Examples of the the word, nd , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nd ), is the 7551 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. P. Reichenowi - P. falciparum in Pan panics: 2.2 MYA (range: 1.0 - 3.1 MYA),ND, that P. reichenowi - 1.8 MYA (range: 0.6 - 3.2 MYA) P. billboard - 1.1 MYA (
  2. Factor: less than 0.0004 at 20 °C 1 MHz *I nd ex of refraction: at 587.6 nm (, nd , ): 1.4585 *Change of refractive i nd ex with temperature (0 to 700 °C):
  3. Begin with mp or ND, like MTU, though truer penalized sou nd s like mp or, nd , do occur word-initially in other Bantu languages. A postnasalized stop begins
  4. Retreated to Tiruvannamalai for supplies a nd reinforcements. There Hyde Ali, nd , was decisively repulsed on 26 September 1767. With the onset of the monsoon
  5. In the late 1820s,European settlers of English, Scottish,German, Welsh,a, nd , Irish descent began moving into the area which was to become Nosh. The first
  6. With respect to the yellow He-d Fraunhofer line, commonly abbreviated as, nd , Lens materials are classified by their refractive i nd ex, as follows: This is a
  7. On ASAP Hall. ) *Percival Hall. ASAP Hall, Astronomer. Self-published, nd , (booklet,46 pp.) *George William Hill. A Biographical Memoir of ASAP Hall
  8. A Poet produced by Canadian filmmaker Maureen Judge. Bibliography *The Jinx ship, nd , othr trips: poms, drawings,collage - (1966) *Why during the League of
  9. Of arrangements of hyperplanes. An arrangement of n hyperplanes defines O (, nd , ) cells, but point location can be performed in O (log n) time with O (ND)
  10. Pulleys a nd does not change as the block a nd tackle moves. The velocities VA, nd , VB of the points A a nd B are related by the constant length of the rope, that
  11. Refractive i nd ex, n,the OPL for a path of physical length d is just: \math rm =, nd , \, If the refractive i nd ex varies along the path, the OPL is given by: \math rm
  12. Many primes which are congruent to a modulo d. The numbers of the form a +, nd , form an arithmetic progression: a, \ a+d, \ a+2d,\ a+3d,\ \dots, \ a nd
  13. Coprime integers a a nd d, there are infinitely many primes of the form a +, nd , where n ≥ 0. In other words, there are infinitely many primes which are
  14. Society: Big Trout, Black Gold: History of Alaska County, Michigan., nd , External links *http://www.kalkaskacounty.net Alaska County government
  15. Fourier transform, in order to decouple them. Put: u_n = \sum_IN U_k ex Here, nd , replaces the usual continuous variable x. The U_k are known as the normal
  16. Consonant (e.g. ff, ss or TT),ck, tz or a consonant cluster (e.g. st or, nd , ),it is nearly always short (e.g. often). Double consonants are used only
  17. Halted the German’s conquest of Belgium for a few days, giving time to the King, nd , the rest of the Army to dig their trenches in Fla nd ers a nd line up for the
  18. The route between the metropolis a nd Brazil, thus becoming a colonial symbol, nd , a funeral element of the flags of the future Brazilian kingdom a nd empire.
  19. Dread *L. Prague de Camp a nd Catherine Crook de Camp, editors – 3000 Years of, nd , Science Fiction *August Delete – The Chronicles of Solar Pons *Paul E. Erdman
  20. A nd five are not. Of the five invalid combinations, four include both the ", nd ," a nd " SA" clauses, which are mutually exclusive; a nd one includes none of
  21. Scott N-FK51A (, nd ,1.48656 / VD 84.47 / D 3.675 g/cm³),which is
  22. Crown glasses such as http://www.pgo-online.com/intl/katalog/BK7.html BK7 (, nd ,1.51680 / VD 64.17 / D 2.51 g/cm³),which is commonly used in telescopes a nd
  23. Last one not available precomposed in Unicode),as well as digraphs ch, mb, nd , NG, nt, rr a nd the glottal stop '. # Hausa has the digraphs:
  24. Of the artist's work (1879; 2 nd ed.,1892); a nd Fine Prints (1896;, nd , ed.,f9o5). External links The City of Portla nd was a named passenger train
  25. Microsoft scan dens, a nd some prominent associate shrubs being Ole aria radii, nd , Alseuosmia quercifolia. Native fauna species in the lake include northern
  26. Final position only: * Nasal + obstruct: mp, mf, ms,MB, nt, nk, n,NH, ns, nd , NG (however NH was simplified to h, with nasalization a nd lengthening of the
  27. At the beginning of a word. # Some words are pronounced either as d or n or, nd , depe nd ing on the dialect of the speaker. This is represented in the consonant
  28. Northeast (direction),one of the four ordinal directions ND, Nd,ND, nd , or n. d. may refer to: Places * Notre Dame (disambiguation),for a number of
  29. Nd) cells, but point location can be performed in O (log n) time with O (, nd , ) space by using Chazelle's hierarchical cuttings. Another special type of
  30. Except for, pronounced as j. Additionally, the digraphs ‹ KP, gb, mb, mv, nd , NG, ngb, nz › are pronounced, a nd respectively. ‹’ b ›, ‹ thank you ›, a nd ‹ Dy
  31. Pronounced with a trilled release; the primary feature distinguishing it from ‹, nd , › is that it is postalveolar, rather than dental/alveolar. The sou nd s a nd
  32. By plotting the Abbé number VD of a material versus its refractive i nd ex, nd , Glasses can then be categorized by their composition a nd position on the
  33. Before m a nd n). In Algonquin, vowels automatically become nasal before, nd , NG, nj or NZ. For example, kìgònz is pronounced, not.
  34. From Corridor Street to Constituents, Angela Penalty, Juárez,Madera, nd , Guerrero streets. The parade e nd s at the site where public officials open the
  35. Vary regionally according to the type of vowel that occurs before the sou nd s, nd , NS, nt, nce, nch, a nd male, a nd the pronunciation of the suffix" -a nd ". In
  36. If we denote p (a, d ) the least prime in the arithmetic progression: a +, nd , \ where n runs through the positive integers a nd a a nd d are any given
  37. Occlusion. The closest examples in English are consonant clusters such as the,ND, in ca nd y, but many languages have penalized stops that function
  38. A numeral a nd a word. 1st is" 1" +" st" from" first ". Similarly, we use ", nd ," for" seco nd " a nd " rd" for" third ". In the legal field a nd in some older
  39. Deal with social co nd itions. Increase expe nd iture on education for both Hitesh, nd , coloureds. Spe nd ing on colored education rose by 60 %, which led to the number
  40. In Kristina in Savanna (Scholar). In 1789 Dancer obtained the rank of 2:, nd , Lieutenant in the Scholar ranger regiment. He fought in the 1790 war against
  41. Swahili is well known for having words whose spellings begin with mp or, nd , like MTU, though truer penalized sou nd s like mp or ND do occur
  42. Refractive i nd ex, as follows: This is a general classification. I nd exes of, nd , values that are ≥ 1.60 can be, often for marketing purposes, referred to as
  43. Vary regionally according to the type of vowel that occurs before the sou nd s, nd , NS, nt, nce, nch, a nd male, a nd the pronunciation of the suffix" -a nd ". In
  44. Lay down a replacement, while in an Amsterdam-based piece, she left a, nd , a nd a scorpion side-by-side on a pavement. She has also secretly hidden moth
  45. Made from PQ *queen" person" by primitive fortification of the medial n to, nd , It was used in PQ only in the plural, *We nd i, with the sense" the people as
  46. Collage - (1966) *Why during the League of Canadian Poets do sum thing, nd , get an organizer for cross-country poetry reading circuit: sic press release. -
  47. These allow the lecturer to present their topic in much greater details, nd , depth than otherwise possible, a nd are often published. The Rhine lectures
  48. Who defined it. The Abbé number V of a material is defined as: V = \franc, where,ND, NF a nd NC are the refractive i nd ices of the material at the wavelengths of the
  49. Primarily numerals, a nd therefore few phonetic complements. An example is the,ND, of 2 nd 'seco nd ', which avoids ambiguity with 2 sta nd ing for the word 'two '.
  50. Mort lock River a nd the Mackie River. Most of these watercourse are ephemeral, nd , only flow after rain events in winter a nd spring. Some permanent pools exist

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