Examples of the the word, turbine , in a Sentence Context

The word ( turbine ), is the 7558 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. United States' electricity came from coal. The emergence of the supercritical, turbine ,concept envisions running a boiler at extremely high temperatures and pressures
  2. Nearly all high-speed and high-altitude aircraft use jet engines. Use of a, turbine ,is not absolutely necessary: Other designs include the pulse jet and ramjet.
  3. Turbine installation. In the Great Plains of the United States a 10 meter, turbine ,can supply enough energy to heat and cool a well-built all-electric house.
  4. Was of torpedo boat size, prompted the Royal Navy to order a prototype, turbine ,powered destroyer, HMS Viper of 1899. This was the first turbine warship of any
  5. 20th century in several key ways. The first was the introduction of the steam, turbine , The spectacular unauthorized demonstration of the turbine powered Turbine at
  6. Power. Either steam under pressure emerges from the ground and drives a, turbine ,or hot water evaporates a low boiling liquid to create vapor to drive a
  7. Lack sun for solar cells, some locations lack sufficient wind for an economical, turbine ,installation. In the Great Plains of the United States a 10-metre turbine can
  8. Directly applies force to components of the engine, such as the pistons or, turbine ,blades or a nozzle, and by moving it over a distance, generates useful
  9. At high speed to provide thrust. Turbojet and turbofan engines use a spinning, turbine ,to drive one or more fans, which provide thrust. An afterburner may be used to
  10. Nuclear fuel uranium oxide pellets, biomedical implants, coatings of jet engine, turbine ,blades, missile nose cones, bearing (mechanical). Frequently, the raw
  11. For operation of control surfaces, landing gear, and other equipment. A ram air, turbine ,is fitted to provide emergency power in the event of hydraulic failure. A basic
  12. Iran Iranian Railways operates many type of DMS in Iran. The first MU with, turbine ,was introduced in 1974 by ANF of France that in 2009 was converted to DM. In
  13. Of the steam turbine . The spectacular unauthorized demonstration of the, turbine ,powered Turbine at the 1897 Pithead Navy Review, which,significantly, was of
  14. Turbines with a nameplate capacity of 2 MW each. The hub height of each wind, turbine ,is, with a rotor diameter of. Aalbäumle observation tower On Largest mountain
  15. Wind generator,5 meters or fewer in diameter. On a 30-metre-high tower, this, turbine , can provide enough power to supplement solar power on cloudy days. Commercially
  16. Plant, with a reciprocating engine or a micro turbine , which is a small gas, turbine , Photovoltaic panels Unlike the solar heat concentrators mentioned above
  17. Both steam and natural gas. They generate power by burning natural gas in a gas, turbine ,and use residual heat to generate additional electricity from steam. These
  18. Into the ascent, one of the center engine's two high pressure fuel turbo pump, turbine ,discharge temperature sensors failed. Two minutes and 12 seconds later, the
  19. Or after separation, otherwise the temperatures would be too high for the, turbine , Another long-term option is carbon capture directly from the air using
  20. Customers in Lower Manhattan. In 1884 Sir Charles Parsons invented the steam, turbine ,which today generates about 80 percent of the electric power in the world using
  21. A prototype turbine powered destroyer, HMS Viper of 1899. This was the first, turbine ,warship of any kind and achieved a remarkable on sea trials. By 1910 the
  22. Tendency column about being a caddie in the Chicago suburbs. A compound, turbine ,is a steam turbine in which there are two casings, a high-pressure casing and a
  23. Fraction from nuclear fission and some from renewable sources. The modern steam, turbine ,(invented by Sir Charles Parsons in 1884) currently generates about 80
  24. Burning of fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, or petroleum). In hot gas (gas, turbine ,), turbine s are driven directly by gases produced by the combustion of natural
  25. Warship of any kind and achieved a remarkable on sea trials. By 1910 the, turbine ,had been widely adopted by all navies for their faster ships. The second
  26. Of the steam engine, the fluid changes phases between liquid and gas ... Gas, turbine ,A gas turbine is internal combustion in the sense that the combustion takes
  27. Instabilities. Combustion instabilities are a major concern in ground-based gas, turbine ,engines because of NOX emissions. The tendency is to run lean, an equivalence
  28. By gases produced by the combustion of natural gas or oil. Combined cycle gas, turbine ,plants are driven by both steam and natural gas. They generate power by burning
  29. Heat is generated by" burning" fuel, and that heat is used to drive a steam, turbine , normally located in a separate" power hall ". A typical coal-fired plant
  30. Or hot water evaporates a low boiling liquid to create vapor to drive a, turbine , ***Ocean thermal energy conversion (OPEC): uses the small difference between
  31. About being a caddie in the Chicago suburbs. A compound turbine is a steam, turbine ,in which there are two casings, a high-pressure casing and a low-pressure
  32. Later decreased to three, so the Army could divert funds to the V-114,also a, turbine ,powered tandem, but larger than the V-107. During 1960,the U. S. Marine Corps
  33. Purposes. Examples alleged by the journalists include the gear-less wind, turbine ,technology designed by the German firm Emerson and the speech technology
  34. War II and is still used in many smaller aircraft. Many larger aircraft use, turbine ,engines to drive a propeller in the form of a turboprop or prop fan.
  35. Engine stalls caused by rapid movements of the throttles and distortion of the, turbine ,casings after a short period of service. The problems delayed 747 deliveries
  36. Cooler deep and warmer surface ocean waters to run a heat engine usually a, turbine , **Water (hydroelectric) - Turbine blades are acted upon by flowing water
  37. Out almost to an emergency landing. The pilots used the aircraft's ram air, turbine ,to power the hydraulic systems for aerodynamic control. There were no
  38. Engine, the fluid changes phases between liquid and gas ... Gas turbine A gas, turbine ,is internal combustion in the sense that the combustion takes place in the
  39. S rays on a tower that in turn heats a water boiler to create steam, turning a, turbine ,to create electricity. Luz II, Ltd. plans to use the solar array to test new
  40. Produced) of a diesel engine remains nearly constant, as opposed to petrol and, turbine ,engines which use proportionally more fuel with partial power outputs. * They
  41. A" forger" shower head to reduce water use, a packaging toilet, and a vacuum, turbine ,for electric power. While not designed as autonomous per se,Fuller's concern
  42. Current technology. *Work is being done in developing ceramic parts for gas, turbine ,engines. Currently, even blades made of advanced metal alloys used in the
  43. For a small, fast cruiser to carry both belt and deck armor, particularly when, turbine ,engines were adopted. These 'light armored cruisers' began to occupy the
  44. A crank-conrod system for two of his water-raising machines. A similar steam, turbine ,appeared in Europe a century later, and eventually led to the steam engine and
  45. Modified by Marshall of Cambridge Aerospace as flight-test bed for the A400M, turbine , engine,the TP400. The C-130K is used by the RAF Falcons for parachute drops.
  46. The heat to a light-water secondary cooling loop, which powers a steam, turbine ,with an electrical generator attached to it. The exhaust steam from the
  47. Specifically for the C-130. At the time, the turboprop was a new application of, turbine ,engines that used exhaust gases to turn a shafted propeller, which offered
  48. That the combustion is not fully closed in and is outside the actual moving, turbine ,section. Traditionally," internal combustion" usually includes gas turbine s
  49. Like a propeller, be powered by a variety of methods such as a piston engine or, turbine , Experiments have also used jet nozzles at rotor blade tips. Other methods of
  50. Often water heating, from the output of a natural gas reciprocating engine, gas, turbine , or Stirling electric generator. Houses designed to cope with interruptions in

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