Examples of the the word, infer , in a Sentence Context
The word ( infer ), is the 7537 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The task of an observer who seeks to understand the system is then to, infer ,the hierarchical structure from observations of these variables. This is the
- Recognizable that others are able to tell if one is making a roux, and often, infer ,that one is making a gumbo. *Light roux: The secret to making a good gumbo is
- Sagittarius A*. By fitting their motion to Depletion orbits they were able to, infer ,in 1998 that 2.6 million solar masses must be contained in a volume with a
- Years of nuclear decay took place over a short period of time, from which they, infer ,that" billion-fold speed-ups of nuclear decay" have occurred, a massive
- About 2005,computer scientists have attempted to develop automated methods to, infer ,aesthetic quality of images. Typically, these approaches follow a machine
- Certain conclusions about the action in a film. Montage works because viewers, infer ,meaning based on context. Although, strictly speaking, U. S. film director D.
- The decreasing value in exchange as value-in-use increases he extrapolates to, infer ,that the sum world total of value in exchange is a fixed constant. Therefore
- We might postulate that there is a first cause behind all things—God—we can't, infer ,anything about the afterlife, because we don't know anything of the afterlife
- The less pronounced nature of upper canine teeth in A. radius has been used to, infer ,aspects of the social behavior of the species and more ancestral hominids. In
- The change in trends over several years ". The pitfalls of such attempts to, infer ,a trend using just two data points (years 2003 and 2004) are further
- A or B" is true, and A entails C, and B entails C, then we may justifiably, infer ,C. The reasoning is simple: since at least one of the statements A and B is
- Applications of these models in recent years have been their use to, infer ,the consequences of increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, primarily
- Effects. Observational evidence The first person to provide evidence and, infer ,the presence of dark matter was Swiss astrophysicist Fritz Ricky, of the
- Broadcasts. In the absence of an apparent natural cause, alien observers might, infer ,the existence of terrestrial civilization. Therefore, the careful searching of
- Is homologous to the sequence of gene B, whose function is unknown, one could, infer ,that B may share A's function. In the structural branch of bioinformatics
- Bond In organic chemistry, certain configurations of electrons and orbitals, infer ,extra stability to a molecule. This occurs when π orbitals overlap and combine
- To one originally proposed by Leibniz. Given r, the rate of rotation is easy to, infer ,from the constant angular momentum L, so a 2D solution can be easily
- Though it is possible to trace a cause from an effect, it is not possible to, infer ,unseen effects from a cause thus traced. The friend insists, then,that even
- In 1974 just 74 km (46 mi) away from Ardi's discovery site. Researchers, infer ,from the form of her pelvis and limbs and the presence of her abductable Hall
- Hidden Markov model and change-point analysis methods are being developed to, infer ,real copy number changes. Another type of data that requires novel informatics
- Of science is: How does one move from observations to laws? How can one validly, infer ,a universal statement from any number of existential statements? Inductive
- Ritual formula recited daily by every Muslim. These students are inclined to, infer ,from these inconsistencies that both manuscripts may represent an exercise in
- Tension. Or perhaps we might guess that the energy is proportional to ℓ, and so, infer ,that. The power of dimensional analysis as an aid to experiment and forming
- Word of Chinese. " Since he does not understand Chinese, Searle argues, we must, infer ,that the computer does not understand Chinese either. Earle argues that
- Is used in a conversation about a meeting schedule, it may be difficult to, infer ,which meaning was intended. Many people believe that such lexically ambiguous
- Are all correlational, not experimental, designs,and so on cannot readily, infer ,causation from the data they yield. Nonetheless, correlational research methods
- His friend an objection: if we see an unfinished building, then can't we, infer ,that it has been created by humans with certain intentions, and that it will be
- Space—a mathematical representation of periodic structures that is used to, infer ,the original structure. APES can be used to determine the direction, speed and
- To apply to animals and not just humans. He believed that animals were able to, infer ,the relation between cause and effect in the same way that humans do: through
- Are good candidates for evolutionary adaptations including the abilities to, infer ,others' emotions, discern kin from non-kin, identify and prefer healthier
- Counterpart. Together, KREEP and the anorthosites samples have been used to, infer ,that the outer portion of the Moon was once completely molten (see lunar magma
- Or" stuck together by conspiring motions ", Newton states that he would rather, infer ,from their cohesion, that " particles attract one another by some force, which
- Comparing the anatomies of both modern and extinct species, paleontologists can, infer ,the lineages of those species. However, this approach is most successful for
- Different embryonic stages of different animals is a tool that can be used to, infer ,relationships between species, and thus biological evolution. This has been a
- Because we don't know anything of the afterlife from experience, and we can't, infer ,it from the existence of God. (Hume 1974:408) Hume offers his friend an
- Of Gospel of Barnabas, where we read: From the previous passages, we can also, infer ,that in the beginning, Paul and Barnabas were getting along with each other;
- Along with a knowledge of comparative linguistics) have led scholars to, infer ,the presence of a lost gamma in the original Ionic text of the poem. In this
- Estimate" is a statistic (that is, a function of the data) that is used to, infer ,the value of an unknown parameter in a statistical model. The parameter being
- That there was only one progenitor for all life forms. " Therefore I should, infer ,from analogy that probably all the organic beings which have ever lived on this
- Historical information, and,by comparing DNA sequences, geneticists can, infer ,the evolutionary history of organisms, their phylogeny. This field of
- Is true; then we are told that it is not the former that is true; so we, infer ,that it has to be the latter that is true. The reason this is called "
- The assessment was based on lead levels after five years,and so on could, infer ,that lead levels could meet or exceed EPA safe levels for lead after fifteen
- To which that region is transcribed into mRNA. Expression data can be used to, infer ,gene regulation: one might compare microarray data from a wide variety of
- Protein amino acid or nucleotide sequence homology (i.e., similarity ) to, infer ,taxonomy and evolutionary distances among organisms, but with limited
- Etiology. In epidemiology, several lines of evidence together are required to, infer ,causation. Sir Austin Bradford-Hill demonstrated a causal relationship between
- The replies to 4NT are more compressed, it is almost always possible to, infer ,which number of key cards is correct: 0 or 3,1 or 4,2 or 5. Evidence for that
- A person's embarrassment indirectly. When looking at an embarrassed person, we, infer , indirectly that the person is embarrassed by observing the red color on the
- Times would be X and Y NS. Thus, the time of the ion arrival can be used to, infer ,the ion type itself, if the evaporation time is known. From the above equation
- Line (with the width dominated by the Doppler broadening) to be used to, infer ,the temperature. Radar The Doppler effect is used in some types of radar, too
- That have existed on Earth, only one has become intelligent and from this, infer ,a tiny value for phi. Those who favor higher values note the generally
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