Examples of the the word, legendary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( legendary ), is the 7273 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. World invented written language. During the late 19th century, ideas about the, legendary ,nature of Atlantis were combined with stories of other lost continents such as
  2. Shawn (1980),Awards (1981),and Shakti (1982) which pitted him against, legendary ,actor Di lip Kumar. 1982 injury while filming Coolie On 26 July 1982,while
  3. High school basketball was unrivaled in many parts of America. Perhaps the most, legendary ,of high school teams was Indiana's Franklin Wonder Five, which took the nation
  4. His accounts of ancient Athens and Atlantis stem from a visit to Egypt by the, legendary ,Athenian lawgiver Solon in the 6th century BC. In Egypt, Solon met a priest of
  5. Later Death's manservant Albert) is a sly nod to Albert us Magnus in his more, legendary ,and esoteric guise. Walter M. Miller, Jr. is novel A Canticle for Leibowitz
  6. Activity that is evident from the earliest Iron Age, circa 1100 BC. The city's, legendary ,founder was Cinemas, linked with the birth of Adonis, who called the city after
  7. Roles. Further, subtracting from the familiarity was the fact that the, legendary ,Clamped mansion was unavailable for a location shoot as the owners' lease was
  8. Suns" by Khaled Hosseini. Atlantis (in Greek," island of Atlas" ) is a, legendary ,island first mentioned in Plato's dialogues Times and Critics, written about
  9. As they do for the Lydians, so another possibility is that" Lattes I" was a, legendary ,rather than a historical figure. The ancient historians Herodotus and Strabo
  10. And eight blitz games and took place exactly 25 years after the two players ', legendary ,encounter at World Chess Championship 1984. Kasparov won the match 9–3.
  11. To play a version of" Knowing Me, Knowing You" in concert appearances, while, legendary , English Latin pop songwriter Richard Daniel Roman has recognized ABBA as a
  12. The goddess Aphrodite. Through the Julian's, the Almonds make this claim. The, legendary ,kings of Britain trace their family through a grandson of Aeneas, Brutus.
  13. Azeris also celebrate the Epic of Google (from for blind man's son),a, legendary ,folk hero. Several documented versions of Google epic remain at the Institute
  14. That the" Agrarian Worker" became the" Ram" via association with the, legendary ,figure of Cumuli the Shepherd. Gavin White suggests that the subprogram" man "
  15. Into place, for ship caulking, and for waterproofing. This must be regarded as, legendary ,but indicative that the concept was known. The Persian word for asphalt is room
  16. Sheffield which involves two major themes: being widowed and the quest for a, legendary ,Babbage computer. *Hugh Cook's fantasy novels The Wish stone and the
  17. Inside you can find five frescoes by the Aachen artist Alfred Ethel which show, legendary ,scenes from the life of Charlemagne, as well as Charlemagne's signature. The
  18. A surface area of about 3 hectares. It was also known as Europa, after the, legendary ,serpent-man, Cecrops, the first Athenian king. History Early settlement While
  19. Their third straight pennant in 1903 thanks to a powerful line-up that included, legendary ,shortstop Bonus Wagner, who hit .355 and drove in 101 runs, player-manager Fred
  20. Along the forestays ". Bowra's ability to single out important information is, legendary ,and it is demonstrated in an anecdote about his days at Oxford. He and some
  21. And is immortalized in Buddhist literature as 'Melinda '. Legend There are many, legendary ,accounts surrounding the life of Alexander the Great, with a relatively large
  22. Varanasi,1973) Literary evidence shows that long before Satavahanas,a, legendary ,king named Andhra Vi? H? U ruled in and around the Diviseema region of Andhra
  23. And part of Humboldt University is located there. Friedrichstraße was Berlin's, legendary ,street during the Roaring Twenties. It combines 20th century traditions with
  24. And King Arthur is their son, and the sword of Julius Caesar becomes the, legendary ,Excalibur in Britain. In the 2007 film version of the novel, he is played by
  25. Setting for the first dramatic portrayal of Miss Marple with Gracie Fields,the, legendary ,British actress, playing her in a 1956 episode of Goodyear TV Playhouse based
  26. Been perceived as monsters, including the mythological Roc and the Māori's, legendary ,Osaka, a giant bird capable of snatching humans. Birds have been featured in
  27. Legend). * Legendary outlaws such as Lang "Mathias/NHS"> DE">Mathias Neal,the, legendary ,robber or Lang "Matthias/NHS"> DE">Matthias Klostermayr, better known as Bavarian His
  28. Have posited that Aeneas was originally a life-death-rebirth deity. Family and, legendary ,descendants Aeneas had an extensive family tree. His wet-nurse was Camera, and
  29. Nearby Madonna, a Phrygia dependency. What's more, epigraphic lists are often, legendary ,rather than annalist, including,for instance, the mythic hero Herakles as a
  30. Viewed him as prefiguring many of their ideas; Strabo makes him the (probably, legendary ,) inventor of the anchor with two flukes, and others made him the inventor of
  31. The perceived cultural divisions among the Hellenes were represented as, legendary ,lines of descent that identified kinship groups, with each line being derived
  32. Was the key event in establishing the urn as the physical embodiment of the, legendary ,ashes. MCC first displayed the urn in the Long Room at Lord's Cricket Ground
  33. For" spurious" or" false ". This usage usually involves fictitious or, legendary ,accounts that are plausible enough to be commonly considered true. For example
  34. Also referred to as AFC Ajax, Ajax Amsterdam or simply Ajax (after the, legendary ,Greek hero),is a professional football club from Amsterdam, Netherlands. The
  35. Lord Tennyson, and A. E. Housman, and the amphisbaena as a mythological and, legendary ,creature has been referenced by Lucas, Pliny the Elder, Isidore of Seville, and
  36. Team is nicknamed" Les Talons" (" the Stallions" ) in reference to the, legendary ,horse of Princess Jennings. In 1998,Burkina Faso hosted the African Cup of
  37. And lifelong political activist, Guthrie carries on the legacy of his, legendary ,father. He was awarded the Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience award on September
  38. The introduction of his firm to American Airlines to Henry Dreyfuss,the, legendary ,AA design consultant. The logo is still in use today. By September 1970
  39. Nature. Angus Marcus (r. 640 BC – 616 BC) was the, legendary ,fourth of the Kings of Rome. He was the son of Marcus (whose father, also
  40. The conflict between hippies and Vancouver mayor Tom Campbell was particularly, legendary , culminating in the so-called Gas town Riots of 1971. By the end of the decade
  41. Traditions of the Byzantine Empire until the mid-15th century. Alexander became, legendary ,as a classical hero in the mold of Achilles, and features prominently in the
  42. Of the film, including Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Olivia de Havilland, and its, legendary ,producer, David O. Selznick, attended the gala event, which was held at Loew's
  43. Manufacture, and easy to clean and maintain. Its ruggedness and reliability are, legendary , The AK-47 was initially designed for ease of operation and repair by
  44. And stories of flight have appeared throughout recorded history, such as the, legendary ,story of Icarus and Daedalus. Although observations of some aerodynamic effects
  45. Pattern in an infinitely unimaginable fashion ". In his final years, he was a, legendary ,and heroic figure to some young writers and artists in Paris. Guillaume
  46. And practices. Overview The best known goals of the alchemists were the,a, legendary ,substance that was believed to be an essential ingredient for either or both of
  47. Black Sea the following locations have been proposed: Bosporus and Income (a, legendary ,place near Trayvon). In the Atlantic Ocean and Europe In 2011,a team, working
  48. The sixth century. Solon passed laws limiting Aegean commerce in Attica. The, legendary ,history of these relations, as recorded by Herodotus (v. 79-89; vi. 49-51,73
  49. That the Achaeans were forced from these homelands by the Dorian's, during the, legendary ,Dorian invasion of the Peloponnese. They then moved into the region that later
  50. The outfield fences closer in, making home runs more common. The rise of the, legendary ,player Babe Ruth, the first great power hitter of the new era, helped

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