Examples of the the word, proximity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( proximity ), is the 7541 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Weather. The anchorage should also be suitable for other purposes; for example, proximity ,to shore is beneficial if the crew plans to land. Seabed Charts should indicate
  2. Usually gets several snowfalls each winter. This is not only due to its closer, proximity ,to the plains states, but also to the higher elevations found throughout the
  3. The young, ambitious architect was dazzled by his rapid rise and close, proximity ,to Hitler, which guaranteed him a flood of commissions from the government and
  4. Terrain where a prone soldier would be protected from ground bursts. However, proximity ,fuses can suffer premature detonation because of the moisture in heavy rain
  5. Ἄμμων Amman) in ancient Libya 'Sal ammoniacal' ( salt of Amen) because of, proximity ,to the nearby temple. Salts of ammonia have been known from very early times;
  6. Of the East African highlands, the last of these losing itself in the sands in, proximity ,to the sea. Another large stream, the Awash, rising in the Ethiopian mountains
  7. Into a collection of groups (called clusters),based on some measure of, proximity ,or similarity * Factor analysis – a method to construct models describing a
  8. The opposite wall of the church, stands outside the convent enclosure, in close, proximity ,to the abbot's house, that he might have a constant eye over them. The
  9. Algiers has a Mediterranean climate with warm summers and mild winters. Its, proximity ,to the Mediterranean Sea aids in moderating the city's temperatures. As a
  10. Stocks in some western armies. The early versions were often limited to, proximity ,air burst, albeit with height of burst options, and impact. Some offered a
  11. To urban areas during the industrial revolution. Industrialization meant that, proximity ,to trade routes became more important, giving the harbor city some advantages
  12. Which the electron pair resides. Electrons in an s orbital benefit from closer, proximity ,to the positively charged atom nucleus, and are therefore lower in energy.
  13. Would preserve and promote Carrel's ideals after his death. Due to his close, proximity ,with Jacques Doriot's fascist Part Popular Français (PPF) during the
  14. Country is culturally Persian and Turkic. Some non-Pashtuns who live in close, proximity ,with Pashtuns have adopted Pashtunwali in a process called Pasteurization (or
  15. And south central Alaska is mild by Alaskan standards due to the region's, proximity ,to the seacoast. While the area gets less rain than southeast Alaska, it gets
  16. Artillery shells which failed to detonate) and copying the fuse. The first, proximity ,fuses were designed to detonate about above the ground. These air-bursts are
  17. Superseded by that of the goddess An unit, whose shrine was at Sipper—suggesting, proximity ,of Sipper and Agate. Despite numerous searches, the city has never been found.
  18. AME avoids the preposition in most usages dealing with literal, physical, proximity , ( we live near the university),although the two reappears in AME when near
  19. Artillery 'unrelated projectiles' ( rockets) in World War II. Radar, proximity ,fuses were a big improvement over the mechanical (time) fuses which they
  20. Sports Academy, Burnham Road, Highbridge is so named due to its rough, proximity ,to Brent Knoll (a Beacon site) and Aphelia. *The King Alfred School in
  21. Completes an electrical circuit in the fuse which explodes the shell. The, proximity ,fuse itself was developed by the British to increase the effectiveness of
  22. C). Temperatures tend to be warmer in the southern part of the state with its, proximity ,to the Gulf of Mexico, while the northern parts of the state, especially in the
  23. The climate in the Andes varies greatly depending on location, altitude,and, proximity ,to the sea. Temperature, atmospheric pressure and humidity decrease in higher
  24. As a possible location, west of the Straits of Gibraltar but in relative, proximity ,to the Mediterranean Sea. Various islands or island groups in the Atlantic were
  25. A combined air burst and impact function. However, until the introduction of, proximity ,fuses, the air burst function was mostly used with cargo munitions—for example
  26. Usually needed adjustment because of inaccuracy in locating the target,the, proximity ,of friendly troops or the need to engage a moving target. Target location
  27. Armenian is that it has undergone several phonetic mergers; these may be due to, proximity ,to Arabic and Turkish-speaking communities. For example, Eastern Armenian
  28. In IATA refers to the more intensive cultivation of the different species in, proximity ,of each other, connected by nutrient and energy transfer through water. Ideally
  29. Was less important with cargo munitions that burst much higher. The first radar, proximity ,fuses (code named 'VT' ) were initially used against aircraft in World War II.
  30. For the departed; lists of names of those to be remembered being placed in the, proximity ,of the altar on which the sacrifice of the mass is offered. The legend
  31. The Outta Pit aka of the Pale Canon. Despite his long association with and close, proximity ,to the Buddha, Ananda was only a stream-winner prior to the Buddha’s death.
  32. Sat, which is called higher or lower (major or minor) according to the, proximity ,of the seats to that of the vice-chancellor),the others of the Lower Bar (
  33. Including Mexico, have become of increasing priority due to the geographical, proximity ,and cultural similarities. Angola has an embassy in Mexico City, and Mexico has
  34. Population listed in January of this same year was 176. The fear of Austin’s, proximity ,to the Indians and Mexico, which still considered Texas a part of their land
  35. Instead of upon impact. This can be accomplished either through time fuses or, proximity ,fuses. Time fuses use a precise timer to detonate the shell after a preset
  36. Such as Junghan's DM84U provide options giving, superquick, delay,a choice of, proximity ,heights of burst, time and a choice of foliage penetration depths. A new type
  37. Of Crux. Use in modern fiction Alpha Centauri's relative, proximity ,makes it in some ways the logical choice as" first port of call ". Speculative
  38. About 5 seconds before expected impact, they also detonated on impact. The, proximity ,fuse emerged on the battlefields of Europe in late December 1944. They have
  39. Stress is applied to the bond. Once the adhesive and the adhered are in close, proximity , molecular interactions, such as van der Waals forces, become involved in the
  40. Mechanism is thought to rely on the actions of calcium ions, as well as on the, proximity ,of certain transporter proteins. The long-term effects of amphetamines use on
  41. Instead of exploding above it. Since December 1944 (Battle of the Bulge), proximity , fuzed artillery shells have been available that take the guesswork out of this
  42. Fire: placed on enemy troops, weapons or positions which, because of their, proximity ,present the most immediate and serious threat to the supported unit. Two other
  43. Climate (Köppen climate classification CFB),strongly influenced by its, proximity ,to the North Sea to the west, with prevailing westerly winds. Winters are mild.
  44. What effects are required, for example, neutralization or suppression; *the, proximity ,of and risks to own troops or non-combatants; *what types of munitions
  45. Of current astrobiology research is the search for life on Mars due to its, proximity ,to Earth and geological history. There is a growing body of evidence to suggest
  46. Languages, particularly Spanish, Portuguese,and Sicilian, owing to both the, proximity ,of European and Arab civilizations and 700 years of Muslim/Moorish rule in some
  47. Parent languages of Greek and Armenian were dialects in immediate geographical, proximity ,in the parent language. Meillet's hypothesis became popular in the wake of his
  48. And hub for resource development in northern Canada. The region, with its, proximity ,to Canada's largest oil fields, has most of western Canada's oil refinery
  49. The town of Regina, situated at the northwestern end of the island. Due to its, proximity ,to Athens, it is a popular quick getaway during the summer months, with quite a
  50. The growing seasons were very restricted. In addition, colonists ’ close, proximity ,to the ocean gave them a bounty of fresh fish to add to their diet, especially

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