Examples of the the word, hindsight , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hindsight ), is the 12969 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hodges and Collins, the direct route to the dam was through the forest. In, hindsight , military historians are no longer convinced by these arguments. Charles B.
  2. The concept of compression in the theories surrounding mountain-building. With, hindsight , we can discount Dana's conjecture that this contraction was due to the
  3. Hill, we certainly can't hold the bottom of it! " Viewing through the lens of, hindsight , some participants and many modern historians judged that Hooker
  4. Numerous other biases have been found by social cognition researchers. The, hindsight ,bias is a false memory of having predicted events, or an exaggeration of actual
  5. Which causes a blunt-force injury. This is also known as the" extraordinary in, hindsight ," rule. Direct Causation is a minority test, which addresses
  6. Stated in the opinion,'Reasonable risk' cannot be judged with the benefit of, hindsight , As Lord Denying said in Roe v. Minister of Health, the past should not be
  7. Regretting having lent Lewis his razor when the latter announced with, hindsight ,a venereal infection. Going out without a hat, and an interest in Fabian
  8. Political supporter, states " I have seen the inside story, and of course, with, hindsight , all of us would do it differently" ( Birmingham Post - Tuesday,14 November
  9. Operate the bolt handle with the help of a runner. The modification seems, in, hindsight , to be unnecessarily complicated. A separate pistol grip was needed, and the
  10. While Column was branded by some as the villain of the story, the wisdom of, hindsight ,shows that had he not instigated the merger, the Western Bulldogs Football Club
  11. Not recognized as such by Dirac at the time the equation was formulated, in, hindsight , the introduction of this geometric algebra represents an enormous stride
  12. Thereby discouraging anyone from trespassing on the underwater property. In, hindsight ,this was only a legalistic charade which had little chance of holding up in a
  13. Cases of Diophantine equations. They also contain statements (that with, hindsight ,we know to be approximate) about squaring the circle and" circling the square
  14. Sanatoriums for her care, made it nearly impossible for him to write. In, hindsight , there were hints about Howard's plans; several times in 1935–36,whenever his
  15. Boolean logic—the basis of modern digital computer logic—Boole is regarded in, hindsight ,as a founder of the field of computer science. Boole said, ... no general
  16. Passages from the Book of Revelation. His choice of subject was prophetic: with, hindsight ,the work appears to foretell, in the most powerful terms, the disasters that
  17. And explained," We were in mid-flight – and there was a nut on the plane. " In, hindsight , he discussed Monroe's" certain indefinable magic" and" absolute genius as
  18. Hurd architect, their early plan was to adapt the 4.4BSD-Lite kernel and, in, hindsight ," It is now perfectly obvious to me that this would have succeeded splendidly
  19. Theorems also imply that not all mathematical questions are computable. In, hindsight , the basic idea at the heart of the incompleteness theorem is rather simple.
  20. Managers of the company, which may partly explain the mistakes they made from, hindsight , This lack of information might have been counteracted (as in earlier times in
  21. Who had approached Oppenheimer to help the Russians. Teller said that, in, hindsight , he would have responded differently. And later headed an effort at General
  22. Aside from this, once published in Circular T the TAI scale is not revised. In, hindsight ,it is possible to discover errors in TAI, and to make better estimates of the
  23. Was offered the position of Governor General of Canada, and she speculated in, hindsight ,that their agreement to refuse the commission may have been a contributing
  24. Had wished, the inquiry reached the conclusion that nothing was proven. In, hindsight ,it seems that none of the major parties involved considered the truth to be a
  25. Of the co-operation between Germany and White Finland. Warfare Escalation In, hindsight ,the events of 1917 have often been seen simply as precursors of the Civil War
  26. The quality. However, all was not lost. The governor’s prediction is wrong in, hindsight , but the oil and natural gas industry was a tremendous business for the city
  27. To Anatole France, whose unquestioned value Breton had challenged in 1924. In, hindsight , the disunion of 1929-30 and the effects of Un Cadaver had very little negative
  28. S 1985 cash injection into Acorn the machine was effectively sidelined. With, hindsight , the machine lacked the RAM (a typical program would need to fit in only
  29. Of the Pope, was in accord with the earlier Synods. With the benefit of, hindsight ,it can be said that this process effectively set the New Testament canon
  30. Objects because light streams out of our eyes and touches them. While flawed in, hindsight , this became the fundamental basis on which later Greek philosophers and
  31. Calculated with the period of the energy state E_n or E_ or some average. In, hindsight , there is no need to quibble, since this theory is only the leading
  32. A few lines to an entire page, that cover topics such as Calvin's mother's ", hindsight ," and exploring the woods. In The Essential Calvin and Hobbes, Watterson
  33. Unify the two into one operating system. This successor was code named Cairo. In, hindsight , Cairo was a much more difficult project than Microsoft had anticipated and, as
  34. Lee's proposal: This was written years after the campaign and is affected by, hindsight , both of the results of the battle and of the rostellum criticism of the Lost
  35. By Natasha & Peterson (1978) and Mahout (1980),and this method in, hindsight ,can be seen as one step of a radix-4 decimation-in-time Cooley–Turkey algorithm
  36. Success in the 1960s to the series but has often seemed embarrassed by it in, hindsight , often down-playing the show in retrospective television specials on the
  37. Futures by bringing about" the fall of a tyrant ". Mackie concludes that, in, hindsight , Bosworth Field is notable as the decisive battle that established a dynasty
  38. Value judgments may have been superimposed on that picture with the wisdom of, hindsight , The debacle in which the reign of Napoleon III of France culminated may have
  39. Fallen and Loan) into the new type-set Roman Gradual of 1974. In, hindsight , the 'Graduate Triplex' proved a great stimulus for self-study as it made
  40. Which would have left the Sydney Swans' recruiting staff slightly red-faced in, hindsight , That year, North Melbourne club CEO Greg Miller met with Sydney's football
  41. Turned down because it would make installed systems obsolete. Having this, hindsight , some ten years later, CEPT chose 8 bits for framing the European E1. Higher T
  42. Could not be a result of Jesus predicting the future but with the benefit of, hindsight ,regarding specific details. They believe that the discussion in Luke 21:5-30 is
  43. Posts. Setting the Qing capital in Beijing may seem a straightforward move in, hindsight , but it was then an act of innovation because historically no major Chinese
  44. At this time). This led to many deaths from the use of chloroform that (with, hindsight ,) might have been preventable. The first fatality directly attributed to
  45. The first half of the 20th century. Were in the view of most historians with, hindsight ,piecemeal and yielded little lasting results. Various reasons for the apparent
  46. The fuel capacity for him to loiter long. Much has been made of Yamamoto's, hindsight , but (in keeping with Japanese military tradition not to criticize the
  47. Logic languages, all in one, all in one language. And I think it - again, in, hindsight ,- it just bogged down under the weight of trying to satisfy all those things at
  48. Of“ eastern splendor” entirely covered with pearls, and with the benefit of, hindsight , has this disembodied head anticipate Pompey’s later defeat at Pharaohs and
  49. Out of the past. It was his own poem, a manifesto. To read it now, with the, hindsight ,of another age, is to feel premonitions of the critical achievement to come ...
  50. That hypothesis as it became more obvious that it was correct. In the same way, hindsight ,argues that postulating the either is more complex than transmission of light

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