Examples of the the word, scent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( scent ), is the 7547 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are the only pack members to breed. Can ids communicate with each other by, scent ,signals, by visual clues and gestures, and by vocalizations such as growls
  2. Conceive for a few days each year. She will detach herself from the herd. The, scent ,of the female (cow) elephant in heat (or estrus) attracts the male and she
  3. Generally obedient, but can be difficult to recall once they have picked up a, scent , and are easily distracted by smells around them. They do not generally feature
  4. Of the breed. They were originally bred for hunting badgers by trailing, scent , The first verifiable references to the dachshund, originally named the" Sachs
  5. Ambar, meaning ambergris. The term“ amber” is loosely used to describe a, scent ,that is warm, musky,rich and honey-like, and also somewhat oriental and earthy
  6. From which they drive out others. The territory is marked by leaving urine, scent ,marks, which warn trespassing individuals. Most can ids bear young once a year
  7. Developed to use scent to trail and hunt animals, and probably descended from, scent ,hounds, such as bloodhounds, pointers,Basset Hounds, or even Bruno Jury Hounds
  8. Not as odorous as wolves, jackals and foxes, having a smaller number of anal, scent ,glands. Fur The general tone of the fur is reddish, with the brightest hues
  9. Similar to that of the terrier group of dogs. An argument can be made for the, scent ,(or hound) group classification because the breed was developed to use scent
  10. Medical treatments. OCCAM suggests" using aromatherapy therapy in which the, scent ,of essential oils from flowers, herbs,and trees is inhaled in an attempt to
  11. In" The Fountain of Lament ", a song by Rush, the protagonist catches" the, scent ,of ambergris" in the Part IV: Panacea section of the song. In" Three A Hundred
  12. Such as candies and other snacks. Most types of flavorings are focused on, scent ,and taste. Few commercial products exist to stimulate the trigeminal senses
  13. Amaranth said to her neighbor, : " How I envy you your beauty and your sweet, scent ,!: No wonder you are such a universal favorite. ": But the Rose replied with a
  14. The coffee beans, then walks around the room, so participants may sample the, scent ,of coffee. Then the preparer grinds the coffee using a traditional tool called
  15. Up out of fear of being punished again. *They may be trying to prevent the, scent ,from attracting predators. *The texture and temperature of fresh feces
  16. Insect pests on nearby plants. Some plants are herbs that produce enough, scent ,to possibly dilute the odors of nearby plants, or the pheromones emitted by
  17. Ant is separated from its original colony, it will eventually lose the colony, scent , Any ant that enters a colony without a matching scent will be attacked.
  18. Which they use to communicate through urine spraying and marking with, scent ,glands. This response is also produced by other plants, such as Silver Vine and
  19. That is reckoned the best, which doth shine like purple, being of a strong, scent ,& weightier, but the black and Fowler is naught for it is adulterated with Pitch
  20. Lose the colony scent . Any ant that enters a colony without a matching, scent ,will be attacked. Parasitic ant species enter the colonies of host ants and
  21. Their needles when they dry out, as well as retaining good foliage color and, scent ,; but species in other genera are also used. In Northern Europe most commonly
  22. Travel distances of up to from their nest and usually find their way back using, scent ,trails. Some ants forage at night. Day foraging ants in hot and arid regions
  23. Stripe and a dark cross on the shoulder area. The black-tipped tail has a, scent ,gland located on its dorsal base. Coyotes shed once a year, beginning in May
  24. Smell of roux is still embedded in one's clothes until they are washed. The, scent ,is so strong and recognizable that others are able to tell if one is making a
  25. Amber. This is due to the fact that fossilized amber produces very little, scent , In perfumery, scent s referred to as“ amber” are often created and patented
  26. The name Terkel is used. Classification While classified in the hound group or, scent ,hound group in the United States and Great Britain, there are some who consider
  27. First brood has hatched, establishing herself prior to development of a colony, scent , Other species use pheromones to confuse the host ants or to trick them into
  28. Foxhound but smaller, with shorter legs and longer, softer ears. Beagles are, scent ,hounds, developed primarily for tracking hare, rabbit,and other game. They
  29. Scent (or hound) group classification because the breed was developed to use, scent ,to trail and hunt animals, and probably descended from scent hounds, such as
  30. Walking over a scrub and marking with its anal gland. A capybara can spread its, scent ,further by urinating. Capybara gestation is 130–150 days and usually produces a
  31. His Treatise on Hunting or Cynegeticus refers to a hound that hunted hares by, scent ,and was followed on foot. Small hounds are mentioned in the Forest Laws of
  32. Of gas when in polite company, or position themselves to conceal the noise and, scent , In other cultures, it may be no more embarrassing than coughing. In one
  33. And was derived from the fact that many of the compounds have a sweet, scent , The configuration of six carbon atoms in aromatic compounds is known as a
  34. Food source is exhausted, no new trails are marked by returning ants and the, scent ,slowly dissipates. This behavior helps ants deal with changes in their
  35. In which different kinds of flowers or spices are put to dry for years for the, scent ,).;: a concise summary. In French, when talking about a school course, it means
  36. Blow over the lavender fields and infuse the salt beds with a mild lavender, scent ,.; phone gas: fatty liver; usually the liver of overfed goose, hence: Pate de
  37. Hound to Britain. The Talbot was a predominantly white, slow,deep-throated, scent ,hound derived from the St. Hubert Hound which had been developed in the 8th
  38. Forest habitats. Bongos have no special secretion glands and so rely less on, scent ,to find one another than do other similar antelopes. The lips of a bongo are
  39. Neck (which is long enough for them to easily bend to the ground to pick up a, scent ,), with little folding in the skin but some evidence of a dewlap; a broad chest
  40. Day remains the biggest hunt of the year for most hunts in the UK by use of, scent ,drag trails instead of live game. Australia holds the first day of the Boxing
  41. To as" speaking "," giving tongue ", or " opening" ) when they catch the, scent ,of potential quarry. They also generally get along well with other dogs. They
  42. For, as it allows the dog to be easily seen when its head is down following a, scent , The tail does not curl over the back, but is held upright when the dog is
  43. Profile than unrelated beavers. Beavers mark their territories by constructing, scent ,mounts made of mud, debris and Castor, a urine based substance excreted
  44. In slave-raiding as adults). Ants identify kin and nest mates through their, scent , which comes from hydrocarbon-laced secretions that coat their exoskeletons. If
  45. Breed belonging to the hound family. The standard size dachshund was bred to, scent , chase, and flush out badgers and other burrow-dwelling animals, while the
  46. In his Inheritance series. Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab has a perfumed oil, scent ,named Brisingamen. Freyja's necklace Brisingamen features prominently in Betsy
  47. Has a marine, fecal odor. However, as it ages, it acquires a sweet, earthy, scent , commonly likened to the fragrance of rubbing alcohol without the vaporous
  48. Others believe that they were descended from Basset Hounds, based upon their, scent ,abilities and general appearance. Symbol of Germany Dachshunds have
  49. And developed a nutty flavor. A burnt roux renders a dish unpalatable. The, scent ,of a good roux is so strong that even after leaving one's house the smell of
  50. Cultivar, N. Cataria 'Citriodora ', looks exactly like true catnip but has the, scent ,of lemons and can be used like Lemon balm. * Repeat grandiflora (Giant Cat mint

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