Examples of the the word, someday , in a Sentence Context

The word ( someday ), is the 7556 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Creators" were inspired by the love of their city, with the dream that, someday ,their music would spread a message of peace and unity throughout the world ".
  2. Sent an e-mail to FBI headquarters saying," Whatever has happened to this, someday ,someone will die, and the public will not understand why we were not more
  3. By information-theoretic criteria. Revival Those who believe that revival may, someday ,be possible generally look toward advanced bioengineering, molecular
  4. Betrayed him. He also said at this time, according to Joe Mitchell Ch apple,", someday ,the people will understand all that some of my erstwhile friends have done for
  5. Deities named after the Aztec ruler, and often a part of the myth is that, someday ,the deified Moctezuma shall return to vindicate his people. In Mexico the
  6. Himself in ten years ";" Tony ... the Daniel Anthony Torrance that would, someday ,be. " Jack Torrance John Daniel" Jack" Torrance is a recovering alcoholic who
  7. Saw his mission as keeping the disparate units together in the hope that, someday ,a common goal would be found. General election Campaign The 1912 presidential
  8. Edwin the hope of Rædwald's support and held out the prospect that Edwin might, someday ,attain greater royal power than any previous English king. Pauli nus was assured
  9. The Dreaming which all travelers (specifically sailors) apparently dream of, someday ,finding. It sometimes likes to take human form and go wandering, using the
  10. The complete feminist," but she was convinced that the complete feminist would, someday ,achieve total victory. Death and legacy Crystal Eastman died on July 8,1928.
  11. Such as solar power, wind power, micro hydro, biomass and biofuels might, someday ,be used to replace some of these generators, but today the primary alternatives
  12. Asteroids). Materials that are heavy and expensive to launch from earth may, someday ,be mined from asteroids and used for space manufacturing and construction.
  13. Breakdown of ideas is clear in 4-14:9 Following this, the prophecy is made that, someday ,this will all be changed, that God will indeed have pity on Israel. Chapter two
  14. Origin and the creators of the probes, should any extraterrestrials find them, someday , Credit for naming the first probe has been attributed to Stephen A. Saliva
  15. Earlier sections of the tree – for instance, the early vertebrates that would, someday ,evolve into the family Homicide cannot be placed in any other monophyletic
  16. The entirety of existence using technology. In other words, human beings will, someday ,be able to master all problems and possibly even control the future using
  17. Kemp proclaimed:" I think it is important for all those young out there — who, someday ,hope to play real football, where you throw it and kick it and run with it and
  18. Wild populations of tomatoes. Costs and benefits of GMOs Genetic engineers may, someday ,develop transgenic plants which would allow for irrigation, drainage
  19. Eggs are too high. There is a great giant growing up in this country that will, someday ,take over the affairs of this nation. He is a little giant now but he is
  20. Is a controversial area because of the possibility that counterfeits might, someday ,reenter the coin market as authentic coins, but US statutory and case law do
  21. Would ever be more Cowboy Bebop. Watanabe's answer was" someday ... maybe, someday , " Titus Flavius Clemens (c.150 - c. 215),known as Clement of Alexandria (
  22. The young man's business and expressed the hope that he would be a great man, someday , The boy ended the conversation by saying," Well, Mr. Prime Minister, I can't
  23. Fiction differs from fantasy in that the former concerns things that might, someday ,be possible or that at least embody the pretense of realism. Supernaturalism
  24. Regardless of his/her contribution to purchase price. If the property is, someday ,sold or subdivided, the proceeds must be distributed equally with no credits
  25. While he thought successful academic attacks on Randall would be developed, someday ," I do not believe that anyone will ever discover an attack that will allow
  26. Was asked if there would ever be more Cowboy Bebop. Watanabe's answer was ", someday ,... maybe, someday . " Titus Flavius Clemens (c.150 - c. 215),known as
  27. The hydrogen peroxide to bleach the hair from the inside out. This finding may, someday ,be incorporated into anti-greying treatments for aging hair. Role in disease
  28. Ten years prior, King had read Ray Bradbury's The Veldt and was inspired to, someday ,write a story about a person whose dreams would become real. In 1972 King
  29. Joel stated that" a Cold War comedy called 62 Skid is one I'd like to do, someday ,". The Coen brothers have stated that they are interested in making a sequel to
  30. Telephone. At the time, it was imagined by early science fiction authors, that, someday , that light could be transmitted over copper wires, as sounds were. The idea of
  31. Explanation for Hawking's observation: a time machine will be built, someday , but has not yet been built, so the tourists from the future cannot reach this
  32. Surveyed for development. Curry had decided for himself that Carson City would, someday ,serve as the capital city and left a plot open in the center of town for a
  33. Of Dolly made it apparent to many that the techniques used to produce her could, someday ,be used to clone human beings. This stirred a lot of controversy because of its
  34. Groundwork for modern-day discoveries in immunology, and the field he began May, someday ,lead to cures for arthritis, AIDS,and many other diseases of the time. Was
  35. Friend, Grace McKee, became her guardian. It was Grace who told Monroe that, someday ,she would become a movie star. Grace was captivated by Jean Harlow, and would
  36. Hardware, with the theoretical implication that human consciousness may, someday ,be transferred to alternative media, a speculative technique commonly known as
  37. Became Speaker of the House, another character worried that he would ‘ wake up, someday ,in a country run by Newt Gingrich. ’” In its 2003 series“ John Kerry: A
  38. Grammar is a member of the Republican Party and has expressed an interest in, someday ,running for United States Congress. Grammar was a guest at President George W.
  39. Be absorbed in the acid wash. Other routes The direct oxidation of ammonia may, someday ,rival the ammonium nitrate pyrolysis synthesis of nitrous oxide mentioned above
  40. And produce rewarding sensations. Crick's suggestion that there might, someday ,be a new science of" biochemical theology" seems to have been realized under
  41. From Americans ”. He mentioned Osama bin Laden and said“ this man would, someday ,be known as the world's the greatest leader. ” Ms. Bryant said“ the picture that
  42. Which discovered its pathologic basis. Kraepelin was confident that it would, someday ,be possible to identify the pathologic basis of each of the major psychiatric
  43. Ease international tension and strengthen international trust to create, someday ,the conditions for a halt to the production of nuclear weapons, and treaty on
  44. But I'd still like to make a full, lavishly-animated Gorilla movie, someday , " On 24 October 2007,the official Gorilla fan site announced that a
  45. At the time of the prediction. As early as 1982 people were confident that, someday ,robots would: 1. Clean parts by removing molding flash 2. Spray paint
  46. Spanish-speaking countries. New forms of traditional music emerge elsewhere to, someday ,become themselves traditional folk music. Contemporary country music descends
  47. Going off to travel the world individually. The fable ends with," Perhaps, someday ,they’ll be married, and perhaps they will not. In any case, it is certain, they
  48. Once per week. Recent advances in passively stable magnetic bearings may, someday ,permit inexpensive storage of power in a flywheel in a vacuum. Well-funded
  49. Citizens are self-contradictory because the non-Jewish citizens might, someday ,become a numerical majority and vote to make the state non-Jewish:" The
  50. With the hope that healing and. It is proposed that cryopreserved people might, someday ,be recovered by using highly advanced future technology. The future repair

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