Examples of the the word, breastfeed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( breastfeed ), is the 7272 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And the need for second or sometimes third procedures. The ability to, breastfeed ,cannot be guaranteed after any surgery to correct inverted nipples. Therefore
  2. Or *car-drive do not exist. Yet, we find literal action words, such as, breastfeed , and washing instructions on clothing as for example hand wash. Hyphenation
  3. Financial gain, but in exchange a female member of the family must allow it to, breastfeed ,from her, sucking blood instead of milk. Appearance People normally associate
  4. A wet nurse can be used if a baby's natural mother is unable or chooses not to, breastfeed ,her infant. Before the development of baby formulas in the 20th century, when a
  5. Women and children, to have enough nutritious food. #The right of women to, breastfeed ,and to make informed choices about infant feeding. #The right of women to full
  6. As alcohol, viruses (HIV or HTLV-1) or medications. Most women that do not, breastfeed ,use infant formula, but breast milk donated by volunteers to human milk banks
  7. Would either breastfeed or starve, the mother would have to allow the baby to, breastfeed , But the mother would never have to give the baby a blood transfusion, no
  8. Contemporaries saw it differently because Rousseau thought that mothers should, breastfeed ,their children. Harmonies wrote that his wife thought," One must forgive
  9. Of baby formulas in the 20th century, when a natural mother was unable to, breastfeed ,her baby, the baby's life was put in danger if a wet nurse was not available.
  10. Of breastfeed ing. Most women with inverted nipples who give birth are able to, breastfeed ,without complication, but inexperienced mothers may experience higher than
  11. Though not regularly, English shows some instrument incorporation, as in, breastfeed , and direct object incorporation, as in babysit. Etymologically, such verbs in
  12. Hominem attacks. In an irony of fate,Rousseau's later injunction to women to, breastfeed ,their own babies (as had previously been recommended by the French natural
  13. Asia of Egypt's Alcázar University issued a fatwa that allowed women to, breastfeed ,their male colleagues as a way of bypassing segregation of the sexes at work.
  14. Of the breast). A number of studies have demonstrated a similar ability to, breastfeed ,when breast reduction patients are compared to control groups where the surgery
  15. Performed on her inverted nipples, it can permanently destroy her capacity to, breastfeed , Another method of protracting inverted nipples is to have the nipple pierced.
  16. That women whose epidurals contain the drug fentanyl were less likely to fully, breastfeed ,their infant in the few days after birth and more likely to stop breastfeed ing
  17. From. It is typically used by infants and young children when a mother does not, breastfeed , or if someone cannot (as conveniently) drink from a cup, for feeding oneself
  18. On pregnancy and breastfeed ing. Girls and women should not become pregnant or, breastfeed ,during treatment which may harm the baby. *Dehydration and low blood pressure.
  19. History of formula Early infant foods Throughout history, mothers who could not, breastfeed ,their babies either employed a wet nurse or, less frequently, prepared food for
  20. Take a breast exam when Lois tells Peter about her body, and even tried to, breastfeed ,Stevie when Lois is not looking). In desperation, she asks Peter's friends
  21. Of which noun incorporation into a verbal root (as in English backstabbing, breastfeed , etc.) is most prevalent (see below). Verb–verb compounds Verb–verb
  22. S well-being that it makes sense to demonize mothers who do not or cannot, breastfeed , Lillian Gordy Carter (August 15, 1898 – October 30, 1983) was the mother of
  23. And other pro- breastfeed ing individuals/organizations paint mothers who do not, breastfeed ,as cold and/or unresponsive to their children's needs. She cites studies that
  24. Campaigning over nearly twenty years for the rights of mothers to choose to, breastfeed ,their babies, in the full knowledge of the health benefits of breastmilk, and
  25. As the mother and protector of the pharaoh. During this period, she is said to, breastfeed ,the pharaoh and often is depicted doing so. The role of her name and her
  26. Physical contact, painful procedures, and interference with the opportunity to, breastfeed , A NICU can be stressful for the staff as well. A special aspect of NICU stress
  27. In any way changes the content of the mother's milk. Some women choose not to, breastfeed ,for social reasons and status. Wet nurses have also been used when a mother
  28. A federal law enacted in 1999 specifically provides that" a woman may, breastfeed ,her child at any location in a Federal building or on Federal property, if the
  29. To twins or a single infant after a gestation period of about 8½ months. They, breastfeed ,for about 12 months. The baby can crawl at around 9 weeks old and can walk at
  30. A federal law enacted in 1999 specifically provides that" a woman may, breastfeed ,her child at any location in a Federal building or on Federal property, if the
  31. According to research conducted in Vancouver, Canada,82.9 % of mothers, breastfeed ,their babies at birth, but the number differed between Caucasians (91.6 %)
  32. Topfreedom advocates seek recognition of the right of nursing mothers to openly, breastfeed ,in public, and of women to sun bathe topless. The Top free Equal Rights
  33. As for all cytotoxic drugs, the manufacturer advises not to, breastfeed ,whilst taking azathioprine. The Lactation Risk Category (LAC) reported by
  34. Attractiveness. * Lack of training: The mother is not trained sufficiently to, breastfeed ,without pain and to produce enough milk. * Lactation insufficiency: The mother
  35. The areola, not the nipple, so women with inverted nipples are actually able to, breastfeed ,without issue. An infant that latches on well may be able to slush out an
  36. In it. Member also tells her that a little girl had led her to Shekel to, breastfeed ,Moses, which she realized must be the real mother. Nefertiti kills Member.
  37. Urged to drink a tall glass of water, milk or juice before sitting down to, breastfeed ,their child. Women should consult with their physicians about caffeine and
  38. Elisabeth, she took complete charge of the baby, refusing to allow Elisabeth to, breastfeed ,or otherwise care for her. When a second daughter, Archduchess Gisela of
  39. The parents to get more sleep and facilitates breastfeed ing. Older babies can, breastfeed ,during the night without waking their mother. Opponents claim that co-sleeping
  40. Infant formula (generally up to age 6 or 12 months, when infants are typically, breastfeed ,) was considered largely saturated, and in conjunction with regulations on
  41. Desire. Urge may also refer to: *Sucking urge, an infant's instinctive urge to, breastfeed ,* urge, drive forward, to make something move faster * Nissan Urge, a concept
  42. Be found in the maternal milk in significant concentrations. Women should not, breastfeed ,while taking trazodone. Side effects Adverse reactions reported include the
  43. States, mothers of lower socio-economic status have been found less likely to, breastfeed , although this may be partly related to adverse effects of government nutrition
  44. The chances of getting mastitis increases if women use only one position to, breastfeed ,or wear a tight-fitting bra, which may restrict milk flow Women with diabetes
  45. A portmanteau of" man" and" mammary gland" ), an invention that lets Jack ", breastfeed ," his grandson. His cover-up job is a retired florist/horticulturist. Even
  46. Claiming health benefits for formula, and giving free samples to women able to, breastfeed ,– this latter practice is particularly criticized because it can interfere with
  47. That can help prevent MTCT while allowing women in resource-limited settings to, breastfeed ,their infants safely. More recently, NIAID-funded scientists found that testing
  48. Affordable, Sustainable and Safe) principles. * The baby is unable to, breastfeed ,: The child has a birth defect or inborn error of metabolism such as
  49. Pretended to breast-feed to promote a documentary for Channel 4 on women who, breastfeed ,other people's babies. Personal life Carraway lived in Oxfordshire before
  50. Replacement available for her mother's breast milk, and the baby would either, breastfeed ,or starve, the mother would have to allow the baby to breastfeed . But the

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