Examples of the the word, mindful , in a Sentence Context
The word ( mindful ), is the 12084 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Or a hard count),or risk false start penalties. The offense must also be, mindful ,of the play clock. If they fail to snap the ball in time they incur a delay of
- Unprepared for it, unless they are last-pocket players. Players must be very, mindful ,what they do with their last few balls, and common failure to get that allows
- Gladiator pairs in silvered armor. He had wanted more but the nervous Senate, mindful ,of the recent Spartacus revolt, fearful of Caesar's burgeoning private armies
- Him of the Empress at home and his political party in France. " Chelmsford, mindful ,of his duty, attached the Prince to staff of Colonel Richard Harrison of the
- Of mindful ness training; where fourth through seventh graders are instructed in, mindful ,awareness techniques and positive thinking skills, then tested for changes in
- Religious spectrum both looked favorably on James's reign but were uneasily, mindful ,of an enduring aggressive history regarding the king. Balfour-Melville views
- Villeroy, posting himself near Offs, watched anxiously the redcoats' advance, mindful ,of the counsel he had received on 6 May from Louis XIV –" Have particular care
- S weak groups (groups which can possibly be killed),and always stay, mindful ,of the" life status" of one's own groups. The liberties of groups are
- During the harvest month of September. Throughout the year, growers must be, mindful ,of the hazards of fungal disease and early spring frost. Ancient oceans left
- Hans-Hermann Hope, the American philosopher Thomas McCarthy, the co-creator of, mindful ,inquiry in social research Jeremy J. Shapiro, and the assassinated Serbian
- S father took him hunting and riding, and introduced him to military matters;, mindful ,of his uncertain future, Ernest Augustus took the fifteen-year-old George on
- Hull numbers BB-65 and BB-66 were allocated to fast battleships and. The Navy, mindful ,of the ongoing construction of Japan's battleships, had been working on a
- Of anger, studied the books of the elders, preserved secrets, and were very, mindful ,of the names of the angels kept in their sacred writings. Pliny, also a
- Meticulously scrutinized and, figuratively,poked and prodded. Cautiously, ever, mindful , of not inciting the wrath of slaveholders, members of the House produced a bill
- Law edited by Elliot Doff *an introduction to Judaism as a compassionate, mindful ,practice by Jonathan P. Slater *an introduction to Must as a spiritual path by
- Of the ring (Sanskrit: mandala) is an active prayer. An active prayer is a, mindful ,activity, an activity in which mindful ness is not just cultivated but is. A
- In an address to a Joint Session of the Parliament of India said that:" I am, mindful ,that I might not be standing before you today, as President of the United
- I walk continually in your truth. ” The TIV reads,“ for I have always been, mindful ,of your unfailing love / and have lived in reliance on your faithfulness. ”
- Condemned by many Norwegians and Norwegian-Americans. After the war, Henie was, mindful ,that many of her countrymen considered her to be a Quisling. However, she made
- Directly with a believer's ability to worship God, but that one must be, mindful ,that the symbols provide an imperfect illustration of divinity. He criticized
- To more specific processes (such as peace process, binding arbitration, or, mindful , mediation ) directly in the text. While some people loosely use the term "
- A technical writing course created capstone experience projects that were more, mindful ,of end user design than the projects completed by their peers. The case study
- Implore you, by that power/ Which guides you to the summit of the stairs, / Be, mindful ,to assuage my suffering! Another notable Occitan quotation, this time from
- Colours each time. His final design consisted of four colors. The publishers, mindful ,of the cost, removed the red from the sun to end up with only black, blue,and
- Respects and be seen to be taking sides," and" It's also important to be, mindful ,that the Security Council is having consultations as we speak. " On 26 May, New
- Wake of his recent victories, Alcibiades was exceedingly careful in his return, mindful ,of the changes in government, the charges still technically hanging over him
- Ανδρεία (" bravery" ) combined with μήδομαι (median) " to think, to be, mindful ,of. " Alternatively it could mean" she who leads" The subject has been
- My part know none better, nor that my self would prefer to her. " Elizabeth was, mindful ,of the role parliament would have to play in the matter. In December 1561
- Insularity. Large landowners, who had become more self-sufficient, became less, mindful ,of Rome’s central authority, particularly in the Western Empire, and were
- As they influence the behavior, actions and goals. It prescribes twelve, mindful ,reflections or contemplation to help in this process. They are called Havanas
- A day before, that its troops were massed along the eastern border and, mindful ,of the Soviet military bases in Western Latvia, the government acceded to the
- Views on the relationship between the Old and New Testaments, while remaining, mindful ,of Luther's careful distinctions about proper and improper uses of visual
- Are more specific processes (such as peace process or binding arbitration or, mindful ,mediation) referred to directly in the text. Safety, fairness,closure These
- By the mediators should be treated as confidential. * mediators should be, mindful ,of the psychological and physical wellbeing of all the mediations participants.
- First system. Thus, when embarking upon a second system, an engineer should be, mindful ,that he is susceptible to over-engineering it. The tendency towards irreducible
- Their minds alert to phenomena that affect the body and mind. They should be, mindful ,and deliberate, making sure not to act or speak due to inattention or
- Activity must take place: a liberating cognition, based on the practice of, mindful ,awareness. Also, liberation for the Brahminic login was thought to be the
- Bottom-up way it is performed in the peace movement where it is often called, mindful ,mediation. In this form, it would be derived from methods of Quakers in
- The rot underlying the Dutch defenses. The consequences were spectacular. Still, mindful ,of the French invasion in the" Disaster Year" of 1672,many fearful people
- His nest in the trees, nor take lofty flights, but nestles in the hedges, and, mindful , of his fall, avoids high places. For this crime, Daedalus was tried and
- System, and it was as TOPS-20 that it was marketed. The hacker community, mindful ,of its origins, quickly dubbed it TWENTY (a contraction of" twenty TENET" )
- Intercourse from dawn to dusk during this month, and are to be especially, mindful ,of other sins. The fast is meant to allow Muslims to seek nearness to God, too
- Dances) to the society. In submitting the manuscript (and perhaps, mindful ,of Cui's review of the graduation cantata),Tchaikovsky included a note to
- Principles and in a legal ethical manner. A prudent person is also diligent (, mindful , attentive, and ongoing) in their due care of the business. In the field of
- Views on the relationship between the Old and New Testaments, while remaining, mindful ,of Luther's careful distinctions about proper and improper uses of visual
- To a computer programmer, a computer programmer using these functions should be, mindful ,that a string function in one language could in another language behave
- Opposed to military expansion, became the largest party. The German army, mindful ,of the steadily increasing proportion of spending going to the navy, demanded
- The Moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; What is man that Thou art, mindful ,of him? '" Armstrong concluded, : " The responsibility for this flight lies
- Introduction, muskets could pierce plate armor, so cavalry had to be far more, mindful ,of the fire. In Japan armor continued to be used until the end of the samurai
- Allows the patient to challenge dysfunctional thoughts or beliefs by being, mindful ,of their own feelings with the aim that the patient will realize their fear is
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