Examples of the the word, unpleasant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unpleasant ), is the 7543 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Union troops depended on drinking water. This would have made the water, unpleasant ,to drink, though perhaps the death caused might not have been that desired. A
  2. As the Necronomicon. Those who have dealings with this book usually come to an, unpleasant ,end, and Shared was no exception. Again according to Lovecraft's" History "
  3. Lethargy, and persistent runny nose are often described as very, unpleasant , Depression with suicidal ideation may develop in very heavy users. Finally, a
  4. S later artistic career, as the director was seldom hesitant to confront, unpleasant ,truths in his work. Halo was academically gifted, but soon after failing to
  5. Remaining, and no emulsified fats in the bones, the trophy will not develop the, unpleasant ,dead odor. Using the beetle larvae means that all cartilage is removed along
  6. Such as Persia is increasing, due to the perceived discoloration effects and, unpleasant ,taste of chlorhexidine. Research has also indicated that sesame and sunflower
  7. That live in the mouth and excrete substances that lead to bad breath and, unpleasant ,mouth taste. Usage Common use involves rinsing the mouth with about 20ml (2/3
  8. Charles Cunningham Boycott could get no workers to do anything for him, so, unpleasant , as he was to them, so he brought in Protestant workers from elsewhere. He spent
  9. And may be rich in protein. Although they are reported to have a bitter and, unpleasant ,taste, they are more useful for survival purposes. The wood of certain alder
  10. The reduction into simpler forms of matter, accompanied by a strong, unpleasant ,odor. Diagnosis Problems of definition The concept of death is a key to human
  11. Make the difference between a satisfying session for the bottom, and a highly, unpleasant ,experience that may even entail severe physical harm. The very broad range of
  12. To use chemical defenses against predators; some Procellariiformes can eject an, unpleasant ,oil against an aggressor, and some species of pitchers from New Guinea have a
  13. Of your mind. " Behavioral effects may include withdrawal from situations where, unpleasant ,effects of anxiety have been experienced in the past. It can also be affected
  14. To such as are not acquainted with it, having a scum or froth that is very, unpleasant ,taste. Yet it is a drink very much esteemed among the Indians, where with they
  15. Battle while his mind is seized with the intention to kill, he will undergo an, unpleasant ,rebirth. In the early texts, a person's mental state at the time of death is
  16. For a few innings, but Wrigley demanded the goat leave the park due to its, unpleasant ,odor. Upon his ejection, Mr. Spanish uttered," The Cubs, they ain't going to win
  17. Accumulate tolerance. Opioids, while very effective analgesics, may have some, unpleasant ,side effects. Patients starting morphine may experience nausea and vomiting (
  18. Of truth has led to a history of division and schism that many have felt, unpleasant ,and that has divided friends and families. Moves have been made to try to solve
  19. Found that the action of the heart is accelerated by pleasant, and retarded by, unpleasant , stimuli; again, changes of weight and volume are found to accompany
  20. Although often plagued with mosquitoes and other insects that make them, unpleasant ,for humans, mangrove swamps are very important buffer zones between land and
  21. Ethics is either sentimental common sense, or a set of excuses for being, unpleasant , " Many manuals are procedural form filling exercises unconcerned about the
  22. To the wicked. " Ugliness is a property of a person or thing that is, unpleasant ,to look upon and results in a highly unfavorable evaluation. To be ugly is to
  23. Or put down to heavy humor or generational prejudice. It was vividly, unpleasant ,..." Stereotyping Christie occasionally inserted stereotyped descriptions of
  24. Caffeinism usually combines caffeine dependency with a wide range of, unpleasant ,physical and mental conditions including nervousness, irritability
  25. Care and precision in descriptions, a lower sensitivity to emotional and, unpleasant ,words, a less acute sense of humor, engaging a smaller variety of sexual
  26. For plant respiration, storing plant materials in anaerobic conditions produces, unpleasant ,flavors and unappealing colors. Consequently, packaging of fresh fruits and
  27. Dependence to form. Stopping benzodiazepine treatment abruptly can cause, unpleasant ,withdrawal symptoms. An extract of the herb St John's Wort is commonly used as
  28. Sweeteners, such as corn syrup or sugar is added to bread making it often, unpleasant ,for foreigners to eat. Regional cuisine: Main article List of American regional
  29. To use the human toilet, eliminating the litter box and its attendant expense, unpleasant ,odor, and the need to use landfill space for disposal. Training may involve
  30. These nearby frequencies; this is known as the“ wolf tone” because it is an, unpleasant ,growling sound. The wood resonance appears to be split into two frequencies by
  31. To turn rancid. Since oxidized lipids are often discolored and usually have, unpleasant ,tastes such as metallic or sulfurous flavors, it is important to avoid
  32. Homogeneous off-white vaginal discharge (especially after sex) with an, unpleasant ,smell. This malodorous discharge coats the walls of the vagina, and is usually
  33. Cat urine or the spray of a male cat. Also, touching the leaves an, unpleasant ,smell on the hands. The fruit is a Samara drawn out into a long wing with the
  34. Such as inflicting pain, humiliation or being restrained would be considered, unpleasant ,under normal circumstances. Sexual intercourse, be it oral, anal or vaginal
  35. Choose to recognize as such, noise is whatever is recognized as disturbing, unpleasant , or both. " (see" music as social construct" below) Language Many
  36. Between the two is that" Expressionism doesn't shun from the violently, unpleasant ,effect, while baroque does. Expressionism throws some terrific" Fuck you’s
  37. In mucus and swallowed (this" drip" is considered pleasant by some and, unpleasant ,by others). In a study of cocaine users, the average time taken to reach peak
  38. Dishes, especially those in which internal organs, such as entrails, may emit, unpleasant ,odors. Ginger, chili peppers, five-spice powder, powdered white pepper, star
  39. Crude vodka, and that although such prisoners risked an extremely painful and, unpleasant ,death if the condom burst inside them, the rewards granted them by other
  40. Fallacy. Patients can also be averse to the painful, unpleasant , and sometimes-dangerous side effects of biomedical treatments. Treatments for
  41. Loudspeakers. EMS and Disaster Relief helicopters will be required to fly in, unpleasant ,conditions, this may require more aircraft sensors, some of which were until
  42. These symptoms in a large portion of patients. Effective mediation of these, unpleasant ,and sometimes crippling symptoms results in increased quality of life for the
  43. Have good sound quality but are rapidly colonized by microorganisms and become, unpleasant ,to play. Most higher quality instruments are designed to prevent or reduce
  44. Effect, which (if the amplifier is an audio amplifier) sounds much less, unpleasant ,to the ear. For these amplifiers, the compression point is defined as the input
  45. On pain published an article stating that" acupuncture is a painful and, unpleasant ,treatment ". In a peer-reviewed medical journal, one medical scientist
  46. Physiological changes caused by cocaine withdrawal include vivid and, unpleasant ,dreams, insomnia or hypersomnia, increased appetite and psychomotor retardation
  47. These symptoms include delusions or, less commonly, hallucinations,usually, unpleasant , A major depressive episode persists for at least two weeks, and may continue
  48. Crest of the male gorilla. Bigfoot is commonly reported to have a strong, unpleasant ,smell by those who claim to have encountered it. The enormous footprints for
  49. Combine these ingredients, which essentially cancels them out, to forestall, unpleasant ,side effects. Some well-known antacid brands Additional information Heartburn
  50. Inhibited than noninhibited adolescents. " When people are confronted with, unpleasant ,and potentially harmful stimuli such as foul odors or tastes, PET-scans show

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