Examples of the the word, petitioner , in a Sentence Context

The word ( petitioner ), is the 7540 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. U. S. citizenship. In most of these cases, the courts ruled in favor of the, petitioner , The laws were driven largely by racial concerns; immigration of persons of
  2. The facts that give rise to a cause of action. It is not necessary even for the, petitioner ,to identify the cause of action being pleaded. Mere conclusion allegations such
  3. Sin and sickness. (Mandala 2.27.14). In one hymn, she is asked to free a, petitioner ,who has been tied up like a thief (Mandala 8.67.14). As one who unbinds, her
  4. The name of the specific applicant for citizenship should be issued for every, petitioner , That decree will only produce its effects for the future '. Foreign
  5. Unfair for the prosecutor to comment during the court proceedings on the, petitioner ,'s silence invoked as a result of a Miranda warning. The prosecutor had argued
  6. Collusion, the peerage has been in abeyance for more than a century, or if the, petitioner ,holds less than one-third of the claim. This doctrine is a seventeenth-century
  7. Former slaves and their descendants to become citizens. The Court held the, petitioner , a child of subjects of the Emperor of China whose parents were lawfully living
  8. Of fact. The common shorthand name for cases is typically the first party (the, petitioner ,). For example, Brown v. Board of Education is referred to simply as Brown, and
  9. One, and it is evident in the hymns to her that she is often called to free the, petitioner ,from different hindrances, especially sin and sickness. (Mandala 2.27.14). In
  10. Court will not grant a petition for a change of name if it finds that (i) the, petitioner ,has ulterior or illegal motives in seeking the name change, ( ii) the
  11. To answer to a complaint can result in a default judgment in favor of the, petitioner , For example,in the United States federal courts, any person who is at least 18
  12. Cf. ). Conversely, the statements could easily be eschatological in nature; the, petitioner ,is asking for the swift arrival of The Day of the Lord, a collective state of
  13. Certificate of pupil age is drafted by the law firm or office to which the, petitioner ,did his/her pupil age. Applications are usually made in a specified form
  14. To enemy forces engaged in hostile occupation of the country's territory. The, petitioner ,did not fall within either category. The Court also rejected the government's
  15. That he or she has sufficient knowledge of laws of the country. Each successful, petitioner ,is called before the Chief Justice who interviews the petitioner on his
  16. Of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, such requests must be granted only if the, petitioner ,shows that they suffer substantially from their present name, e. g., if it is
  17. That time, the Justices may interrupt the advocate and ask questions. The, petitioner ,gives the first presentation, and may reserve some time to rebut the respondent
  18. Initiated FCA action, it is not a" party" for RAP 4 purposes, and therefore, petitioner ,'s appeal filed after 30 days was untimely. State False Claims Acts and
  19. For most common complaints for lawyers and self-representing litigants; if a, petitioner ,cannot find an appropriate form in his state, he often can modify a form from
  20. Impanel more than the six members provided for by Florida law did not violate, petitioner ,'s Sixth Amendment rights as applied to the States through the Fourteenth. " In
  21. Her disgrace – refused him out of hand. " The request was modest, not so the, petitioner ," he remarked. " No one else ever presumed to stare me out so insolently. "
  22. Interrupt pending state court proceedings in civil matters involving the, petitioner ,(with select exceptions, primarily for domestic relations matters). The
  23. 1790 Law, but on the condition that a nominal decree should be issued for every, petitioner , That decree will only produce its effects for the future. " Foreign
  24. Has ulterior or illegal motives in seeking the name change, ( ii) the, petitioner ,'s civil rights are suspended, or (iii) granting the name change will invade
  25. After making a sacrifice of a few coins, or sometimes a ram, at the temple,a, petitioner ,slept inside and received a dream detailing the solution to the problem.
  26. In the favor of the petitioner by any admitted member of the bar who knows the, petitioner ,and certifies his or her good character. Certificate of pupil age is drafted by
  27. Procedures, often called proceedings, in which the parties are termed, petitioner ,instead of plaintiff, and respondent instead of defendant. There are also cases
  28. Program, The certificate of Good Character is drafted in the favor of the, petitioner ,by any admitted member of the bar who knows the petitioner and certifies his or
  29. To do or not do something. Failing this, the court must decide for the, petitioner , who may be any person, not just an interested party. This differs from a
  30. King could be appealed to in his deified state for forgiveness and to free the, petitioner ,from an ailment caused by wrongdoing. Temples of his cult were built as far
  31. Ready to republish were now unavailable due to copyright restrictions. The lead, petitioner , Eric Ended, is an Internet publisher. Ended was joined by a group of
  32. Removal of cannabis from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, in which, petitioner ,Jon German noted," Cannabis is a natural source of dronabinol (THC),the
  33. The petition, but if there is any doubt whatsoever as to the pedigree of the, petitioner , the claim is normally referred to the Committee for Privileges. If the claim
  34. Was carried out, but they do not give a description of the land which each, petitioner ,received. However, it is known that Louisa and her husband, David Cloninger
  35. Mandamus is sought. There must equally co-exist a corresponding right in the, petitioner ,entitling him to claim the enforcement of such public duty. These two
  36. Indirect purposes. Acquiescence cannot, however,bar the issue of mandamus. The, petitioner ,must, of course, satisfy the Court that he has the legal right to the
  37. That prevailed is the respondent. All case names before the Court are styled, petitioner ,v. respondent, regardless of which party initiated the lawsuit in the trial
  38. States v. Wong Kim Ark. In a 6-2 decision, the Court rejected arguments that, petitioner ,was not" subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States because that
  39. Complaint is called a petition, in which case the party filing it is called the, petitioner ,and the other party is the respondent. In equity, sometimes called chancery
  40. Statutory or constitutional law. The party that lost in the lower court is the, petitioner ,and the party that prevailed is the respondent. All case names before the Court
  41. In State v. Connelly,700 A.2d 694 (Conn. App. Ct. 1997),for example,the, petitioner ,who had originally been found not guilty by reason of insanity and committed
  42. May bring a lawsuit for tort. It is also differentiated from equity, in which a, petitioner ,complains of a violation of some right. One who commits a tortious act is
  43. Or Friendly Society, and there were elaborate regulations to determine a, petitioner ,'s eligibility for consideration for charity, according to strictly Masonic
  44. Successful petitioner is called before the Chief Justice who interviews the, petitioner ,on his personal history. Each certificate of admission issued by the chief
  45. Jury" ) hears the evidence in a trial as presented by both the plaintiff (, petitioner ,) and the defendant (respondent). After hearing the evidence and often jury
  46. That require judicial approval; in those cases there are no respondents, just a, petitioner , Terminology In England and Wales, the term Claimant has replaced Plaintiff
  47. Generally, it is not available in anticipation of any injury except when the, petitioner ,is likely to be affected by an official act in contravention of a statutory
  48. Of specially modified soldiers on the planet Agnosia, are not tolerated for any, petitioner , Furthermore, while most member worlds have single, unified world governments
  49. It cannot be issued to change the decision of a body to suit the, petitioner , Obligations which are not of statutory nature cannot be enforced by mandamus.
  50. Status A party who files an appeal is called an appellant, plaintiff in error, petitioner ,or pursuer, and a party on the other side is called a respondent (in most

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