Examples of the the word, fuse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fuse ), is the 7544 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Develops from a zygote, the single cell that results when an egg and sperm, fuse ,during fertilization. In animals, the zygote divides repeatedly to form a ball
  2. Compartments upon being incorporated into endocytosis vesicles some of which, fuse ,with lysosomes where the proteins are broken down to their individual amino
  3. Flower (such as the floral tube, including the petals, sepals,and stamens), fuse , with the ovary and ripen with it. In other cases, the sepals, petals and/or
  4. Vessels in the endometrium further increase in size and number. Vascular spaces, fuse ,and become interconnected, forming the placenta, which supplies oxygen and
  5. Steadily upgraded since it was introduced. The AIM-120C-6 contained an improved, fuse ,(Target Detection Device) compared to its predecessor. The AIM-120C-7
  6. And group together by Sydney. Each Lamont forms multiple gametes. The gametes, fuse ,with another to form cysts. The cysts leave the host to be taken up by a
  7. That double-lighting was superfluous as the heat of firing would light the, fuse , Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden emphasized the use of light cannon and mobility in
  8. Increased the effectiveness of cannon against specific target. The proximity, fuse ,emerged on the battlefields of Europe in late December 1944. Used to great
  9. The Battery FDC computes firing data—ammunition to be used, powder charge, fuse ,settings, the direction to the target, and the quadrant elevation to be fired
  10. A blood meal. The microgametes migrate within the gut of the insect vector and, fuse ,with the macro gametes. The fertilized macro gamete now becomes an dominate which
  11. The bomb fuse was a problem. " Single firing" was first used to ignite the, fuse , where the bomb was placed with the fuse down against the cannon's propellant.
  12. The final victory in Madrid. Political command In April 1938,Franco managed to, fuse ,the ideologically incompatible national-syndicalist Flange (" phalanx ", a
  13. Birth, there are over 270 bones in an infant human's body, but many of these, fuse ,together as the child grows, leaving a total of 206 separate bones in an adult.
  14. Where others find a fundamental opposition. He is able to reconcile, or even to, fuse , differing views to an extent which makes it almost impossible to attribute to
  15. Firing" was first used to ignite the fuse , where the bomb was placed with the, fuse ,down against the cannon's propellant. This often resulted in the fuse being
  16. Ring-shaped structure at a position where the inner and outer membranes, fuse , Attached to the ring is a structure called the nuclear basket that extends
  17. Delay. This technique is tricky and slight variations in the functioning of the, fuse ,can cause it to explode too high and be ineffective, or to strike the ground
  18. From liquid to solid beginning with small ice crystals that grow until they, fuse , forming a poly crystalline structure. The physical properties of the ice depend on
  19. His shoes during the flight. Passengers and crew subdued him and prevented the, fuse ,from being lit. Reid was arrested, and later convicted and imprisoned. As a
  20. Of this process. These embody a miniature, low powered radar transmitter in the, fuse ,to detect the ground and explode them at a predetermined height above it. The
  21. Reticulum are transported to the cis face of the Golgi apparatus, where they, fuse ,with the Golgi membrane and empty their contents into the lumen. Once inside
  22. The atmospheric pressure. They all hoped that pairs of hydrogen nuclei would, fuse ,together to form helium nuclei, which at the time were very needed in Germany
  23. With the fuse down against the cannon's propellant. This often resulted in the, fuse ,being blown into the bomb, causing it to blow up as it left the mortar. Because
  24. Vesicle traveling to the membrane. Once the vesicle finds the membrane, they, fuse , There are three well known types of vesicles. They are clathrin-coated
  25. This case, automatic processing of the data is used to reduce complexity and to, fuse ,information from multiple sensors to increase reliability. One of the newer
  26. Where it goes through meiosis and divides to form two gametes, which then, fuse ,together again. This is the only form of sexual reproduction that occurs within
  27. Who learned to shoot bombs filled with powder from them. Setting the bomb, fuse ,was a problem. " Single firing" was first used to ignite the fuse , where the
  28. And Hans Bethe in 1938 and 1939,respectively. In the CNO cycle, four protons, fuse , using carbon, nitrogen and oxygen isotopes as a catalyst, to produce one alpha
  29. Over 60,000 of which were folding paratrooper bicycles),10,000,000 shell, fuse ,cases,3,485,335 magazines and 750,000 anti-aircraft rockets were supplied to
  30. Coating surrounding the explosive material. Blasting cap. Electrical cable (or, fuse ,) connected to the blasting cap. Dynamite is an explosive material based on
  31. Fruiting body with asexually generated spores. In the sexual pathway, two cells, fuse ,to form a giant cell that develops into a large cyst. When this macro cyst
  32. In arc welding an electrode is used to conduct current through a workpiece to, fuse ,two pieces together. Depending upon the process, the electrode is either
  33. Bands described as technical death metal or progressive death metal usually, fuse ,common death metal aesthetics with elements of progressive rock, jazz or
  34. Birmingham, created a more contemporary style and groove that seemed to, fuse ,more naturally with Western music. Songs such as" Hola VH Hola" ( Sat rang
  35. In parallel with a voltage source will cause a short circuit, at best blowing a, fuse , possibly damaging the instrument and wiring, and exposing an observer to
  36. This may occur several times, until amounts are produced, forming gametes that, fuse ,to create new cysts. There are many variations on this basic pattern, however
  37. Space expanded, and the universe cooled too rapidly for hydrogen to completely, fuse ,into heavier elements. This meant that hydrogen represents a store of potential
  38. Initially lead shot, later replaced by cast iron) through the muzzle, while a, fuse ,was placed at the rear. This fuse was lighted, causing the gunpowder to ignite
  39. Eyecatching chitosan effect across the grain. There are also several ways to, fuse ,many small glass canes together into a multicolored pattern, resulting in
  40. Eat dead organic material. They extend a pair of pseudopodia around food. They, fuse ,to make a food vacuole which then fuse s with a lysosome to add digestive
  41. Actin filaments connect packaging proteins to the membrane to ensure that they, fuse ,with the correct compartment. Intriguingly, the same is not true of plant or
  42. By cast iron) through the muzzle, while a fuse was placed at the rear. This, fuse ,was lighted, causing the gunpowder to ignite and propel the cannonball. In
  43. As it is in Japan, it provided a link to the" homeland ". Japanese Canadians, fuse ,the 'old' sound with instruments such as saxophone. The movements are rather
  44. The node # If underflow happens, check siblings, and either transfer a key or, fuse ,the siblings together # If deletion happened from right child, retrieve the max
  45. Order to the guns, followed by orders specifying the type of ammunition and, fuse ,setting, direction,and the elevation needed to reach the target, and the
  46. Vesicles from the endoplasmic reticulum (via the vesicular-tubular clusters), fuse , with the network and subsequently progress through the stack to the trans Golgi
  47. Alternative for Labor and Social Justice (WAS) and the PDS, planning to, fuse ,into a common party (see Left Party. PDS). With the former SPD chairman
  48. Mortar. Because of this," double firing" was tried where the gunner lit the, fuse ,and then the touch hole. This, however,required considerable skill and timing
  49. An electrical circuit in the fuse which explodes the shell. The proximity, fuse ,itself was developed by the British to increase the effectiveness of
  50. The IN decomposition temperature. This ability of CBN and ISBN powders to, fuse ,allows cheap production of large IN parts. Amorphous boron nitride Layers of

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