Examples of the the word, gb , in a Sentence Context
The word ( gb ), is the 7554 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Albums hbe gb reuhbabrghbi heriwiuafuyhaljdhfkurenvf airliner Abner oohing, gb , rengerhg iuerhhgjnbre germ gjehuivhhreb ghbrtu gb efbh rehab jbdfvhbfh before
- Conservative Party in the 2007 provincial election. Peach (also known as Peach, gb , ) was a band from England that originally recorded between 1991 and 1994. They
- Legacy is the convention of using. Uk for British DNS domains, rather than., gb , as specified by ISO 3166., often abbreviated as Z. O. E., is a video game that
- Remaining: Hermes. Dra. Hmg. Gb, delos. Dra. Hmg. Gb and fine. Dra. Hmg., gb , Triumph-Palace (, transliterated as Triumph Palms) is the name of an apartment
- Number a and sends GA to Bob. # Bob picks a random natural number b and sends, gb , to Alice. # Alice computes (GB)a. # Bob computes (GA)b. Both Alice and Bob
- The following twenty-three consonants in common: b, m,t, d,ɖ, n,k, g,KP, gb , ɲ, f,v’s,z, χ,ʁ, r,RJ, l,LA, y,w. Vowels The following vowels are found
- De and. Net),with over 9.5 million registrations. The use of. Uk rather than., gb , for the top-level domain is due to its pre-existing use in the (now obsolete)
- Digraphs are used for nasal vowels and the labial-velar consonants KP and, gb , as in the name of the For language For be, and diacritics are used as tone
- 37 p. *http://www.tpub.com/content/doe/h1013v2/css/h1013v2_112.htm., gb ,is a reserved Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the United
- Includes the widespread West African labiovelar double-closure stops KP, gb , but the palatal series of the related languages (written ch/j in Dag bani and
- Values. They can, however,be specified as the way an OpenType font displays, gb , and KP digraphs. Labial–velar plosives also occur as elective and implosive (
- Was granted, and all UK domain names are now issued as. UK, rather than. Gb., gb , was used for a number of years, mainly by British government organizations and
- JPG|Mountain View from the Calvary of Estonia. Image: Estonia, gb , JPG|Photo from Los Realms to Gibraltar Image:
- Occurred; the use of. Uk is now entrenched, and it is impossible to register a., gb , domain. Unusually, the '. Co. UK' second-level domain within '. Uk' is more
- Bedetheque. Com * http://www.hyphen-comics.com/ffiche_persos_recto.php? ID 6≶,GB, Cubitus profile on Hyphen comics *
- Other ‹ GB › (capital ‹ GB ›) is used in Katie to write, a pre-nasalized ‹, gb , ›. Cape Males (, colloquially " Καβομαλιάς ", Cavomalias) is a peninsula and
- Next for each pair (a, b ) of terminals do: place an edge from the group of, gb , to the group of fa if a <• b, otherwise if a •> b place an edge from the group
- And has three known hostnames remaining: Hermes. Dra. Hmg. Gb, delos. Dra. Hmg., gb , and fine. Dra. Hmg. Gb. Triumph-Palace (, transliterated as Triumph Palms) is
- Cyprus) NI in Northern Ireland, or ENG for England). The internet code "., gb ,", although allocated to the UK, is virtually unused and UK web domains use ".
- Fa if a <• b, otherwise if a •> b place an edge from the group of fa to that of, gb , ; # If the constructed graph has a cycle then no precedence functions exist.
- Except for the labial-velar stops (written ‹ p ›) and (written ‹, gb , › ), in which both consonants are pronounced simultaneously rather than
- Domain is. UK, a break from the TCP/IP practice of following ISO 3166 (a., gb , domain has also been used to a limited extent in the past but is now defunct).
- One. Gb subdomain still exists in the DNS (as of 2010): DRA. Hmg., gb , belonging to Her Majesty's Government's former Defense Research Agency, and
- Galatea 455609&scale 100000&place Gal gate, Lancashire&coordsys, gb , travelling in the same direction. Gal gate once had a thriving silk industry and
- Assigned and does not exist in DNS. Only one subdomain is still registered in, gb , ( ISO 3166-1 for the United Kingdom) and no new registrations are being
- To and from these addresses. There were plans for eventual transition to., gb , to accord with correct usage, but this never occurred; the use of. Uk is now
- Research Agency, and has three known hostnames remaining: Hermes. Dra. Hmg., gb , demos. Dra. Hmg. Gb and fine. Dra. Hmg. Gb. Triumph-Palace (, transliterated
- End of string symbol; # Partition the created symbols in groups so that fa and, gb , are in the same group if a = • b (there can be symbols in the same group even
- Used. # Carol → Steve: I | A, with A = GA # Steve → Carol: s | B, with B = KV +, gb , # Both: u = H (A, B ) # Carol: Carol = (B - kg) (a + UX) # Carol: Carol
- Alphabet. ‹ GB › is used in some African orthographies for, a penalized ‹, gb , ›. ‹ NGC › is used in the Xhosa language to write the sound. ‹ egg › is used to
- Has dye/do. There are no glyphs assigned specifically to the consonant GW ~, gb , The result of these conflations is that the only syllables for which there is
- International Phonetic Alphabet equivalents for the characters: The grapheme ‹, gb , › and ‹ KP › are described both as coarticulated and as implosive, so both
- Turned into a quintet with Janusz Hryniewicz (VOC, acc g) and Andrzej Ruse (, gb , ) appearing as guests. The new line-up went on tour in 1993 and 1994 to
- This was granted, and all UK domain names are now issued as. UK, rather than., gb ,. Gb was used for a number of years, mainly by British government organizations
- With consonants such as MB and NG, and some speakers use the consonants KP and, gb , (For other Duke speakers, these are pronounced kw and GW. For example, the
- Rk2918 has Cortex A8 CPU runs at 1 GHz. Memory: 512 MB DDR2. Storage: 4-8,GB, Extendable via micro SDHC Slot Screen: 7" and 10" LCD screen 1024Touch
- Then even the best algorithms known today could not find a given only g, p,GB, mod p and GA mod p, even using all of mankind's computing power. The problem
- Name Registration Scheme, and this was incorporated into the DNS root., gb , was assigned with the intention of a transition, but this never occurred and
- Remains in existence, but it is not open to new subdomain registrations. One., gb , subdomain still exists in the DNS (as of 2010): DRA. Hmg. Gb, belonging to
- And gab = GBA mod p are kept secret. All the other values – p, g,GA mod p, and,GB, mod p – are sent in the clear. Once Alice and Bob compute the shared secret
- IPA equivalent, except for, pronounced as j. Additionally, the digraphs ‹ KP, gb , MB, mv, nd, ng, n gb , nz › are pronounced, and respectively. ‹’ b ›, ‹ thank you
- n)=\sum_CD_k (n)by. Then there is a constant C depending only on b such that (, gb , ( n))n ≥ 1 satisfies: DO*_N (g_b (1),\dots, g_b (N))\LEQ C\franc. Where D*N
- Orthography, it employs the Latin alphabet modified by the use of the digraph ‹, gb , › and certain diacritics, including the traditional vertical line set under the
- For example, the United Kingdom, whose alpha-2 code is GB, uses. Uk instead of., gb , as its ccTLD, as UK is currently exceptionally reserved in ISO 3166-1 on the
- Keep up with demand and pace. However, as streaming HD video takes around 1.5,GB, of data per hour of video it took a lot of investment by the BBC to implement
- Qualcomm MSM7227 Memory: 256-512? Mb Storage: None internal, shipped with 4,GB, microSDHC Built in GPS (Normal version G2 does not have this option) Limited
- For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is GB, and the., gb , top-level domain was therefore delegated. The pre-existing JANET Name
- 2,p-2,to prevent small subgroup confinement attack. # Alice computes K = (, gb , mod p)a mod p. # Bob computes K = (GA mod p)b mod p. Both Alice and Bob will
- Demise of X.400 e-mail and IANA's general aim of one TLD per country, use of., gb , declined; the domain remains in existence, but it is not open to new subdomain
- Sends Bob GA mod p. # Bob chooses a secret random integer b, then sends Alice, gb , mod p. # Alice and Bob each abort if their received values are not in the range
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