Examples of the the word, peel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( peel ), is the 7539 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is not listed in the Analects of Confucius as a sin. " Biting the bitter, peel ,", a euphemism for homosexual relations, generally taken to mean anal sex, is
  2. Stars to other women who want a trip themselves. He then slips on a banana, peel ,and comically crashes into a film stage, which he then brings to life in
  3. Times might be 16 seconds for guards,14 seconds for draws, and 9 seconds for, peel ,weight. The back line to hog line speed is used principally by sweepers to get
  4. And often (though not always) garnished with a sprig of rosemary and/or lemon, peel , When sweet vermouth is preferred, it is a" sweet rosemary ", when Scotch is
  5. Colored fruit. The fruit is small and usually round but can be oval shaped. The, peel ,has a sweet flavor, but the fruit has a sour center. The fruit can be eaten
  6. If each additional layer contains less oil, the final painting will crack and, peel , There are many other media that can be used in oil painting, including cold
  7. Sweet or hot pig's liver sausage, the sweet version containing raisins, orange, peel , and sugar * Budellacci - smoked, spiced pig intestines eaten raw, spit-roasted
  8. Acrylic paint. Acrylics are used for this purpose because they easily scrape or, peel ,from a surface. Differences between acrylic and oil paint The vehicle and
  9. Christmas traditional bread made with a yeast dough along with candied citrus, peel , raisins and candied fruits * Throne – a candy made of honey, sugar,and egg
  10. Root, licorice root, cinnamon,almond, cubeb, savory,lime peel , grapefruit, peel , dragon eye, saffron,baobab, frankincense,coriander, grains of paradise
  11. Teams will normally attempt it, and it does not dominate the game the way the, peel ,formerly did. Steve Gould from Manitoba popularized ticks played across the
  12. Also contain dried Chinese mushrooms, dried baby shrimps, dried tangerine, peel , dried Sichuan chilies as well. Desserts Chinese desserts are sweet foods and
  13. Inconsequential domestic problems as the presence of three pieces of orange, peel ,in his umbrella stand. Poirot (and, it is reasonable to suppose, his creator)
  14. Beef. Guernsey Cache is special bread made with raisins, sultanas and mixed, peel , In July 2006 smoking in enclosed public places was banned, a law put in place
  15. Can be sweetened with sugar, or flavored with aromatic herbs or dried orange, peel ,to hide its bitter flavor. Hot water is poured into the gourd at near-boiling
  16. Kumquat are grown specially in India. Composition The essential oil of kumquat, peel ,contains much of the aroma of the fruit, and is composed principally of
  17. Glýphein," to hollow out, engrave,carve" ( cognate with Latin global" to, peel ," and English cleave). Compare the carved and incised" sacred glyphs "
  18. In the presence of accenting citrus botanical, such as lemon and bitter orange, peel , as well as a subtle combination of other spices, including any of anise
  19. Seeds) are instead used. * Citrus peel , including bergamot, lemon and orange, peel , * Echinacea tea, often consumed to prevent or alleviate the cold or flu
  20. By volcanic eruptions. The chemicals found in acid rain can cause paint to, peel , corrosion of steel structures like bridges and stone statues to begin to
  21. Apples and nuts were often employed in these rituals. Apples were peel ed,the, peel ,tossed over the shoulder, and its shape examined to see if it formed the first
  22. Could be dangerous). A No board is a snowboard binding alternative with only, peel ,and stick pads applied directly to any snowboard deck and no attachment. Stomp
  23. Which the bottle's label boasts as" 10 exotic botanical" ): almond, lemon, peel , licorice, juniper berries, orris root, angelica,coriander, cassia,cube
  24. In this region refers to a boiling sausage made from pig's head, bacon,orange, peel , nutmeg and sometimes pine nuts or almonds. It is meant to be eaten within a
  25. one's future spouse is to carve an apple in one long strip, then toss the, peel ,over one's shoulder. The peel is believed to land in the shape of the first
  26. Ice, which form pebble on freezing. The pebbled ice surface resembles an orange, peel , and the stone moves on top of the pebbled ice. As the stone moves over the
  27. And turned to liquid, while his face became wine-colored and his skin began to, peel ,off. Finally, his stomach and bowels bled profusely. After more than a week of
  28. In this region refers to a boiling sausage made from pig's head, bacon,orange, peel , nutmeg and sometimes pine nuts or almonds. It is meant to be eaten within a
  29. Sweet or hot pig's liver sausage, the sweet version containing raisins, orange, peel , and sugar * Budellacci - smoked, spiced pig intestines eaten raw, spit-roasted
  30. Liquor as desired 1 piece ice in glass. Stir well and twist a piece of lemon, peel ,on top and serve Modifications In some areas, especially Wisconsin, brandy is
  31. Freeze shots. Takeouts are intended to remove stones from play and include the, peel , hit-and-roll and double shots. For a more complete listing, look at the
  32. Carve an apple in one long strip, then toss the peel over one's shoulder. The, peel ,is believed to land in the shape of the first letter of the future spouse's
  33. Smashed potatoes" ( a chunkier variation on mashed potatoes, retaining the, peel ,) have great popularity. Potato flakes are popular as an instant variety of
  34. Point (if they had the hammer). Alternatively, the team with the hammer could, peel ,rock after rock, which would blank the end, keeping the last rock advantage for
  35. Of pig with half its weight in pork fat and seasoned with salt, pepper,orange, peel ,and fennel. It is stuffed into an intestine casing, dried in a smoking chamber
  36. A slight variation, also generally accepted among purists: * Twist of lemon, peel ,over the top, and serve garnished with the lemon peel and a maraschino cherry.
  37. On deck ovens, the pizza can be slid into the oven on a long paddle, called a, peel , and baked directly on the hot bricks or baked on a screen (a round metal
  38. Root and seed, orris root, licorice root, cinnamon,almond, cubeb, savory,lime, peel , grapefruit peel , dragon eye, saffron,baobab, frankincense,coriander, grains
  39. Coffea plant; in coffee the coffee beans (seeds) are instead used. * Citrus, peel , including bergamot, lemon and orange peel . * Echinacea tea, often consumed to
  40. His gun will jam, a bird will fly in the way, or Tim simply slips on a banana, peel , Either way, there will be some logical force of the universe that will prevent
  41. Ice, one square piece. Orange bitters,1 dash. Angostura bitters,1 dash. Lemon, peel , 1 piece. Whiskey,1 jigger. Stir gently and serve with spoon. 1 dash Angostura
  42. To flower either by treatment with the gas in a chamber, or by placing a banana, peel ,next to the plant in an enclosed area. Chrysanthemum flowering is delayed by
  43. Guards,3.8 seconds for draws,3.2 for normal hit weight, and 2.9 seconds for, peel ,weight. Especially at the club level, this metric can be misleading, due to
  44. Christmas traditional bread made with a yeast dough along with candied citrus, peel , raisins and candied fruits * Throne – a candy made of honey, sugar,and egg
  45. Of pig with half its weight in pork fat and seasoned with salt, pepper,orange, peel ,and fennel. It is stuffed into an intestine casing, dried in a smoking chamber
  46. Purists: * Twist of lemon peel over the top, and serve garnished with the lemon, peel ,and a maraschino cherry. As with any recipe, many variations have been
  47. Is then stored dry. This method is used for the skins of citrus fruit (candied, peel ,), angelica and ginger. A modification of this process produces glacé fruit
  48. Of proteins of bovine and fish origins, and pectin is extracted from citrus, peel ,and apple pomade. Gelatin desserts like jelly or Jell-O are made from gelatin
  49. Which is typically encased in a two-piece plastic ring (sabot) designed to, peel ,away after it exits the barrel, leaving the bullet, now spinning after passing
  50. And other insects. The bird uses its enormous white bill to hammer, wedge,and, peel ,the bark off dead trees to find the insects. These birds need about per pair so

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