Examples of the the word, leftist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( leftist ), is the 7552 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Akin, comprising several distinct organizations that promote a type of, leftist ,Basque nationalism that is often referred to by the Basque-language term Ever
  2. Years, at least from the 1960s to the 1980s,Guthrie had taken a decidedly, leftist ,approach to American politics. In his often lengthy comments during concerts
  3. 1981,accused the Sandinista's of importing Cuban-style socialism and aiding, leftist ,guerrillas in El Salvador. On 4 January 1982,Reagan signed the top secret
  4. Movement, along with the continuing destabilizing efforts by both the elite and, leftist ,movements, has led to a deterioration of the executive office. The populace and
  5. Democrats. However, a national unity government was not achieved do to the, leftist ,ABEL and centrist Democratic Party rejecting the offer, preferring to remain
  6. And a few of his other comrades in the National Assembly, represented the only, leftist ,group at the time. In 1967,when the party split into the Half and the Parch am
  7. And ordered troops to the country's border following a Colombian raid against, leftist ,rebels inside Ecuador March 2,2008. The Colombian director of national police
  8. Ahead to capture Beijing. However, in January 1927,Wang Jingle and his KMT, leftist ,allies took the city of Wuhan amid much popular mobilization and fanfare.
  9. That reached across all audiences. " Camus was an editor of the most popular, leftist ,(former French Resistance) newspaper Combat; Sartre launched his journal of
  10. Parties) strengthened and supported the separatism of ethnic minorities. These, leftist ,or left-liberal pro-Entente maverick parties opposed the monarchy as a form of
  11. MDMA to the U. S. Criticism Critics from the left cite episodes that undercut, leftist ,governments or showed support for Israel. Others cite human rights abuses and
  12. Oppose their identity and religion. Especially in the public sector. Opposition, leftist ,parties allege that the Shiv Sent has done little to solve the problem of
  13. Monarchy collapsed. In the capital cities of Vienna and Budapest the, leftist ,and liberal movements and politicians (the opposition parties) strengthened
  14. Combinations of social and ecological awareness, government propaganda, and, leftist , viewpoints. Frank Capra's Why We Fight (1942–1944) series was a newsreel
  15. Of the fractured labour-political spectrum that would generate a host of fringe, leftist ,and rightist parties, including those who would eventually form the
  16. Of Tswana before a crowd of thousands of Aymara people and representatives of, leftist ,movements from across Latin America. Though highly symbolic, this ritual was
  17. United States. Despite this Fidel Castro became an influential figurehead for, leftist ,groups in the region, extending support to Marxist Revolutionary movements
  18. Their influence is mostly imaginary:" Professors of humanities, with all their, leftist ,fantasies, have little direct knowledge of American life and no impact whatever
  19. In Angola began in the 1960s when relations were established with the, leftist ,Movement for the Popular Liberation of Angola (MPA). The MPA was one of
  20. Votes from the left-of-center Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (SOE),the, leftist ,United Left (IU) and the right-of-center People's Party (PP),approved a
  21. Traps about 2,500 others northwest of Pontus. *1974 – Carnation Revolution: A, leftist ,military coup in Portugal overthrows the Estado Nova regime and eventually
  22. A third inmate, Mier Mohammad Kiddie Far hang, initiated both to pro-Moscow, leftist ,views. After graduation, he entered the Ministry of Planning, keeping in close
  23. Branch of the right-of-center PP) and VULVA (Andalusian branch of the, leftist ,IU). Judicial power The High Court of Andalusia (Tribunal Superior de
  24. Have financed this deficit with the emission of bonds, something the, leftist ,party FMLN has opposed. Debates surrounding the emission of bonds have stalled
  25. Left of the spectrum, and the NVA, more conservative moderate nationalism; the, leftist ,alternative/ecological Green!; the short-lived anarchistic libertarian spark
  26. Of a second Junta to change the political environment and stop the spread of a, leftist ,insurrection. Napoleon Duarte was recalled from his exile in Venezuela to head
  27. Where Cuba was most active, supporting a total of 17 liberation movements or, leftist ,governments, in countries including Angola, Ethiopia,Guinea-Bissau and
  28. Of Bolshevist influence in Northern Europe, and an increase of radical, leftist ,political activity and social unrest in Sweden. Moreover, there were some
  29. Chong),Chiang halted his campaign and prepared a violent break with Wang's, leftist ,elements, which he believed threatened his control of the KMT. Now with an
  30. Prime minister in January 1983. The internal political struggle and Sankara's, leftist ,rhetoric led to his arrest and subsequent efforts to bring about his release
  31. 2003,and has come back to power in the 2010 election. Between 2003 and 2010,a, leftist ,coalition, composed by the Catalan Socialists' Party, the pro-independence
  32. Like the Jeshua Film Company (" Culture Films" ), moved away from the, leftist ,tradition and explored the evolution and development of other dramatic genres.
  33. Verbally baited the business community and the rest of the political right. The, leftist ,elements within Velasco's Democratic Alliance, which dominated the constituent
  34. Did not take this teaching literally and even managed to reconcile it with the, leftist ,ideas of internationalism and class struggle. The original text of the Tanya
  35. Point contends that the environmental movement has been taken over by so called, leftist ,with an agenda beyond environmental protection. Several books after the middle
  36. Arrested and later executed. The incident changed Dos Passes' opinion of the, leftist ,republicans, which created a rift between him and Hemingway, who spread a rumor
  37. Radio Wino, but was dismissed, an action described as stemming from either his, leftist ,views or for views overly sympathetic to Lithuania. Miłosz wrote all his poetry
  38. Revolutionary Party, or PRD) in exile, during the Trujillo years. His, leftist ,policies, including land redistribution, nationalization of certain foreign
  39. Canada, and France Goldman found it difficult to acclimate to the German, leftist ,community. Communists despised her outspokenness about Soviet repression;
  40. Desire for greater autonomy and/or independence is particularly common among, leftist ,Basque nationalists. The right of self-determination was asserted by the Basque
  41. Support of a local warlord, ( Li Mongrel of Jiangxi). Eventually, Wang and his, leftist ,party surrendered to Chiang and joined him in Nanjing. In the Central Plains
  42. And Bolivia again entered a period of political turmoil. CIA activities and, leftist ,insurgency The CIA had been active in providing finances and training to the
  43. Liberal monarchists and others) argue that the application of so-called ", leftist ," anarchist ideals (e.g. the forceful redistribution of wealth from one set
  44. Sankara, Compaore, Capt. Henri Congo, and Maj. Jean-Baptiste Singeing—all, leftist ,military officers—dominated the regime. On 4 August 1984,as a final result of
  45. That continues to drive China's economy today. He stated that the ", leftist ," elements of Chinese society were much more dangerous than" rightist" ones.
  46. Expressing a staunchly left-wing view of contemporary America. Unlike other, leftist ,punk bands who use more direct sloganeering, Dead Kennedy's' lyrics were often
  47. Of Independence from Russia in 1917 was followed by a civil war in which the, leftist ,side was defeated with German support. Finland fought World War II as
  48. Former French Resistance) newspaper Combat; Sartre launched his journal of, leftist ,thought, Les Temps Moderns, and two weeks later gave the widely reported
  49. Such as the Communist Party of Spain and the formation of various nationalist, leftist ,parties. Today After the death of Franco, there was a pro-independence armed
  50. Countries of the Caribbean Community. Americas Cuba has supported a number of, leftist ,groups and parties in Latin America and the Caribbean since the 1959 revolution

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