Examples of the the word, anomaly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( anomaly ), is the 7553 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 0.9 °F) averaged over the east-central tropical Pacific Ocean. Typically, this, anomaly , happens at irregular intervals of 2–7 years and lasts nine months to two years.
  2. Automobile insurance., whose special status including Sunday drinking, then an, anomaly ,in BC. Also, during the" MiniWac" regime (a reference to his father's
  3. Cos t: Y (t)=b\, \sin t Note that the parameter t (called the eccentric, anomaly ,in astronomy) is not the angle of (X (t),Y (t) ) with the X-axis.
  4. Computer security and programming, a buffer overflow, or buffer overrun, is an, anomaly ,where a program, while writing data to a buffer, overruns the buffer's
  5. This new and precise date tallies with the less precise dates for the carbon-13, anomaly , derived from sequences in Siberia and Namibia. It is presented here as likely
  6. Versions following the Pave Pronto modifications were equipped with a magnetic, anomaly ,detector (MAD) system called the Black Crow (AN/ASD-5),a highly sensitive
  7. Increases, and finally liquid again as the temperature rises over the ", anomaly ,interval" * Smart rubber utilizes hydrogen bonding as its sole means of
  8. To speculate that the experience of déjà vu is possibly a neurological, anomaly ,related to improper electrical discharge in the brain. As most people suffer a
  9. Distinctive fossils from the Precambrian coincides exactly with the carbon-13, anomaly , Fortunately, in the Oman sequence, so too does a volcanic ash horizon from
  10. To this coordinate system one has that: r = \franc and the range of the true, anomaly ,\theta is:: -\arc cos < \theta < \arc cos With polar coordinate relative to the "
  11. Each of the three known generations of matter. It is notable that the theory is, anomaly ,free with this matter content. The hypothetical right-handed neutrinos are not
  12. The chondroitin abundance. Bastnäsite tends to show less of a negative europium, anomaly ,than does magazine, and hence is the major source of europium today. The
  13. With the Dartmoor Pluto as with other such photons. Measurement of the, anomaly ,has helped to determine the likely shape and extent of the rock mass at depth.
  14. There are no nuclear reactions) * Conservation of baryon number (See chiral, anomaly ,) * Conservation of lepton number (In the Standard Model) * Conservation of
  15. El Nines were observed, in which the usual place of the temperature, anomaly ,(Niño 1 and 2) is not affected, but an anomaly arises in the central Pacific
  16. X + a\, \! Subtracting these equations one gets: r_2 - r_1 =2 a\, \! The true, anomaly ,In the section above it is shown that using the coordinate system in which the
  17. Coordinate system" as illustrated in the figure of the section" True, anomaly ,". Relative to this coordinate system one has that: r = \franc and the range of
  18. Century, Otomo was understood to have been a mere interloper, a pretender,an, anomaly ,; and therefore, if that commonly-accepted understanding were to have been valid
  19. However, the third-year data revealed that the effect was a statistical, anomaly , An experimental program is underway to further test inflation with more
  20. A hyperbola relative the near focal point as described above is called the true, anomaly ,of the point. Geometrical constructions Similar to the ellipse, a hyperbola can
  21. Would vary. # The Moon itself would move uniformly (with some mean motion in, anomaly ,) on a secondary circular orbit, called an epicycle, that itself would move
  22. With a runoff in case there is no majority winner. Austin remains an, anomaly ,among large Texas cities in that council members are elected on an at-large
  23. Whom Donna names" Jenny" as a result of his describing her as" a generated, anomaly , " Companions The Doctor almost always shares his adventures with up to three
  24. With sensors such as songbooks, wire-mounted dipping sonar and magnetic, anomaly ,detectors to identify possible threats, and torpedoes or depth-charges to
  25. Suggestion is that changes were made irregularly, only when the seasonal, anomaly ,was too great to be ignored any longer. (Bend, Head of All Years, p. 19-20
  26. The motion of the Moon is not uniform: its speed varies. This is called its, anomaly , and it repeats with its own period; the anomalistic month. The Chaldean's took
  27. This particular employee's address is. This phenomenon is known as an update, anomaly , * There are circumstances in which certain facts cannot be recorded at all.
  28. That it is an act of" precognition" or" prophecy ", but rather that it is an, anomaly ,of memory, giving the false impression that an experience is" being recalled "
  29. By setting the Course Code to null. This phenomenon is known as an insertion, anomaly , * There are circumstances in which the deletion of data representing certain
  30. Century, Otomo was understood to have been a mere interloper, a pretender,an, anomaly ,; and therefore, if that commonly-accepted understanding were to have been valid
  31. Of altered sedimentary rock on top of the granite. A considerable gravity, anomaly ,is associated with the Dartmoor Pluto as with other such photons. Measurement
  32. For these reasons, Ada is widely used in critical systems, where any, anomaly ,might lead to very serious consequences, e. g., accidental death, injury or
  33. Century, Otomo was understood to have been a mere interloper, a pretender,an, anomaly ,; and therefore, if that commonly-accepted understanding were to have been valid
  34. Usual place of the temperature anomaly (Niño 1 and 2) is not affected, but an, anomaly ,arises in the central Pacific (Niño 3.4). The phenomenon is called Central
  35. Courses" table described in the previous example suffers from this type of, anomaly , for if a faculty member temporarily ceases to be assigned to any courses, we
  36. Also deleting the faculty member. This phenomenon is known as a deletion, anomaly , Minimize redesign when extending the database structure When a fully
  37. With whom they share the Suborder California. All Felix species share a genetic, anomaly ,that prevents them from tasting sweetness. Characteristics Fe lids are purely
  38. Lionel Jo spin, who was prime minister at the time, to declare the Senate an ", anomaly ,". Legislation adoption procedures Statute legislation may be proposed by the
  39. By much simpler ground antennas and receivers. If the spacecraft detects an, anomaly , it changes the carrier between four tones, based on urgency. Ground receivers
  40. Tear it. Because it happened only weeks before Jupiter Orbit Insertion,the, anomaly ,prompted engineers to sacrifice data acquisition of almost all the Io and
  41. Stabilized by hydrogen bonds. * The presence of hydrogen bonds can cause an, anomaly ,in the normal succession of states of matter for certain mixtures of chemical
  42. Ä; in some varieties of standard German, and have merged into, removing this, anomaly , In that case, pairs like Bare/Learn 'bears/berries' or Are/Eyre 'spike (
  43. But are not officially cited as cities. The situation in London is a historical, anomaly ,: the City of Westminster and the City of London are geographically small but
  44. Treatment of cardiac diseases, such as the Tetralogy of Ballot and Ebstein's, anomaly , He was promoted to Professor of Surgical Science in the Department of Surgery
  45. Or using other methods based on orbital energy and angular momentum * Eccentric, anomaly , the angle between the direction of periapsis and the current position of an
  46. Polar form is: r=\franc. The angle \theta in these formulas is called the true, anomaly ,of the point. The numerator a (1-e^) of these formulas is the semi-latus
  47. Earths. This ion-exchange process is the basis of the" negative europium, anomaly ,", the low europium content in many lanthanide minerals such as magazine
  48. The parameters from three positions of the Moon, at particular phases of its, anomaly , In fact, he did this separately for the eccentric and the epicycle model.
  49. In minerals relative to other rare earth elements is known as the europium, anomaly , Europium is commonly included in trace element studies in geochemistry and
  50. Rocks (rocks that cooled from magma or lava). The nature of the europium, anomaly ,found helps reconstruct the relationships within a suite of igneous rocks.

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