Examples of the the word, heather , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Coast, with the northern limit near Öresund; some examples are holly and bell, heather , Some western species occur north to Haugeland (such as Erica tetra lix),some
  2. Can dry out). The rest of the moor is mostly rough pasture or overgrown with, heather ,and other low vegetation. The Moor contains about 500 holdings with around
  3. Or black shorts; NSA Fast-Pitch umpires wear the white NSA umpires shirt and, heather ,gray slacks. Regardless of what uniform is worn, all umpires in the same game
  4. The moors and ring fuels live in stony areas. Red grouse, which feed on young, heather ,shoots, are abundant. The heather is burned in strips by gamekeepers and
  5. One could walk over the North York Moors from east to west (or vice-versa) on, heather ,all the way except for crossing one or two roads, and he issued a challenge that
  6. By the Conservators. *brakes and litter: the right to cut brake (bracken) and, heather ,and to collect litter for the principal purpose of bedding down livestock in
  7. The heather is burned in strips by gamekeepers and farmers to encourage new, heather ,growth to feed the grouse. Grouse shooting is part of the moorland economy.
  8. Cap. Some umpires wear a variant of the uniform: some umpires in ASA wear, heather ,gray slacks and may also wear a navy blue shirt; umpires from the US SSA wear
  9. And become more acidic, producing a suitable environment for the growth of, heather ,and rushes. The debris from these plants accumulated and a layer of peat formed
  10. The extensive areas of dry heath are dominated by long Calling vulgarism, bell, heather , Erica Canada and dwarf gorse Alex minor. Important lichen communities include
  11. House is set in expansive parkland, and backed by wooded, rocky hills rising to, heather ,moorland and contains a unique collection of priceless paintings, furniture
  12. The pygmy shrew survives by eating the insects and spiders that live in the, heather , Lapwing, curlew and red shank breed on the moors and there are sandpipers along
  13. There are predominantly green areas of pasture land and the purple and brown, heather ,moorland. The two kinds of scenery are the result of differences in the
  14. Other, less hardy plants can then colonize the dunes. Typically, these are, heather , heaths and horses. These too are adapted to the low soil water content and
  15. And put him into pain.: He said," I hunt for haddock's eyes: Among the, heather ,bright, : And work them into waistcoat-buttons: In the silent night.: And these
  16. Year, there is a municipality-wide celebration called Heidegger (Week of the, heather ,) which lasts a week largely involves traditional Dutch festivities, along with
  17. That otherwise would have been destroyed. These include a twisted skein of, heather , one of a very few known examples of Neolithic rope and a wooden handle.
  18. The reserve covers 1,677 hectares of machete, bog,freshwater locks, estuary, heather , moorland and hill. Over 200 species of flowering plants have been recorded on
  19. And flowering plants. Woods, hedgerows,mountain slopes and marshes host, heather , wild grasses, gorse and bracken. Larger animals, such as wolf, bear and
  20. Flood conditions. A 2003 wildfire in the North Yorkshire Moors destroyed of, heather ,and the underlying peat layers. Afterwards, wind erosion stripped the ash and
  21. Stony areas. Red grouse, which feed on young heather shoots, are abundant. The, heather ,is burned in strips by gamekeepers and farmers to encourage new heather growth
  22. Then, and continued to the island Long (Old Norse" a place overgrown with, heather ,"). The gods showed Henri the silken fetter Leaner, told him to tear it
  23. And what it is you do! ": He said" I hunt for haddocks' eyes: Among the, heather ,bright, : And work them into waistcoat-buttons: In the silent night.: And these
  24. Out. Heather then invades the area. Large areas of the moors are now covered in, heather , bilberries and grasses growing on thick layers of peat. The acid soils and
  25. The River Weaver. Ecology The grit stone and shale of the Dark Peak supports, heather ,moorland and blanket bog environments, with rough sheep pasture and grouse
  26. Small hills with small lakes in the valleys. The hills are largely covered with, heather , but bushes and trees are increasingly competing, especially birch. The highest
  27. Handle with an angled blade on one end. The peat bank is first cleared of, heather ,turfs. The peat, now exposed, is cut using the peat knife and the seats thrown
  28. Emperor Nigam) may also be seen amongst those bearing black fruit. Common, heather ,(Calling vulgarism) grows on the drier Beaten and occasionally the
  29. Grouse shooting as a means of gaining financial return from the vast expanse of, heather , There is richer farmland across the southern limestone belt, where there are
  30. Tension. A few types of honey have unusual viscous properties. Honey from, heather ,or Hanuka display isotropic properties. These types of honey enter a gel-like
  31. Park in North Yorkshire, England. The moors are one of the largest expanses of, heather ,moorland in the United Kingdom. It covers an area of, and it has a population
  32. Olive, going " in single file threading the narrow paths that run through the, heather ,". Christopher, who was an only child born in 1920 and whose closest childhood
  33. Dutch festivities, along with local customs. During the week, a Queen of the, heather ,and a Princess of the heather are elected from several candidates and will be
  34. All day the rain has glided, wave and mist and dream, Drenching the gorse and, heather , a gossamer stream Too light to stir the acorns that suddenly Snatched from
  35. Main bird habitats: * Open lowland heath, with various species of gorse and, heather ,: Hartford Warbler Sylvia data, Stonechat Nicola rube cola and Meadow Pipit
  36. Local people to enter to graze their livestock, collect firewood and cut, heather ,and bracken for animal bedding. The Forest continued to be used by the monarchy
  37. Rocky, with lower fells being open moorland, notable for its wide bracken and, heather ,coverage. Below the tree line, native oak woodlands sit alongside nineteenth
  38. OS/> The victim of elfin sport was a poor man, who,being employed in pulling, heather ,upon Peat law, a hill not far from Carterhaugh, had tired of his labor and laid
  39. Rising from the river at to above sea level, up Villa Moor (a bracken and, heather ,covered moorland, with rocky outcrops, to the south) and to across Middleton
  40. The site dedicated to Empedocles. * Ericeira, the heath family or the, heather ,family is a plant family, comprising mostly calcium (lime-hating) plants
  41. Fireweed, and sour wood. Some typical European examples include thyme, thistle, heather , acacia, dandelion,sunflower, honeysuckle,and varieties from lime and
  42. Or cannot can be seen in the middle of a large lake. * Knocklayde, a massive, heather ,covered mountain (1695 ft) crowned by Can Na Truth (the cairn of sorrow)
  43. Local customs. During the week, a Queen of the heather and a Princess of the, heather ,are elected from several candidates and will be the representative for the
  44. Work, Delius asked Fen by to" imagine that we are sitting on the cliffs in the, heather , looking out over the sea ". This does not, says Fen by, indicate that the
  45. Vegetation such as straw, water reed, sedge (Claim Marcus),rushes and, heather , layering the vegetation to shed water away from the inner roof. It is a
  46. And in winter, rarely,Hen Harrier Circus cranes. * Open areas of grassland, heather ,or gorse, with some bogs, interspersed with single trees or clumps of trees
  47. In principle making it easier to walk with the wind on one's back and with the, heather ,lying away from the walker. The walk took its name from the Like Wake Dirge
  48. On the ground for rootlets or the consumption of other plant material such as, heather ,shoots. The young birds will also take insects. Peafowl, junglefowl and most of
  49. On 16 April 1746. One difference is that it currently is covered in shrubs and, heather ,; during the 18th century, however,the area was used a common grazing ground
  50. The Millstone Grit laid down in the Upper Carboniferous era, and is covered by, heather ,moorland, hard crags and tors. Weathering of the Yore dale Beds has produced a

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