Examples of the the word, intentionally , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intentionally ), is the 7557 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Count of African Americans for decades. The NAACP believed it was undercounted, intentionally ,to minimize the significance of the black population in order to reduce their
  2. This is music composed for the stage and not for the concert hall, and Weill, intentionally ,chose that so. He wished to make his music speak out to as many people as
  3. Greatly to the Verfremdungseffekt by his music. Often the music would, intentionally ,be unsuited for the onstage action, preventing the audience from getting
  4. Not necessarily a mental goal). Taking our two dominoes, it requires someone to, intentionally ,knock the dominoes over as they cannot fall themselves. Aristotle marked two
  5. Be used to gain control of the flow of execution. In practice a program may not, intentionally ,contain instructions to jump to a particular register. The traditional solution
  6. Rude or unsportsmanlike, or having an perfect day, the pitcher may, intentionally ,hit the batter, disguising it as a pitch that accidentally slipped his control.
  7. Wars *Battle of Adrianople (1365) - Capture by Ottoman Turks A beacon is an, intentionally ,conspicuous device designed to attract attention to a specific location.
  8. Ability is not fully tested—and sacrifices and sacrifice flies—where the batter, intentionally ,makes an out in order to advance one or more base runners * Hits: times reached
  9. With the important question of how to confirm that specific sites are, indeed, intentionally , astronomical. The reactions of professional archaeologists to archaeoastronomy
  10. While a parry tends to deflect it. A" palm" or" cuff" is a block which, intentionally ,takes the incoming punch on that portion of the defender's glove. *The
  11. Is an issue in all amplifiers with feedback, whether that feedback is added, intentionally ,or results un intentionally . It is especially an issue when applied over
  12. People say still more, that some of the men who reach this island, come here, intentionally , They bring animals in their ships, destined to be sacrificed. Some of these
  13. Assault and battery. Assault is a common law crime defined as" unlawfully and, intentionally ,applying force to the person of another, or inspiring a belief in that other
  14. Berkelium were possibly produced in previous nuclear experiments, it was first, intentionally ,synthesized, isolated and identified in December 1949 by Glenn T. Seaborg
  15. Deity behind the oracle. The older tales mentioned two dragons who were perhaps, intentionally ,conflated. A female dragon named Delphine (δελφύς: womb) who is obviously
  16. BBC English" or" the Queen's English ". The BBC and other broadcasters now, intentionally ,use a mix of presenters with a variety of British accents and dialects, and the
  17. Can be very dangerous. When an umpire believes a pitcher has thrown at a batter, intentionally , a warning is issued to the pitcher and the managers of both teams. From that
  18. Bowls in the head without killing the end. A" block" shot is one that is, intentionally ,placed short to defend from a drive or to stop an oppositions draw shot. The
  19. Of the fielding team may be more likely to change pitchers or have the pitcher, intentionally ,walk the batter in order to face one who is less likely to succeed.
  20. Esther did not mean for the book to be considered as a historical writing, but, intentionally , wrote it to be a historical novella. The genre of novellas under which Esther
  21. 1999 – US President Bill Clinton is cited for contempt of court for giving ", intentionally ,false statements" in a sexual harassment civil lawsuit. *2002 – A female
  22. Below); walks issued without the catcher signaling – even if the pitches are, intentionally ,thrown outside the strike zone – are not recorded as intentional. Another
  23. May leave before a hand finishes, or in the middle of a planned session, either, intentionally , or because of connection difficulties. Computer bridge After many years of
  24. Americium was likely produced in previous nuclear experiments, it was first, intentionally ,synthesized, isolated and identified in late autumn 1944,at the University of
  25. Of transfused blood cells. Vaccines are examples of immunogen antigens, intentionally ,administered to induce acquired immunity in the recipient. Cells present their
  26. Feast. Almost immediately after, however,Job, who had been sent away, perhaps, intentionally , returned and slew Abner at the gate of Hebron. The ostensible motive for the
  27. Are about equal. Many battles of the Western Front in the First World War were, intentionally ,(Verdun) or un intentionally (Somme) attrition battles. *A battle of
  28. A reputation for throwing these kinds of pitches. However, throwing at a batter, intentionally ,is illegal, and can be very dangerous. When an umpire believes a pitcher has
  29. In fatal retribution. In Ancient Greece," hubris" referred to actions which, intentionally ,or not, shamed and humiliated the victim, and frequently the perpetrator as
  30. Constitutive of an object's art hood. " Anti-art is a label for art that, intentionally ,challenges the established parameters and values of art; when he was making art
  31. Built-in abstract data types The specification of some programming languages is, intentionally ,vague about the representation of certain built-in data types, defining only
  32. Abortion. Most abortions result from unintended pregnancies. A pregnancy can be, intentionally ,aborted in several ways. The manner selected often depends upon the gestational
  33. Civil assault into the definition of the crime making it a criminal assault to, intentionally ,cause another person to apprehend a harmful or offensive contact. Definition
  34. He felt that he was mistreated for his beliefs, but his opponents felt he, intentionally ,provoked people by berating them over religious matters or by defending the
  35. Users of logic) spend a lot of time and effort searching for and removing (or, intentionally ,adding) ambiguity in arguments, because it can lead to incorrect conclusions
  36. The opposite–they speak of quietly experienced but intensely felt emotions, intentionally ,hidden from others, without any indication of their being requited. It is also
  37. By early farmers," at first un intentionally in the garbage heaps, and later, intentionally ,in their orchards ". Zohar and Hope believe that almonds were one of the
  38. to cause injury. In the court's words:" For better or worse, being, intentionally , thrown at is a fundamental part and inherent risk of the sport of baseball. It
  39. Can turn a positive statement into a bad one, if the speaker uses ambiguity (, intentionally ,or not). The logical fallacies of amphibole and equivocation rely heavily on
  40. Common assault and battery. Assault (or common assault) is committed if one, intentionally ,or recklessly causes another person to apprehend immediate and unlawful
  41. With a runner on second base, Baltimore pitcher Todd Williams was signaled to, intentionally ,walk the Marlins' Miguel Cabrera. Noticing that the intentional ball came in
  42. Understanding, and is usually consciously created with this intention. Fine art, intentionally ,serves no other purpose. As a result of this impetus, works of art are elusive
  43. That might be present. The raft containing decontamination materials was then, intentionally ,sunk. A second Sea King helicopter hoisted the astronauts aboard one by one
  44. The south. Its use often conveys lighthearted informality, when many speakers, intentionally ,use a dialect or colloquial construction they would probably not use in formal
  45. To have cooperated with those who conspired to lose the 1919 World Series, intentionally , and Rose voluntarily accepted a permanent spot on the ineligible list in
  46. In California assume the risk of being hit by baseballs even if the balls were, intentionally ,thrown to cause injury. In the court's words:" For better or worse
  47. Arrested. Three days after Stanton's removal, the House impeached Johnson for, intentionally ,violating the Tenure of Office Act. On March 5,1868,a court of impeachment to
  48. Generally, an assault occurs when a person directly or indirectly applies force, intentionally ,to another person. It can also occur when a person attempts to apply such force
  49. Isomer. Furthermore, the element berkelium (243Bk isotope) had been first, intentionally ,produced and identified by bombarding 241Am with alpha particles, in 1949,by
  50. Argument has led many modern feminists to suggest that Wollstonecraft, intentionally ,avoids granting women any sexual desire. Cora Kaplan argues that the" negative

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