Examples of the the word, jelly , in a Sentence Context
The word ( jelly ), is the 12089 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Shots A gelatin shot (usually called a Jell-O shot in North America and vodka, jelly ,or jelly shot in the UK and Australia) is a shooter in which liquor, usually
- Damaged when used with oil-based substances as lubricants, such as petroleum, jelly , cooking oil, baby oil, mineral oil, skin lotions, suntan lotions, cold creams
- In the Boris name) it was produced by boiling down horse meat or mules to a, jelly ,paste and serving it as a beef tea. Recipe changes In November 2004,the
- States," Xerox" " photocopier "," Kleenex" tissue," Vaseline" petroleum, jelly ," Hoover" vacuum cleaner," Nintendo" ( often used by those exposed to many
- Incorrectly inserted the word an, incorrectly taking responsibility for the ", jelly ,doughnut misconception ", below,Bach speaks first, of the recent developments
- Pectin is extracted from citrus peel and apple pomade. Gelatin desserts like, jelly ,or Jell-O are made from gelatin powder, another effective hydrocolloid.
- The Japanese word for agar-agar In Philippine cuisine, it is used to make the, jelly ,bars in the various Suleiman refreshments or desserts such as sago Suleiman (aka
- Of Berlin do refer to themselves as Berliner, they generally do not refer to, jelly ,doughnuts as Berliner. While these are known as Berliner Pfannkuchen (
- Form. It can be used to make jellies, puddings,and custards. For making, jelly , it is boiled in water until the solids dissolve. Sweetener, flavouring
- From smaller cuts of meat, cooked in the can, and is often covered in an aspic, jelly ,during the canning process. Two versions are available, perishable and
- Had a formula 37 % nitrocellulose,58 % nitroglycerin and 5 % petroleum, jelly , It was a good propellant but burned hot and caused an erosion problem in gun
- To the DC Comics Official Guide to Superman, Clark enjoys peanut butter and, jelly ,sandwiches, football games, and the smell of Kansas in the springtime. His
- A gelling agent used in many Asian foods, including the popular konnyaku fruit, jelly ,candies. Chemistry Gelatin consists of partially hydrolyzed collagen, a protein
- Of the tree, and supposed the sap to precipitate a kind of white cingulum or, jelly , which may be well conceived to be the part which every year between bark and
- Its formula being 65 % nitrocellulose,30 % nitroglycerin and 5 % petroleum, jelly , While cordite MD solved the gun barrel erosion issue, it did nothing to
- That Kennedy referred to himself not as a" citizen of Berlin ", but as a ", jelly ,doughnut ", known in parts of Germany as a" Berliner ". Kennedy should
- The Malay name for the algae (Gigantic, Gracilaria) from which the, jelly ,is produced. It is also known as wanted, China grass, or Japanese isinglass.
- Grapes used in grape juice made by companies such as Welch's, along with, jelly , Kosher wine by companies like Mo gen David and Manischewitz along with other
- When warm. A recipe calling for the addition of additional gelatin to regular, jelly ,gives a rubbery product that can be cut into shapes with cookie cutters and
- Or stuffed with dunce de Lethe (milk jam),cream pastel era, quince or apple, jelly , among other fillings. The most popular type of pastry is said to be that of
- Of agar in Japanese cuisine is admits, a dessert made of small cubes of agar, jelly ,and served in a bowl with various fruits or other ingredients. It is also the
- As" China grass" and is used for making desserts. In Burmese cuisine, a sweet, jelly ,known as Klaus yaw (ေကျာက်ေကြာ) is made from agar. In Russia, it is used in
- Black oil" combined with even one spoonful of mastic varnish resulted in the ", jelly ," medium thought to be Magill (another name of Maroger media). #Lead Medium -
- Desserts and vegetable aspics, or incorporated with other desserts, such as a, jelly ,layer in a cake. Agar-agar is approximately 80 % fiber, so it can serve as an
- Many new types of fillings for sufganiyot besides the traditional strawberry, jelly ,filling, including chocolate cream, vanilla cream, cappucino and others. In
- To substitute chocolate eggs, or plastic eggs filled with confectionery such as, jelly ,beans. These eggs can be hidden for children to find on Easter morning, and
- Zooplankton in the late 1980s. Additionally, an alien species—the warty comb, jelly ,(Meiosis Lady)—was able to establish itself in the basin, exploding from
- Gelatin shot (usually called a Jell-O shot in North America and vodka jelly or, jelly ,shot in the UK and Australia) is a shooter in which liquor, usually vodka, rum
- Ein to his statement implied he was a non-human Berliner, thus," I am a, jelly ,doughnut ". An op-ed from The New York Times demonstrates the misconception:
- On the concentration, the resulting broth (when cooled) will naturally form a, jelly ,or gel. This process is used for aspic. While there are many processes whereby
- Agent in many Asian desserts. Agar is a popular gelatin substitute in quick, jelly ,powder mix and prepared dessert gels that can be stored at room temperature.
- As a commercial product, the most typical gelatin dessert was" calf's foot, jelly ,". As the name indicates, this was made by extracting and purifying gelatin
- Bonds which stabilize the collagen helix must also be broken. Beside harts horn, jelly , from deer antlers (hence the name" harts horn" ), isinglass was one of the
- Genus Vitus. Grapes can be eaten raw, or they can be used for making jam, juice, jelly , vinegar, wine,grape seed extracts, raisins,molasses and grape seed oil.
- And Beatlemania had arrived. After he revealed in an interview that he liked, jelly ,babies, British fans inundated Harrison and the rest of the band with boxes of
- The much harder jelly beans instead. In a letter to a fan, Harrison mentioned, jelly ,babies, insisting that no one in the band actually liked them and that the
- Years. It was popularized in the Victorian era with spectacular and complex ", jelly ,molds ". Gelatin was sold in sheets and had to be purified, which was very
- Franklin Roosevelt to declare of Hoover:" There is nothing inside the man but, jelly , " 1932 campaign Although Hoover had come to detest the presidency, he agreed
- Used in small cubes, stars,or rectangular strips, with flavors such as coconut, jelly , Konrad, lychee, grass,mango, and green tea often available at some shops.
- And emotion expression. Her whole body is made of highly advanced synthetic, jelly ,silicon and with 60 artificial joints in her face, neck,and lower body; she is
- In many of the Commonwealth nations and in Ireland, gelatin desserts are called, jelly , * In the United States and Canada, gelatin desserts are called jello (a
- Of real fruit. These fruit versions sometimes contain colored pearls (and/or ", jelly ,cubes" as in the related drink tho),the color chosen to match whatever
- Help, Pyle begins to improve, but progress is halted when Hartman discovers a, jelly ,doughnut in Pyle's Foot Locker. Feeling that the recruits have not helped in
- The cane toad begins life as an egg, which is laid as part of long strings of, jelly ,in water. A female lays 8,000–25,000 eggs at once and the strings can stretch
- Biphenyl Urea and served as a stabilizer that was superior to the petroleum, jelly ,used in British practice. It stored better and burned but did not explode.
- But burned hot and caused an erosion problem in gun barrels. The petroleum, jelly ,served as both a lubricant and a stabilizer. Cordite MD was developed to reduce
- With cranberry juice. Usually cranberries as fruit are cooked into a compote or, jelly , known as cranberry sauce. Such preparations are traditionally served with
- A few months later, American audiences showered the band with the much harder, jelly ,beans instead. In a letter to a fan, Harrison mentioned jelly babies, insisting
- Is often a quick meal consisting of tartines (slices) of French bread with, jelly ,or jam, croissants or pain AU chocolate also named chocolate in the south of
- Examples: aerogel, styrofoam,pumice Gel Examples: agar, gelatin, jelly , opal Solid sol Example: cranberry glass In some cases, a colloid can be
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