Examples of the the word, ultraviolet , in a Sentence Context
The word ( ultraviolet ), is the 12966 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Which blunts the effect of BCG. #Exposure to Ultraviolet Light Concentration of, ultraviolet ,light (particularly UVB light) from the Sun may have some effect on efficacy
- Agents like N-nitroso-N-methylurea (NMR) or non-chemical agents such as, ultraviolet ,light and ionizing radiation. Certain viruses can also act as carcinogens by
- The charges. The weaponized agent must be resistant to degradation by rain and, ultraviolet ,radiation from sunlight, while retaining the ability to efficiently infect the
- Grains surrounding the nucleus, and 'sputtering' of sodium from dust grains by, ultraviolet ,light. It is not yet established which mechanism is primarily responsible for
- SOHO/EIT can observe individual micro-flares as small brightening in extreme, ultraviolet ,light, but there seem to be too few of these small events to account for the
- Change, endocrine-disrupting pollutants, destruction of the ozone layer (, ultraviolet ,radiation has shown to be especially damaging to the skin, eyes,and eggs of
- Observatory, the first platform capable of observing the Sun in the extreme, ultraviolet ,(EU) for long periods of time with stable photometry. Those were
- PROM (EPROM) chips. EPROM chips may be erased by prolonged exposure to, ultraviolet ,light, which accessed the chip via the window. Chip manufacturers use EPROM
- Reported that a team led by A. Witt of the University of Toledo, Ohio studied, ultraviolet ,light emitted by the Red Rectangle nebula and found the spectral signatures of
- Sexes appear similar to the naked eye are distinguished by the presence of, ultraviolet ,reflective patches on their feathers. Male Blue Tits have an ultraviolet
- Though the early ones often had a yellow filter over them to cut out damaging, ultraviolet ,rays. The advantage of LCD's is that they are passive light modulators
- Higher than that of americium, uranium,polonium and thorium. Under, ultraviolet ,illumination, curium (III) ions exhibit strong and stable yellow-orange
- Between. Winter average temperatures range between. The region has weakened, ultraviolet ,radiation, particularly the UVB (estrogenic rays),and an atmosphere
- Television and radio waves, sound and brain waves; above it is barely visible, ultraviolet , then the invisible frequencies of chemicals and perfumes, followed by x-rays
- Is via a relatively small number of mobile ions produced by radioactive gases, ultraviolet ,light, or cosmic rays. Since the electrical conductivity is low, gases are
- Radicals in the breakdown of ozone. These radicals are formed by the action of, ultraviolet ,radiation on chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).: Cl· + O3 → CIO· + O2: CIO· + O· →
- Such charged particles have been liberated from neutral atoms by ionizing (, ultraviolet ,) radiation. Today these free charges are at sufficiently low density in most
- Should be sterilized by either boiling, chlorination,ozone water treatment, ultraviolet ,light sterilization (e.g. by solar water disinfection),or antimicrobial
- Improving the sensitivity of the CCD to low light intensities, even for, ultraviolet ,and visible wavelengths. Professional observatories often cool their detectors
- On the material, wavelengths (or colors) from the infrared to the near, ultraviolet ,may be produced. The forward potential of these diodes depends on the
- Cataract victims. It may also be that after surgery he was able to see certain, ultraviolet ,wavelengths of light that are normally excluded by the lens of the eye; this
- From the atom. This ripping off leads to the emission of X-rays and far, ultraviolet ,photons. Connection to meteor showers As a result of out gassing, comets leave a
- Lobe, and damage to the retina caused by exposure to ultraviolet light. Most, ultraviolet ,light damage is caused during childhood and this form of retinal degeneration
- Light, which is involved in courtship. Many birds show plumage patterns in, ultraviolet ,that are invisible to the human eye; some birds whose sexes appear similar to
- In three different wavelength bands: U (centered at about 350 nm, in the near, ultraviolet ,), B (about 435 nm, in the blue region) and V (about 555 nm, in the middle
- It contains. Carotene protects plant cells against the destructive effects of, ultraviolet ,light. Β-Carotene is an anti-oxidant. Β-Carotene and cancer It has been shown
- To the corona. In the last movie at the center the Sun's images taken in the, ultraviolet ,filter by the EIT have been combined with those taken by the chronograph LASSO
- Instruments on board SOHO: the MDI, producing magneto grams, the Extreme, ultraviolet ,Imaging Telescope (EIT),which photographs the corona in the ultraviolet
- It conducts heat better than latex, is not as sensitive to temperature and, ultraviolet ,light (and so has less rigid storage requirements and a longer shelf life)
- By placing it on a light box, while using protective gear to limit exposure to, ultraviolet ,radiation). The illuminator apparatus mostly also contains imaging apparatus
- Improved pasture (grasses and clover) in New Zealand. Extensive X-ray and, ultraviolet ,induced mutagenesis efforts (i.e. primitive genetic engineering) during the
- Used to determine direction. These polarization detectors are sensitive in the, ultraviolet ,region of the light spectrum. In some army ant species, a group of foragers
- Alkylating agents and also high-energy electromagnetic radiation such as, ultraviolet ,light and X-rays. The type of DNA damage produced depends on the type of
- Blue amber. It turns blue in natural sunlight and any other partially or wholly, ultraviolet ,light source. In long-wave UV light it has a very strong reflection, almost
- M_=M_V+BC. This correction is needed because very hot stars radiate mostly, ultraviolet ,radiation, while very cool stars radiate mostly infrared radiation (see Planck
- And complete catalog of plant systematic and taxonomy. *Plant responses to, ultraviolet ,radiation can help us monitor problems like ozone depletion. *Analyzing pollen
- Where it has been subjected to a range of modern tests including the use of, ultraviolet ,and light to read the overwritten text. The treatises in the Archimedes
- Substances relative to light or other forms of electronic energy. For example, ultraviolet ,electromagnetic radiation is not transferred with as much efficacy from one
- By Eugene Parker in the 1980s but is still controversial. In particular, ultraviolet ,telescopes such as TRACE and SOHO/EIT can observe individual micro-flares as
- Compounds were formed by researchers at the University of Helsinki. By shining, ultraviolet ,light onto frozen argon containing a small amount of hydrogen fluoride, argon
- The brain in the occipital lobe, and damage to the retina caused by exposure to, ultraviolet ,light. Most ultraviolet light damage is caused during childhood and this form
- Conditions such as temperature, humidity and exposure to light and, ultraviolet ,light. They must be protected in a controlled environment where such variables
- Sapiens from Homo erectus some 250,000 years ago. Skin cancer as a result of, ultraviolet ,light radiation causing mutations in the skin is less common among people with
- For these two types of organisms. They act very similarly when exposed to, ultraviolet ,light and most toxins, but at elevated temperatures the phytoplankton reacts
- Wagon has a fire detection and extinguishing system, with sensing of ions or, ultraviolet ,radiation, smoke and gases that can trigger halon gas to quench a fire. Since
- Lithium borate). Analysis After electrophoresis the gel is illuminated with an, ultraviolet ,lamp (usually by placing it on a light box, while using protective gear to
- Of ultraviolet reflective patches on their feathers. Male Blue Tits have an, ultraviolet ,reflective crown patch which is displayed in courtship by posturing and raising
- For some reactions, the presence of electromagnetic radiation, most notably, ultraviolet ,light, is needed to promote the breaking of bonds to start the reaction. This
- Accommodation for vision in air and water. This allows them to perceive, ultraviolet ,light, which is involved in courtship. Many birds show plumage patterns in
- Agents. * Sewage: antibacterial treatment of general sewage by chlorine, ozone, ultraviolet , light or other effective treatment before it enters the waterways or
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