Examples of the the word, disparity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disparity ), is the 7550 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Drawn by sheer animal magnetism, eventually consents to marry despite the, disparity ,of their social positions. This breach of propriety is nullified by the
  2. Known as Hering's law of equal innervation, vertical Hooters, and binocular, disparity , and improved on the theories of binocular vision, motion perception and
  3. The differing tactical roles of the F-86 and MiG-15 may have contributed to the, disparity ,in losses: MiG-15s primarily targeted B-29 bombers and ground-attack
  4. 89 % of the population is literate. Population density figures conceal a great, disparity ,between the republic's the most crowded island, Nzwani, which had a density of 470
  5. States House Un-American Activities Committee. Her testimony described the, disparity ,between her personal experiences in the Soviet Union and the portrayal of it in
  6. The literacy rate in Bangladesh rose to 56.5 % in 2009. There is some gender, disparity , though, as literacy rates are 62 % among men and 51 % among women, according
  7. The elected office of deputy was created though this did little to redress the, disparity ,of representation between the rural and urban parishes: in 1854 St Helper
  8. Books, psychology,and some modern expressions of Christianity have viewed this, disparity ,in terms of grace being an innate quality within all people who must be
  9. In which Finnish women lived needed to be improved. Most striking was the, disparity ,in wages. Although women made up just under half the work force and had a
  10. A matador. This is rarely seen in professional boxing as it requires a great, disparity ,in skill level to execute. Technically speaking it has been said that there is
  11. Ensued, ending some years later with a price tag of 800,000 gold francs. The, disparity ,between the apparent value of the painting and the poor estate of Millet's
  12. American culture. However, many last names were altered slightly due to the, disparity ,between English and other languages in the pronunciation of certain letters of
  13. Time she can indulge herself. Sal Cinquain of Slant Magazine notes," The, disparity ,between Aguilera and Spears can't be measured solely by the timbre and octave
  14. There is a clear pattern of the purchasing power parity method decreasing the, disparity ,in GDP between high and low income (GDP) countries, as compared to the
  15. 2007 was $54,117,ranking first among the states. There is, however,a great, disparity ,in incomes throughout the state; although New Canaan has one of the highest per
  16. Issues: water resource problems (no natural reservoir catchments, seasonal, disparity , in rainfall,seawater intrusion to island's largest aquifer, increased
  17. It is not necessarily the rhythm that caused the audience to laugh, but the, disparity ,between the expectation of a" joke" and being instead given a non-sequitur "
  18. Have now been demolished. The Stadia for the 2010–11 season show a large, disparity ,in capacity: Old Trafford, the home of Manchester United has a capacity of
  19. From achieving higher performance from ILP techniques due to the growing, disparity ,between CPU operating frequencies and main memory operating frequencies as well
  20. Most major gaming jurisdictions. Tickets played for under 21 races have a great, disparity ,of late pay rules from casino to casino. Keno players are wise to read the
  21. To protect their own interests. The policy contributed to a widening wealth, disparity ,between the affluent coast and the underdeveloped hinterlands. Death and
  22. Affect glucose measurement: hematocrit and delay after blood drawing. The, disparity ,between venous and whole blood concentrations is greater when the hematocrit is
  23. And summer high temperatures) are similar for the two cities. This, disparity ,may be largely caused by Portland's urban heat island, where the combination
  24. Effects of historical marginalization when considered as a whole. The racial, disparity ,in poverty rates has narrowed. The black middle class has grown substantially.
  25. Themselves from their counterparts in lower leagues. Owing in large part to the, disparity ,in revenue from television rights between the leagues, many newly promoted
  26. Malays. The most vexed issues of independent Malaysia were education and the, disparity ,of economic power among the ethnic communities. The Malays felt unhappy with
  27. Adequate policy to address the concerns of the urban youth. The problem is the, disparity ,between their life and what they see on television. As the youth cannot find
  28. Is marked by a major thermocline, halocline and monocline at and this density, disparity ,is the major mechanism for isolation of the deep water. Below the monocline
  29. In which Finnish women lived needed to be improved. Most striking was the, disparity ,in wages. Although women made up just under half the work force and had a
  30. Is a growing problem, and several desalination plants are planned. The economic, disparity ,between the two communities is pronounced. Although the economy operates on a
  31. And others — and discriminates against one type on the basis of some arbitrary, disparity , This, to Rachels's mind, is probably the best objection to ethical egoism
  32. Could field only three carriers, eight cruisers, and 15 destroyers. The, disparity ,appeared crushing. Only in numbers of carrier decks, available aircraft, and
  33. Secularist celebrants. Title" Needs citation" class "[/IN"> no print">[ ] The, disparity ,between the two calendars is especially noticeable with regard to commemoration
  34. Off. A slave narrative by William Wells Brown published in 1847 spoke of the, disparity ,in conditions between the house servant and the field hand:: During the time
  35. The Barons in beginning in 1972. The new league ultimately created a financial, disparity ,that the Barons could not compete with. Local philanthropist George Gun III
  36. Rise of manufacturing and better infrastructure of the inner islands. Economic, disparity ,and the flow of natural resource profits to Jakarta has led to discontent and
  37. By international standards ". However, the government has stressed that income, disparity ,does not equate to worsening of the poverty situation, and that the Gini
  38. Parties out of power. His rule was further criticized for a growing, disparity ,between rich and poor. It was, however,praised for an ambitious infrastructure
  39. And be approved much faster than standards currently can be within WG1. The, disparity ,of rules for PAS, Fast-Track and ISO committee generated standards is fast
  40. Being further from the machine implies being closer to domain. Given the wide, disparity ,of concepts and methods across domains,4GL limitations lead to recognition of
  41. 20,000 people being added to the ranks of the unemployed every year. The actual, disparity ,between jobs needed for full employment and new jobs created exceeded that
  42. J. G. Ballard's 1975 novel High Rise featured a luxury arcology in which, disparity ,between social classes among the residents eventually led to widespread anarchy
  43. Spaces. " The initial clash favored the Dutch and Danish squadrons. The, disparity ,of numbers – exacerbated by Villeroy stripping their ranks of infantry to
  44. Of the NFL's reserve clause was dubious. Furthermore, the Court delineated a, disparity ,in American professional sports which the Court said was" unrealistic
  45. Outnumbered by a ratio of more than four to one. Name "/NP"> Tread"/> The, disparity ,grew as the Union controlled an increasing amount of southern territory with
  46. Names, mateine and guaranine, are derived from the names of these plants. The, disparity ,in experience and effects between the various natural caffeine sources could be
  47. The keno grid and the payouts increase with each higher ball draw distribution, disparity , The same principle is applied for the Left/Right or Odd/Even pay tables. Other
  48. People would be much better off. This 'success' was coupled with a massive, disparity ,between rich and poor and a disturbing new level of corruption, and 90 % of
  49. Play each other. Bell's goal was to augment game attendances by keeping the, disparity ,in team standings to a minimum for as long as possible. Years later, Rooney
  50. Islands are considered extremely difficult: the main constraint was the, disparity ,in deployable air cover. The British had 34 Harrier aircraft against

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