Examples of the the word, indict , in a Sentence Context

The word ( indict ), is the 12086 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. September, grand juries indict ed eighteen more people. The grand jury failed to, indict ,William Proctor, who was re-arrested on new charges. On September 19, 1692
  2. Two far right Francoist organizations Flange and Manor Limits in order to, indict ,him. A (Spanish language) http://www.elpais.com/especial/caso-garzon/ résumé
  3. Padilla without charges and another set to persuade a grand jury in Florida to, indict ,him. Cutting said the administration has risked its" credibility before the
  4. To present evidence to a state grand jury and a federal grand jury refused to, indict , The case focused national attention on the persistence of lynching in the
  5. Allow accumulated gases to escape. Numerous arrests were made in an attempt to, indict ,those responsible for the blasts. Four PEMEX (the state oil company)
  6. Petitioned the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia to, indict ,him on war crimes and other charges. An ICT investigation of Izetbegović was
  7. Final report issued on 27 October, the committee found insufficient evidence to, indict ,KOF Anna non any illegal actions, but did find fault with Began Seven, a
  8. And pedophiles. With such contradictory evidence, a grand jury failed to, indict ,the Ramsey's or anyone else in the murder of Content. Not long after the murder
  9. Then) be awarded for damages in Britain. In effect, the whole novel seems to, indict ,the plaintiff for collaborating, while the defendant is guilty of a minor
  10. S close associates Xiao Jiang (蕭炅) and Song Hun (宋渾),and then had Yang, indict ,them and have them demoted, to try to undermine Li LInfu's hold on power. He
  11. Procedure in Franklin County after a police shooting. The grand jury did not, indict ,Nightmare, finding that his actions were justified. Nightmare received a
  12. Against the Earp's once again, this time in Charleston, but the judge refused to, indict ,the Earp's unless the Cantons could supply new evidence. Morgan Earp was killed
  13. Told the AFP wire service that" There would have been sufficient evidence to, indict ,president Tubman had he still been alive. " The Tribunal's indict ment of
  14. Lake, without a family and with a potentially fatal disease decides to fully, indict ,Hurley. Knowing that it will ruin his career, Lake reports Hurley to the
  15. Specific event to launch a broad attack against sexual double standards and to, indict ,men for encouraging women to indulge in excessive emotion. Wollstonecraft wrote
  16. That the prosecutors would have enough evidence of Friedman's involvement to, indict ,him personally in the criminal court. On 2 February 2006 the same court has
  17. To seek refuge in the Dominican monastery. The Dominicans had been the first to, indict ,the encomenderos, and they continued to chastise them and refuse the absolution
  18. Justice Spicer ruled on November 30 that there was not enough evidence to, indict ,the men. He noted that doctor who examined the dead Cowboys established that
  19. According to the prosecution, they currently don't have enough evidence to, indict ,Kasparov. Gustav Albert Looting (October 23, 1801 – January 21, 1851) was a
  20. Or in the village of Son My or with one Lieutenant William Calla. We intend to, indict ,those really responsible for My Lie, for Vietnam, for attempted genocide. There
  21. Katsav's brother Lion claimed in March 2009 that the eventual decision to, indict ,Kansas amounted to" blood libel ". Plea bargaining and indict ment On 28 June
  22. Been increased, and now include execution. * United States federal prosecutors, indict ,Jamal Ahmed Ali Al-Farabi and Fahd also, in absentia, in connection with the
  23. In the spring thaw. Charles McLuhan, a historian, amassed enough material to, indict ,Keeper for the murder of Tam sen Donner, but after interviewing Keeper
  24. Jurisdiction, or universal competence, was recently used in Germany to, indict ,high-ranking US officials for their involvement in prisoner abuse in the war on
  25. The convening of the grand jury and" ... all but instructed the grand jury to, indict ,Scopes, despite the meager evidence against him and the widely reported stories
  26. S brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, but a grand jury refused to, indict ,him. Oswald's wife, Marina told the Warren Commission that Oswald considered
  27. The individual can collect treble damages. When the U. S. Attorney decides to, indict ,someone under RICO, he or she has the option of seeking a pre-trial restraining
  28. Cause was apparently arson. A Grand Jury collected enough evidence for this to, indict ,George Smith, a gambler, with setting the fire. The man reportedly left town.
  29. Where he had served his sentence. In October, when a grand jury declined to, indict ,the officers who had beaten Hinton, Malcolm X wrote an angry telegram to the
  30. The Kaiser, Wilhelm II would be captured and tried in his court; he wanted to, indict ,the Kaiser for the murder of a Chicagoan who lost his life on the RMS Lusitania
  31. That the incident occurred, and a grand jury did not find enough evidence to, indict ,him. The Blues failed to admit publicly that the trade was a result of the
  32. Tensions stemming from the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, which was expected to, indict ,Hezbollah members in the assassination of former prime minister Radio Harari.
  33. Statements Get made to police in New Hampshire. The jury refused to, indict ,Get on the more serious charges, voting indict ments only for unlawful gun
  34. Juries Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthaler asked a grand jury to, indict ,Get on four counts of attempted murder, four of assault, four of reckless
  35. By Napoleon's soldiers and that legend still lives on today. Other variants, indict ,British troops, the Mameluke, and others. However, sketches of the Sphinx by the
  36. Away the time. When the Kaufman County grand jury convened, it declined to, indict ,her, and she was released. Within a few weeks, she reunited with Barrow. On
  37. To the grand jury, and hearsay evidence is permitted. Grand juries vote to, indict ,in the overwhelming majority of cases, and prosecutors are not prohibited from
  38. Of state. Name" DNB" /> The next week, Shaftesbury again tried to, indict ,the Duke of York, but again the grand jury was dismissed before it could take
  39. About his suspicious activities, but was unable to secure enough evidence to, indict ,Min on criminal charges. Min was forced instead to resign and went into private
  40. Elements, or encourage people to persecute Jews, fear not. The film does not, indict ,Jews for the death of Jesus. " Two Orthodox Jews, Rabbi Daniel Lapin and
  41. 3 November 2006,prosecutors in Taiwan stated that they have enough evidence to, indict ,Chen's wife on corruption charges in connection with her handling of a secret
  42. Men admitted the rape to authorities. Subsequently, two grand juries declined to, indict ,the men. This was documented in the book, At the Dark End of the Street. In
  43. Tensions stemming from the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, which was expected to, indict ,Hezbollah members in the assassination of former prime minister Radio Harari.
  44. Made-for-television movie, entitled Hunt For Justice which follows her quest to, indict ,Bosnian war criminals. Barbour was played by Canadian actress Wendy Crew son.
  45. The chief Soviet prosecutor submitted false documentation in an attempt to, indict ,defendants for the murder of thousands of Polish officers in the Katy forest
  46. Out that a year before the Get trial a New York City grand jury refused to, indict ,Austin Weeks, a 29-year-old black man who shot and killed one of two white
  47. However, Dewey did more than simply prosecute gangsters. In 1936 Dewey helped, indict ,and convict Richard Whitney, the former president of the New York Stock
  48. Assistance of a photojournalist (Person),now uncovers sufficient evidence to, indict ,not only the two right-wing militants who committed the murder, but also four
  49. Of Aristarchus and head of the Stoics thought it was the duty of the Greeks to, indict ,Aristarchus of Amos on the charge of impiety for putting in motion the Hearth
  50. He was working for the Boulder Police, working to help guide the grand jury to, indict ,Patsy for the murder of her daughter. Foster was afterwards hired by Boulder

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