Examples of the the word, choke , in a Sentence Context

The word ( choke ), is the 7538 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Targets presented in a narrow range of distance, and only require one level of, choke , Others, like sporting clays, give the shooter targets at differing ranges, and
  2. On an average day, making it one of the world's most strategically important, choke ,points. This represents 33 % of the world's seaborne oil shipments, and 17 %
  3. Or side control, or using clinch holds and ground positions to set up strikes, choke ,holds, and joint locks. A grapple who has been taken down to the ground can
  4. S pieces at any time. They are shown as lakes on the battlefield and serve as, choke ,points to make frontal assaults less direct. The goal is to capture your
  5. Such as kudzu, tree of heaven, multiflora rose, and Japanese stilt grass, choke ,out growth of endemic plant life. Maryland's state flower, the Black-eyed
  6. Closing the slot openings at the base of the barrel, similar in function to the, choke ,in a carburetor. If the collar at the bottom of the tube is adjusted so more
  7. S dictum that guerrilla warfare should start in the countryside and gradually, choke ,off the cities. As the peasants' livelihoods depended on trade in the markets
  8. Combination of shotgun and shot shell to achieve the desired performance. The, choke ,should be tailored to the range and size of the targets. A skeet shooter
  9. Over a mandrel, or by threading the barrel and screwing in an interchangeable, choke ,tube. The choke typically consists of a conical section that smoothly tapers
  10. Used in metal. A characteristic metal drumming technique is the cymbal, choke , which consists of striking a cymbal and then immediately silencing it by
  11. Inductor, so that the modulator tube diverts current from the RF amplifier. The, choke ,acts as a constant current source in the audio range. This system has low power
  12. Third. According to Pravda," The workers of the towns and some villages, choke ,in the throes of hunger. The railways barely crawl. The houses are crumbling.
  13. Is sometimes known by the names given to it by miners: black damp (also called, choke ,damp or scythe). Black damp is primarily nitrogen and carbon dioxide and kills
  14. Barrels lets the shooter use a more open choke for near targets, and a tighter, choke ,for distant targets, providing the optimal shot pattern for each distance.
  15. Like A & W Engineering. Military versions of the Ithaca 37 with duckbill, choke ,were used in limited numbers during the Vietnam War by US Navy SEALs. It
  16. In 1948,Albania acted like a Yugoslav satellite and Tito aimed to use his, choke ,hold on the Albanian party to incorporate the entire country into Yugoslavia.
  17. Sediments. Glacial outweigh dominates the extreme southern latitudes. The major, choke ,points include Babel Man deb, Strait of Hormuz, the Lombok Strait, the Strait
  18. Barrels" have no constriction. See also: Slug barrel Other specialized, choke ,tubes exist as well. Some turkey hunting tubes have constrictions greater than
  19. Or by threading the barrel and screwing in an interchangeable choke tube. The, choke ,typically consists of a conical section that smoothly tapers from the bore
  20. Quarter, and Miller responded by making shot after shot. Miller also gave the, choke ,sign to Lee. The headline of the New York Daily News the next day sarcastically
  21. Firing of the weapon. Pump action shotguns with shorter barrels and no barrel, choke ,(or very little) are highly popular for use in home defense, military and law
  22. The ground, how to throw certain kicks while on the ground, arm bars, triangle, choke , and guillotine. They're also taught to defend against punches while mounted
  23. 72 to 74 cm (28-29 inch) barrel pump-action 12-gauge shotgun with a modified, choke ,can serve admirably for use as one-gun intended for general all-round hunting
  24. Fixes and improvements to the Lisp Machine OS available only to it, and thereby, choke ,off its competitor LMA, which at that time had insufficient resources to
  25. Used. This would also work at slightly supersonic speeds, but as the air will, choke ,at the inlet, this is inefficient. The Inlet is divergent, to provide a
  26. And island garrisons Wartime: * Blockade or protection of vital ship routes and, choke ,points * Tactical transport, support,and amphibious operations of ground
  27. Chokes, such as the Briley" Diffusion" line, actually use rifling in the, choke ,to spin the shot slightly, creating a wider spread. The Briley Diffusion uses a
  28. Bird, can go as high as 1500 micrometers (0.060 inches). The use of too much, choke ,and a small pattern increases the difficulty of hitting the target, the use of
  29. Off of center, are used to change the point of impact. For instance, an offset, choke ,can be used to make a double barreled shotgun with poorly aligned barrels hit
  30. Diameter down to the choke diameter, followed by a cylindrical section of the, choke ,diameter. Briley Manufacturing, a maker of interchangeable shotgun choke s, uses
  31. The same year describes how the smoke" does our lungs and spirits, choke , Our hanging spoil, and rust our iron. " Severe episodes of smog continued in
  32. Issues with regard to broadcast radiation and multicast traffic, and bandwidth, choke ,points where a lot of traffic is forced down a single link. Advanced networking
  33. Nose or face with a palm strike for the face or a claw hand to strike at or, choke ,the throat. It has been noted that high kicks (and other complicated kicks for
  34. A lake. The decline of Burka and the subsequent foundation of Stockholm at the, choke ,point of Riddarfjärden were in part due to the post-glacial rebound changing
  35. Of removing permanent magnetism (magnetic hysteresis) from an object. * A, choke ,coil (or choking coil) is low-resistance inductor used to block alternating
  36. To meet the needs of natural growth in the population. I will not be able to, choke ,the settlements. " On 15 October 2009,he said the settlement row with the
  37. Ace of Spades ", considered to be the definitive Motörhead anthem," put a, choke ,on the English music charts and proved to all that a band could succeed without
  38. Is often used as a beginners gun. However, the small charge and typically tight, choke ,make it more difficult to hit targets. It is also frequently used by expert
  39. WWII: A train stalls inside a railway tunnel outside Salerno, Italy; 521, choke , to death. * March 3 – WWII: The Order of Asimov and the Order of Shadow are
  40. Modulation. The RF amplifier plate voltage is fed through a “, choke ,” (high value inductor). The AM modulation tube plate is fed through the same
  41. Are commonly referred to as" S. G." ( small game) cartridges. Pattern and, choke ,Shot, small and round and delivered without spin, is ballistically inefficient.
  42. At differing ranges. Having two barrels lets the shooter use a more open, choke ,for near targets, and a tighter choke for distant targets, providing the
  43. Typically employ a cylinder bore, but infrequently are available in modified, choke ,as well. One example of a backpacker shotgun is the
  44. An academia) to map the gestation (in the lower loop),birth (at the, choke ,point),and development (in the upper loop) of the selected meme. Such meme
  45. A potential problem. A constriction in the end of the barrel known as the, choke ,is used to tailor the pattern for different purposes. Chokes may either be
  46. Pattern increases the difficulty of hitting the target, the use of too little, choke ,produces large patterns with insufficient pellet density to reliably break
  47. Usually the maximum expected range since that is the range at which a full, choke ,would be used, and where precise regulation matters most. Regional use The
  48. Have over single barrel repeating shotguns is the ability to use more than one, choke ,at a time. Some shotgun sports, such as skeet, use crossing targets presented
  49. Chokes Although choke s are potentially lethal techniques, a properly applied, choke ,hold, if released soon enough after submission or unconsciousness, causes no
  50. Of a conical section that smoothly tapers from the bore diameter down to the, choke ,diameter, followed by a cylindrical section of the choke diameter. Briley

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