Examples of the the word, augusta , in a Sentence Context

The word ( augusta ), is the 12967 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the genus Wetting include W. equals, W. Aequatorialis, W. Anomala, W., augusta , W. Castaneda, W. Cladospadix, W. Disticha, W. Drudei, W. Equalis, W.
  2. With pearls at each of the four ends, holds the cross together. Name ", augusta , : Stave lot/NP"> Triptych"/> The insides of the wings contain four military saints:
  3. Points to the Cross, and tells him he will conquer under that sign. Name ", augusta , : Stave lot/NP"> Triptych"/> The middle medallion shows Constantine's victory at the
  4. De purpura y or, Engalana SU Hermosa arrival. Del Limbo la moved, augusta , Resplandece, y un SER digital Con Estrella describe en Los cells
  5. Helena watches as servants dig up the Cross on Mount Calvary, name ", augusta , : Stave lot/NP"> Triptych"/> below a pointing Hand of God; the two thieves crosses
  6. Corylopsis pinata, Fagus Renata Blue, Forsythia suspense, Gardenia,Augusta, Hammers Maponics, Hypericum pabulum Thumb., Juglans Manchuria var.
  7. From his coins, while Serbia and Vabalathus and adopted the titles of, augusta , and Augustus respectively. The end of Vabalathus' rule came when Aurelia
  8. Both, of the malls. Trouble ahead Though Regency Mall was the largest mall in, augusta , its location posed problems during the 1990s. Augusta Mall tended to draw
  9. Nick Bulimic, and Jesus. Mai currently lives in Los Angeles. Panther once, augusta , commonly known as the Pleistocene North American Jaguar, is an extinct
  10. A Los noble y heroics var ones Que de Pure illustration la historian veteran SU, augusta , memoria, batiremos la Palma triumphal. III And today in union with our brothers
  11. Of Communized de Calatayud. The city has the title" May noble, leal, siempre, augusta , y fidelísima Ciudad de Calaway ". (Translated to mean:" The very noble
  12. Arloingi Nigeria aspheric Nigeria auburnensis Nigeria, augusta , Eimeria aurati Nigeria asthma Nigeria azerbaidschanica
  13. Leaders (wearing Jewish hats) about the location of the Cross. Name ", augusta , : Stave lot/NP"> Triptych"/> In the middle medallion, Helena watches as servants dig
  14. Feed on Populous Fremont and Sal ix species. Subspecies Catcall juncture, augusta , Now considered a synonym. External links
  15. Pleistocene epoch; the immediate ancestor of modern animals is Panther once, augusta , which was larger than the contemporary cat. The countries included in this
  16. Grimes. JPG|BB 8,a GP16 in GRID paint at Roswell, Virginia. Image: BB 13,Augusta, co-op. JPG|BB 13 switches Augusta CO-OP in Staunton, Virginia. Image:
  17. Phyllodesmium Kohler Bernhardt, Schrödl & Waggle,2008 * Powelliphanta, augusta , Walker,Trick & Barker,2008,a rare endemic snail from New Zealand
  18. Caves where footprints of Ice Age (Pleistocene) jaguars (Panther once, augusta , ) have been discovered. It weighed an estimated 450 to 500 pounds, compared to
  19. Name / Unknown name 1994 Martin Electric Stredisko connect appeared, Ulica 29., augusta ,1/A Unknown name / Unknown name 1994 Martin Electric Steven sporiteľna
  20. His death, by Pope Sylvester I, below an approving Hand of God. Name ", augusta , : Stave lot/NP"> Triptych"/> The three medallions on the right wing tell the story of
  21. Satan and Shikoku). The wingspan is 4.5-6.2 mm. The larvae feed on Gardenia, augusta , Gardenia jasmines and Gardenia radicals. There are four instar in larval
  22. Also translated into Hungarian, German,Polish and French) *Kamchatka Na den 4., augusta , ( 1863,remembers establishment of the Match Slovenia) *Home, Bože, jak to
  23. True&checklist=monocots Cite. ’S. × defenses (hybrid between S. Reginae and S., augusta , ) MIL-STD-1750A or 1750A is the formal definition of a 16-bit computer
  24. On 9 February 1949. The factory was renamed by communists to Parody 29., augusta , ( 29 August works) and it produced 30 million pairs of shoes and employed
  25. 1971,include the fossil bones of a large, Pleistocene jaguar (Panther once, augusta , ). Big Bone Cave was mined extensively by Native Americans from about 3,000
  26. 1940,the skeletons and footprints of two Pleistocene jaguars (Panther once, augusta , ) were discovered in the cave. They were excavated by George Gaylord Simpson of
  27. Tract by adhering to the intestinal epithelium of the host. Tritrichomonas, augusta , have been observed in the amphibian Rough-skinned Newt, Taricha granuloma, in
  28. McDonald by TKO (Referee Stoppage) at 2:28 of the 2nd Round Chalía, augusta , is a moth of the Noctuid family. It is found from the Taurus Mountains to
  29. Editha debark Ferris,1971 – Lots’ Checker spot *Euphydryas Edith, augusta , ( Edwards,1890) – Augusta Checker spot *Euphydryas Edith Aurelius Under
  30. S victory at the Million bridge, with a cross standard. Name ", augusta , : Stave lot/NP"> Triptych"/> The upper medallion shows Constantine being baptized just
  31. On the next flower it visits. Species and hybrids *Strelitzia Alba (syn. S., augusta , ) – White bird of paradise; *Strelitzia Nicolai – White or Giant bird of
  32. A sick man to find the one True Cross that has the healing powers. Name ", augusta , : Stave lot/NP"> Triptych"/> As well as the masterful goldsmith's work and beauty of
  33. To the Byzantine throne Justinian was crowned Augustus (emperor) and Theodora, augusta , on April 4 527,giving them control of the Byzantine Empire. A contemporary
  34. I POR leis pampas incenses del Curicó, Donde pierces el Porto cereal, En,Augusta, carrera coal symbol, Animo Libra de un pueblo viral, Por leis pampas incenses
  35. July 9,2008,as an assistant coach of the team. External links Powelliphanta, augusta , previously provisionally known as Powelliphanta" Augustus ", is a species of
  36. Species Example species within the Tritrichomonas genus are Tritrichomonas, augusta , and Tritrichomonas fetus, the latter of which characteristically interacts
  37. 1888): *A. Aprica Alexander,1962: *A. Argentinicola (Alexander,1921): *A., augusta , Theischinger,1994: *A. Australasiae (Souse,1890): *A. Berthae Alexander
  38. Myrmarachne attenuate (O. P. -Cambridge,1901) — Singapore * Myrmarachne, augusta , ( Peck ham & Peck ham,1892) — Madagascar * Myrmarachne aureonigra Edmund's &
  39. Of respect, but the two women dress the same vestments, those typical of the, augusta , ; it is therefore possible that both Euphemism and Alpha were appointed Augusta
  40. Wing tell the story of Constantine's conversion to Christianity. Name ", augusta , : Stave lot/NP"> Triptych"/> Starting with the bottom medallion on the left wing, it
  41. Wing tell the story of Saint Helena's discovery of the True Cross. Name ", augusta , : Stave lot/NP"> Triptych"/> Starting with the bottom medallion on the right wing

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