Examples of the the word, detrimental , in a Sentence Context

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  1. 4 believe that a scaling-back of such operations on ITV's part would be, detrimental ,to Channel 4's national news operation, which shares much of its resources
  2. Changes expected in the future. Because abiotic stress is widely considered a, detrimental ,effect, the research on this branch of the issue is extensive. For more
  3. For somebody to be trying to encourage others to do something that is so, detrimental ,to their health ". Jasmuheen challenged the results of the program, saying,"
  4. As negative (e.g. fear) or positive (e.g. flow),and which can be, detrimental ,as stated by the Yerkes-Dodson law. For some people, adventure becomes a major
  5. It is otherwise very faithful to the original, a fact seen by many critics as, detrimental ,to the work. A studio-mandated edit shortened it from Kurosawa's original cut
  6. Have been known to chain-smoke when using cocaine),in addition to the, detrimental ,health effects and the additional strain on the cardiovascular system caused by
  7. Baseball by Commissioner Bart Gigawatts, who declared Rose guilty of" conduct, detrimental ,to baseball ". Controversy also swirled around Reds' owner Marge Scott, who was
  8. Pests, and some pose an aviation hazard. Human activities can also be, detrimental , and have threatened numerous bird species with extinction (hunting, avian
  9. To do; e.g. in the long term, the fulfillment of short-term desires may prove, detrimental ,to the self. Fleeting pleasure, then,takes a back seat to protracted
  10. Continue to drink excessively disregarding the problems. 4) This stage can be, detrimental ,as Johnson (1980) describes it as a risk for premature death. A person will
  11. Of intrinsic motivation to perform the goal behavior. But the results showing, detrimental ,effects are counterbalanced by evidence that, in other situations, such as when
  12. Is an expressed concern that oversimplification of the genre by outsiders is, detrimental ,to the music's message, but artists are responsible for how they express their
  13. Percentage of the time, then the stolen base is not useful, and can even be, detrimental ,to a team. A success rate of 67 to 70 % or better is necessary to make stealing
  14. The general rule is that of freedom, and law should only prohibit actions, detrimental ,to society. As Guy Cabinet, first president of the Court of Cassation, said
  15. Allergen - A substance capable of causing an allergic reaction. The (, detrimental ,) reaction may result after exposure via ingestion, inhalation,injection, or
  16. Beliefs this model is used to determine how to proceed in situations that are, detrimental ,to the environment in the way that is least damaging and has the fewest lasting
  17. Serbian Karina, in the last two years of Tuđman's first presidential term the, detrimental ,effects of uncontrolled capitalism had become strikingly visible, with more
  18. Of Raw Fordism argue that cooking food increases the risk of some, detrimental ,effects on food or health. They point out that the cooking of vegetables and
  19. The HVAC system should be up-to-date and functioning efficiently. Light is, detrimental ,to collections. Therefore, care should be given to the collections by
  20. Dropped off by almost 50 %. The only explanation was televising home games was, detrimental ,to attendance. A league-wide drop in attendance from broadcasting home games
  21. In a variety of ways. Although these effects may be either beneficial or, detrimental , the location of the area is crucial in determining the extent of the impact
  22. Deliberation; e.g. what is in an agent's self-interest may be incidentally, detrimental , beneficial, or neutral in its effect on others. Individualism allows for
  23. Of decline compounded by internal strife over royal succession. Piracy was also, detrimental ,to the kingdom. Nonetheless, the press is not overtly hostile towards other
  24. Of a true amnesic patient, it is useful for informing viewers of the, detrimental ,effects of amnesia. Memento (2000) a film inspired by the case of Henry
  25. These banks can undermine people's human rights through projects that have, detrimental ,outcomes for poor and marginalized communities. " The bank also received
  26. Or financing. Some commentators have suggested that such an outcome would be, detrimental ,to the public interest. This is especially striking since the National Audit
  27. Numerous herbicides were routinely used to control a wide range of weed species, detrimental ,to agronomic crops. Weed management tended to rely on reemergence—that is
  28. Schemes, and the associated large-scale water abstraction, have also had a, detrimental ,effect on the ecologically already fragile Mesopotamian Marshes and on
  29. U. S. officials may not kill people merely because their policies are seen as, detrimental ,to our interests .... But killings in self-defense are no more" assassinations
  30. To set the price that one must pay to society for certain actions considered, detrimental ,to society as a whole. An extreme view might see criminalization as
  31. Associated with long-term alcohol consumption are generally perceived as, detrimental ,to society, for example, money due to lost labor-hours, medical costs, and
  32. That thrives in physically or geochemically extreme conditions that are, detrimental ,to most life on Earth. In contrast, organisms that live in more moderate
  33. Altering its temperatures compared to the surrounding rural areas, that has, detrimental ,effects on energy usage, expenditure for cooling, and health. On the other hand
  34. Gas, and crude oil into the environment, contaminating ecosystems and causing, detrimental ,health effects to indigenous peoples. Economy Ecuador's economy has heavily
  35. And the indoor environment of high temperature and low humidity is very, detrimental ,to the tree's health; additionally, the warmth of an indoor climate will bring
  36. Decision to create the new town of Creighton outside Belfast, which again was, detrimental ,to the development of the city. Even in October 2005,there was perceived bias
  37. The contacts between Liberal spokespersons and Labor ministers often proved, detrimental , such as between finance spokesperson John Pardon and Chancellor of the
  38. By the ADOBE family of cytosine deaminates could have both beneficial and, detrimental ,implications on various cellular processes as well as on organismal evolution.
  39. Any other result. Thus, egoism will prescribe actions that may be beneficial, detrimental , or neutral to the welfare of others. Some, like Henry Sedgwick, argue that a
  40. To producing and raising their young, and such expenditure may also be, detrimental ,to their future condition, survival and further reproductive output. Parental
  41. Occur. For powerful swimming animals like dolphins and tuna, cavitation may be, detrimental , because it limits their maximum swimming speed. Even if they have the power to
  42. By the media and the public, is known as a" mixed language" and considered, detrimental ,to normal Malay. Other languages spoken include Kenyan, Tutong, Murut, Dusun
  43. Plot, including to some extent the ending. This does not always prove to be, detrimental ,to a given work's reception, however,as the popularity of the aforementioned
  44. Data must be decompressed to be used, and this extra processing may be, detrimental ,to some applications. For instance, a compression scheme for video may require
  45. Control devices, was one of the earliest attempts to reverse some of the, detrimental ,side effects of previously unrestricted economic development. Aruba (, ) is a
  46. A brand can have its downsides, however. One mistake by a celebrity can be, detrimental ,to the public relations of a brand. For example, following his performance of
  47. Power of choice in drink. " Cultural identity One review of AA warned of, detrimental ,identity and saw AA's program as a complement to their other national, ethnic
  48. Of Serbian Karina),in the last two years of Tuđman's first tenure the, detrimental ,effects of" wild" and unrestricted capitalism had become strikingly visible
  49. As eugenics. Some types of eugenics deal only with perceived beneficial and/or, detrimental ,genetic traits. These are sometimes called" pseudo-eugenics" by proponents of
  50. Help the AFL win the bidding war, some AFL and NFL owners saw the escalation as, detrimental ,to both leagues. The same month Davis was named commissioner, several NFL

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