Examples of the the word, furnace , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Example in comparing Her 11.4 and Debut 4.20,both use the metaphor of an iron, furnace , Also, the impetus for religious reform appears to be aligned between Jeremiah
  2. From India and China were arriving in London and pellets of zinc condensed in, furnace ,flues at the Babelsberg in Germany were exploited for cementation brass making
  3. A multicolored core in a transparent exterior layer which is then annealed in a, furnace , More economically, millefiori beads can also be made by limiting the
  4. Plant. Portland blast furnace cement contains up to 70 % ground granulated blast, furnace ,slag, with the rest Portland clinker and a little gypsum. All compositions
  5. Libraries collection began in 1771,when Richard Smith, owner of a local blast, furnace , used community contributions to buy 200 books in London. Patrons could borrow
  6. Or suffer damage, so they are usually removed before the body goes into the, furnace , Pacemakers are removed prior to cremation - if they were left in they could
  7. 16th century, King James IV of Scotland kept an alchemist, John Damian, and a, furnace ,of the quintessence in Stirling Castle. In England, the topic of alchemy in
  8. 2011. Format is a constellation in the southern sky. Its name is Latin for, furnace , It was identified in the 18th century and is now one of the 88 modern
  9. Three different heating techniques are used in actual hydrolyzers: Isothermal, furnace , inductive heating (Curie Point filament),and resistive heating using
  10. Coke is used as a fuel and as a reducing agent in smelting iron ore in a blast, furnace , The coking coal should be low in sulfur and phosphorus so that they do not
  11. The Bessemer process for steel making. Sir Henry Bessemer had invented the, furnace ,which allowed the high carbon content of pig iron to be burnt away in a
  12. The coke must be strong enough to resist the weight of overburden in the blast, furnace , which is why coking coal is so important in making steel using the
  13. Pit. When this happens," smoke rises from the Abyss like smoke from a gigantic, furnace , The sun and sky are darkened by the smoke form the Abyss" ( 9:2). #### From
  14. Child of Abraham" ( Batch 32b). *"It is better to cast oneself into a fiery, furnace ,than publicly to put to shame one's fellow creature" ( Lava Media 59a).
  15. The angels will separate the evil from the righteous and throw them into the, furnace ,of unquenchable fire. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom
  16. Material which is obtained by decomposing B2O3 with carbon in the electric, furnace ,: :2 B2O3 + 7 C → B4C + 6 CO Boron carbide's structure is only approximately B4C
  17. Filter, also known as Sparkler filter. * Furnaces use filtration to prevent the, furnace ,elements from fouling with particulates. * Pneumatic conveying systems often
  18. Correction An alternating magnetic field is applied at the atomizer (graphite, furnace ,) to split the absorption line into three components, the π component, which
  19. Extremely high temperatures, ~2000 °C, necessitating the use of an electric arc, furnace , In the US, this process was an important part of the late-19th century
  20. Calcareous fly ash has latent hydraulic properties. * Ground granulated blast, furnace ,slag (GGBFS or GGBS): A by-product of steel production is used to partially
  21. Been performed on the same day on which the three men were cast into the fiery, furnace ,; namely, on the Sabbath and the Day of Atonement (Can't. R. vii. 9).
  22. While a number of manufactured aggregates, including air-cooled blast, furnace ,slag and bottom ash are also permitted. Decorative stones such as quartzite
  23. Louis de Lacaille in 1756. He originally called it Format Chemical (" chemical, furnace ,"),representing a small solid fuel heater used for heating chemical
  24. Happy. The sled, thought to be junk, is burned and destroyed in a basement, furnace ,by Xanadu's departing staff. Cast and characters Major characters *Orson
  25. Greatly astonished when, at the moment that the three men were cast into the, furnace , the bodies of the dead boys moved, and,striking him in the face, cried out: "
  26. Cities of the plain as“ dense smoke rising from the land, like smoke from a, furnace , ” () This meant that there was not even ten righteous people in any of those
  27. Functions of two unlimited reservoirs of caloric. We will call the first the, furnace ,and the second the refrigerator. ” Carnot then explains how we can obtain
  28. Closed-loop" automatic control devices, include the temperature regulator of a, furnace ,attributed to Rebel, circa 1620,and the centrifugal fly ball governor used
  29. Of cartography in the 14th century *Catalan forge, an early type of open-hearth, furnace ,*Catalan vault, an architectural feature (also known as a Catalan arch or a
  30. However, some recycled carbon-magnesite brick is used as the basis for, furnace ,repair materials, and also crushed carbon-magnesite brick is used in slag
  31. Those produced by Portland cement. Slag-lime cements. Ground granulated blast, furnace ,slag is not hydraulic on its own, but is" activated" by addition of alkalis
  32. Supersulfated cements. These contain about 80 % ground granulated blast, furnace ,slag,15 % gypsum or anhydrite and a little Portland clinker or lime as an
  33. Alloy in quantity in the United States and England using smelters like the, furnace ,of Carl Wilhelm Siemens by 1886. Charles Martin Hall of Ohio in the U. S. and
  34. Pulverized and then combusted (burned) in a furnace with a boiler. The, furnace ,heat converts boiler water to steam, which is then used to spin turbines which
  35. Oxygen is given below.: Iron is reduced from its oxides with coke in a blast, furnace , producing pig iron and carbon dioxide:: Yeast metabolizes sugar to produce
  36. But with Cajun seasoning. **Baking - direct and indirect dry heat in a, furnace ,or oven, faster than smoking but slower than grilling. **Grilling - direct heat
  37. And terrible day of the Lord. " That day is described as the burning of a great, furnace ," ... so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. " () Traditionally
  38. That is, hardening ) of steel when the object is too large to fit into a, furnace , One curious discovery of acetylene is on Enclaves, a moon of Saturn. Natural
  39. Tool steel until the early 1900s. With the introduction of the blast, furnace ,to Europe in the Middle Ages, pig iron was able to be produced in much higher
  40. Typically HQ was supplied by a boiler, wherein water was boiled over a, furnace ,; QC was typically a stream of cold flowing water in the form of a condenser
  41. His farm, at least until 1762. In that year, he became part owner of an iron, furnace ,in Salisbury. He also married Mary Bronson, a woman five years his senior
  42. Used the principle of the parabolic reflector in a manner similar to a solar, furnace , A test of the Archimedes heat ray was carried out in 1973 by the Greek
  43. Detectors, matches,pound locks, the double-action piston pump, blast, furnace , and cast iron, the iron plow, the multi-tube seed drill, the suspension
  44. Generation, it is usually pulverized and then combusted (burned) in a, furnace ,with a boiler. The furnace heat converts boiler water to steam, which is then
  45. No bigger than a man's hand "; Tommy Flowers personally burned blueprints in a, furnace ,at Dolls Hill. Some parts, sanitised as to their original use, were taken to
  46. Electrical systems. For example, a thermocouple might be used to help ensure a, furnace ,'s temperature remains constant. For this reason, instrumentation engineering
  47. For use in refractory (high-temperature resistant) concretes,e.g. for, furnace ,linings. Calcium sulfoaluminate cements are made from clinkers that include
  48. Be mixed with the clay lining (the" bod" ) used for the bottom of a cupola, furnace , When heated the coal decomposes and the bod becomes slightly friable, easing
  49. Did the sky look more terrible; for one whole day and night it blazed like a, furnace , and the lightning broke with such violence that each time I wondered if it had
  50. A prototype for all later lighthouses in the world. The light was produced by a, furnace ,at the top and the tower was built mostly with solid blocks of limestone. The

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