Examples of the the word, radius , in a Sentence Context

The word ( radius ), is the 7549 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Order is expressed by the Petal equation,S1/r (n'-n) = 0,where r is the, radius ,of a refracting surface, n and n' the refractive indices of the neighboring
  2. Disk of confusion of radius O'1R,and in a parallel plane at O'2 another one of, radius ,O'2R2; between these two is situated the disk of the least confusion. The largest
  3. e.g. with a pair of compasses. The length of the arc s is then divided by the, radius ,of the circle r, and possibly multiplied by a scaling constant k (which
  4. The trajectory of an atom to bend when it passes through a magnetic field. The, radius ,by which the trajectory of a moving ion is turned by the magnetic field is
  5. Bodies change in time due to their orbits and other factors. *8.4–9.8 AU: The, radius ,of BY Cans Majors, the largest known star. *New Horizons is 21 AU from the
  6. CE, Ptolemy estimated the mean distance of the sun as 1,210 times the Earth, radius , To determine this value, Ptolemy started by measuring the Moon's parallax
  7. Of Amos estimated the distance to the Sun to be 10,000 times the earth's, radius , Nevertheless, it has been historically assumed that Aristarchus of Amos
  8. The quantum number n first appeared in the Bohr model where it determines the, radius ,of each circular electron orbit. In modern quantum mechanics however, n
  9. Plane perpendicular to the axis at O'1 there is a circular disk of confusion of, radius ,O'1R,and in a parallel plane at O'2 another one of radius O'2R2; between these
  10. Equations. The equation x2 + y2 = r2 is the equation for any circle with a, radius ,of r. Distance and angle In analytic geometry, geometric notions such as
  11. That the area of a circle was equal to pi multiplied by the square of the, radius ,of the circle. In On the Sphere and Cylinder, Archimedes postulates that any
  12. For the area of a circle is based on a similar method. Given a circle of, radius , it is possible to partition the circle into sectors, as shown in the figure to
  13. Was a face cam, and a follower on the block in the face cam's groove set the, radius , The other disc, closer to the pin, contained a straight slot in which the
  14. Including shape (dendrites often taper while axons usually maintain a constant, radius ,), length (dendrites are restricted to a small region around the cell body
  15. Θ thus defined is independent of the size of the circle: if the length of the, radius ,is changed then the arc length changes in the same proportion, so the ratio s/r
  16. The first astronomers to have access to an accurate and reliable value for the, radius ,of the Earth, which had been measured by their colleague Jean Picard in 1669 as
  17. Rotation rate of Earth (at about 42 NEC/day),and in gradual increase of the, radius ,of Moon's orbit (at ~4.5 cm/year rate). Angular momentum in relativistic
  18. The entire sand cay of Cartier Island, the reef surrounding it, the ocean for a, radius ,around the island, and below the seafloor. It was proclaimed in 2000. *Cartier
  19. Little more than Kabul and the surrounding territory within a 160-kilometer, radius , They not only lost the outlying territories but also alienated other tribes
  20. Reaction.: The PKA for ethanol is 16,compared to 4.76 for acetic acid. Atomic, radius ,and bond strength Another factor that contributes to the ability of an acid to
  21. Alternative is polar coordinates, where every point is represented by its, radius ,r from the origin and its angle θ. In three dimensions, common alternative
  22. Bridge without spacetime between them, but with geodesics continuity beyond the, radius ,limit allowing an exchange of matter. Sakharov called such singularities a
  23. In the 1930s,Zernike's polynomials are orthogonal over a circle of unit, radius , A complex, aberrated wavefront profile may be curve-fitted with Bernie
  24. His work On the Sphere and Cylinder. The formula is: (sphere). Where is the, radius ,of the sphere. As with the formula for the area of a circle, any derivation of
  25. As UO4·2H2O. As in lanthanides (see lanthanide contraction),the ionic, radius ,of actinides monotonically decreases with atomic number (see also UFBA
  26. Odd. The first few Bernie polynomials are: where \rho is the normalized pupil, radius ,with 0 \LE \rho \LE 1,\theta is the azimuthal angle around the pupil with 0
  27. Of Z due to the non-point-charge nature of the nucleus and very small orbital, radius ,of inner electrons, resulting in a potential seen by inner electrons which is
  28. The input angle rotated the latter disc (the face cam disc, for an unchanging, radius , rotated with the other (angle) disc; a differential and a few gears did this
  29. Electric charge-to-mass ratio of a particle can be measured by observing the, radius ,of curling of its cloud-chamber track in a magnetic field. Positrons, because
  30. The greatest quantity of francium ever assembled to date is a sphere of, radius ,1 mm (over 300,000 neutral atoms). An alphabet is a standard set of
  31. Radioactivity can occur when the radius of a nucleus is large compared with the, radius ,of the strong force, which only acts over distances on the order of 1 FM. Each
  32. A rubble pile saturated with craters with diameters the size of the asteroid's, radius , and Earth-based observations of 300-km 511 David, one of the largest
  33. Although fluorine is more electronegative than the other halogens, its atomic, radius ,is also much smaller, so it shares a stronger bond with hydrogen. Moving down a
  34. S peak emittance black-body wavelength of 6,400 kilometers is roughly the, radius ,of Earth. Absolute temperature scales Absolute, or thermodynamic, temperature
  35. Is the maximum range an aircraft can fly when carrying ordnance. The combat, radius ,is somewhat less. The fuel time limit for powered aircraft is fixed by the fuel
  36. Angle subtended by an arc of a circle that has the same length as the circle's, radius ,(k = 1 in the formula given earlier). One turn is 2π radians, and one radian
  37. Astronomical units of length, mass and time. An equivalent definition is the, radius ,of an unperturbed circular Newtonian orbit about the Sun of a particle having
  38. Is precisely at one of the ecliptic's poles will appear to move in a circle of, radius ,κ about its true position, and stars at intermediate ecliptic latitudes will
  39. H is the height. That can also be rewritten as \pi r^2 + \pi r l where r is the, radius ,and l is the slant height of the cone. \pi r^2 is the base area while \pi r l
  40. The angle u in the preceding considerations; and the aperture,i.e. the, radius ,of the entrance pupil, is its maximum value. Aberration of elements, i. e.
  41. Emit particles or electromagnetic radiation. Radioactivity can occur when the, radius ,of a nucleus is large compared with the radius of the strong force, which only
  42. Length divided by height *cone: \pi r\left (r + \sort\right),where r is the, radius ,of the circular base, and h is the height. That can also be rewritten as \pi
  43. Caused by two zones in spherical aberration. For infinitely distant objects the, radius ,Of the chromatic disk of confusion is proportional to the linear aperture, and
  44. Outer boundary, so their dimensions are usually described in terms of an atomic, radius , This is a measure of the distance out to which the electron cloud extends from
  45. The sphereand 62 for the cylinder (including its two bases),where is the, radius ,of the sphere and cylinder. The sphere has a volume that of the circumscribed
  46. Variable. Output came from a kickoff device (such as a wheel) positioned at a, radius ,on the disc proportional to the second variable. (A carrier with a pair of
  47. Normal vector to the particle's trajectory, and R is its instantaneous, radius ,of curvature based upon the osculating circle at time t. These components are
  48. A straight line.: # It is possible to describe a circle with any center and any, radius ,.: # It is true that all right angles are equal to one another.: # (" Parallel
  49. Between two nuclei when the two atoms are joined in a chemical bond. The, radius ,varies with the location of an atom on the atomic chart, the type of chemical
  50. Vehicle that is capable of reaching 120 km/h. The Maverick has a turning, radius ,of 16.5 meters, which makes it very agile and maneuverable and therefore

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