the existence of an
- Beyond mere shaping and drilling, such as color enhancement via dyes or, irradiation , Beads can also be made from chocolate. These types of beads are edible, and
- Of the mineral fluorite (CaF2). The reduction from Eu3+ to Eu2+ is induced by, irradiation ,with energetic particles. The most outstanding examples of this originated
- The production of the second-important isotope berkelium-247 involves the, irradiation ,of the rare synthetic isotope curium-244 with high-energy alpha particles. Just
- Radiation by various government regulations. The BE is set at 10 for neutron, irradiation , and at 1 for beta radiation and ionizing photons. However, another component
- Is responsible for the blue color. Color in diamond has two additional sources:, irradiation ,(usually by alpha particles),that causes the color in green diamonds; and
- As blue, green or pink, which are a result of the addition of boron or from, irradiation ,after synthesis. Another popular method of growing synthetic diamond is
- Research, Dubna, Russia,in 1965 in several reactions, one of which included, irradiation ,of 243Am with 15 N ions. Besides, one of the synthesis reactions for lawrencium
- B. Cunningham and Stanley G. Thompson in 1958,after a continuous reactor, irradiation ,of this target for six years. This irradiation method was, and still is the
- To achieve their aims ... This Kongo sign of exertion is identified with the, irradiation ,of positive energy of a person. Hence, 'funk' in American jazz parlance can
- Fission rate as compared with the isotopes of californium. Prolonged neutron, irradiation ,also produces a long-lived isotope 254Es (to = 275.5 days). Among the 15
- Demonstrations of the existence of new radioactive elements produced by neutron, irradiation , and for his related discovery of nuclear reactions brought about by slow
- Isotopes, can be obtained, which are not formed during neutron, irradiation , In 1962–1966,there were attempts in the United States to produce
- Was converted into plutonium dioxide (PuO2) by annealing. After cyclotron, irradiation , the coating was dissolved with nitric acid, and then precipitated as the
- Reaction between nitrogen-14 and uranium-238,and later by intense neutron, irradiation ,of plutonium or californium:: \math rm These results were published in several
- Been conducted on microgram or submicrogram-sized samples. The world's major, irradiation ,sources are the 85-megawatt High Flux Isotope Reactor at the Oak Ridge National
- A 22 milligram batch of berkelium-249 was prepared during a 250-day, irradiation , period and then purified for a further 90 days at Oak Ridge in 2009. This
- To sunlight or is subjected to heat treatment, though the color returns with, irradiation , The pale blue color of aquamarine is attributed to Fe2+. The Fe3+ ions produce
- Instead, the element is prepared, in milligram amounts, by the neutron, irradiation ,of 226 in a nuclear reactor. Owing to its scarcity, high price and
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