Examples of the the word, bypass , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bypass ), is the 5965 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Motorways, and exceptions are the A11 freeway, Zagreb bypass and Rivera, bypass , as well as sections adjacent to border crossings (except eastbound A3).
  2. Gauge, originally constructed as gauge; three trains a week. This line is a, bypass ,of the Livingstone Falls on the Congo River, known as a portage railway.
  3. CABG): Grafting an artery or vein from elsewhere (typically the leg) to, bypass ,a stenotic coronary artery.; Enhanced external counterpulsation (EEC):
  4. Focussed ion beam preparation, although more time-consuming, may be used to, bypass ,such limitations. * Features of interest may evaporate in a physically
  5. Expressway (formerly the Start Highway extension),a northern suburb, bypass ,route—connecting the Gawker Bypass to Port Wakefield Road—started construction
  6. As angioplasty and coronary stent-implantation; *3. Coronary artery, bypass ,grafting (CABG - coronary artery bypass surgery). Recent research efforts
  7. Attacks in the future: deployment in depth, permitting enemy forces to, bypass ,defensive concentrations, reliance on anti-tank guns, strong force employment
  8. Kentucky. When the road reached Columbus, Tipton constructed the first, bypass ,road ever built; it detoured south around the west side of Columbus on its way
  9. Produce market Outer neighborhoods The Gordon Bazaar, just inside the, bypass ,highway on the north-eastern edge of the city, is a major retail and wholesale
  10. Was completed in May 2007. Freeway A3 extends from Slovenia via the Zagreb, bypass ,through the length of Slavonic to the Serbian border. In Slavonic there is now
  11. Was located at the southern entrance to Cadillac. With the construction of a, bypass , the US-131 freeway was extended around the east side of the city. The former
  12. Health concerns In September 2004,Clinton received a quadruple, bypass ,surgery. In March 2005,he underwent surgery for a partially collapsed lung. On
  13. Presence in the country. Since 1995,the High Representative has been able to, bypass ,the elected parliamentary assembly, and since 1997 has been able to remove
  14. Two Independent senators. As a result, the Coalition government could often, bypass ,the Australian Democrats, and pass legislation by negotiating with Cols ton and
  15. Charged on most Croatian motorways, and exceptions are the A11 freeway, Zagreb, bypass , and Rivera bypass , as well as sections adjacent to border crossings (except
  16. Sequestrants. Extreme cases have previously been treated with partial ideal, bypass ,surgery, which has now been superseded by medication. Apheresis-based
  17. Presence in the country. Since 1995,the High Representative has been able to, bypass ,the elected parliamentary assembly or to remove elected officials. The methods
  18. Engines and a new interior. The longer range was used by some airlines to, bypass ,traditional fuel stops, such as, and Rolls-Royce RB211-524. The 747-400D was
  19. Would allow individuals to comprehend spiritual research on their own and, bypass ,the danger of dependency on an authority. Anthroposophy speaks of the
  20. With outdated autism research. The Internet has helped autistic individuals, bypass ,nonverbal cues and emotional sharing that they find so hard to deal with, and
  21. De Charles III),two partially covered fast highways with several exits that, bypass ,the city. The city's main arteries include Diagonal Avenue, which crosses the
  22. And filtering out of non-alphanumeric strings. However, techniques exist to, bypass ,these filters and manipulations; alphanumeric code, polymorphic code
  23. SSL). Many content filters have an option which allows authorized people to, bypass ,the content filter. This is especially useful in environments where the
  24. The northernmost part of Powers Boulevard in order to create an Interstate 25, bypass , commonly referred to as the Copper Ridge Expansion. The project developers also
  25. As Siphon. Also cached web pages returned by Google or other searches could, bypass ,some controls as well. Web syndication services may provide alternate paths for
  26. It is bypass ed by a dual carriageway section of the A30 trunk road; before the, bypass ,was built the village straddled the A30 road. Daphne du Married, a former
  27. To be the downtown Boston stretch of Interstate 95,and was signed as such; a, bypass ,road called the Inner Belt (officially Interstate 695) was to pass around the
  28. Of both the OEM key and the digital certificate for their SLIP in order to, bypass ,activation; in practice this is extremely unlikely and hence the only real way
  29. In use in the state. Much of this service can be attributed to the Alaska, bypass ,mail program which subsidizes bulk mail delivery to Alaskan rural communities.
  30. Of the system. Gateway-based content control software may be more difficult to, bypass ,than desktop software as the user does not have physical access to the
  31. Ill, Humayun was told of a plot by the senior nobles of Babur's court to, bypass ,the leader's sons and appoint Mahdi Khan,Babur's sister's husband, as his
  32. 3. Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG - coronary artery, bypass ,surgery). Recent research efforts focus on new angiogenic treatment modalities
  33. Of this nature. Many advertisers employ a wide-variety of linguistic devices to, bypass ,regulatory laws (e.g. printing English words in bold and French translations
  34. Pump that wholly replaces the pumping action of the heart.:; Cardiopulmonary, bypass ,(CPU) / heart-lung machine: External pump to take over the function of both
  35. It was also under the Temporary Provisions that Chiang was able to, bypass ,term limits to remain as president. He was reelected by the National Assembly
  36. Growth factor 1 (FGF-1) - might be used as sole therapy as well as adjunct to, bypass ,surgery – thus overcoming the limitations of conventional bypass surgery. Now
  37. In rural areas. Mobile-phone systems are widely used in urban areas to, bypass ,deficiencies in the fixed-line network; fixed-line connections stand at well
  38. Original plan to convert Powers Boulevard, a major Eastside expressway, into a, bypass ,for I-25 was abandoned, although some interchanges are overpasses and roads
  39. Aberdeen as 6th Avenue South. US Highway 281 was recently realigned onto a new, bypass ,that was constructed around the western area of the city. Transit; Taxi
  40. Time of PPI I Merger (reigned 2332–2283 BC),who ordered a canal built to, bypass ,the cataract on the Nile near Aswan. In ancient China, large canals for river
  41. In the legs.; s. Procedures to counter coronary artery disease; Coronary artery, bypass ,surgery (CABG): Grafting an artery or vein from elsewhere (typically the leg
  42. Clients, third-party clients, or user-written add-ons may still allow users to, bypass ," soft" removal of warning abilities. * AIM Closed List, Allow Only, Buddies
  43. Of devices whose intended use, or only significant commercial use, is to, bypass ,an access or copy control put in place by a copyright owner. An appellate court
  44. Ll Be The Day" was released as a single, credited to the Crickets to try to, bypass ,Decca's claimed legal rights. When the song became a hit, Decca decided not to
  45. Governments from ignoring it—a state of emergency was declared 52 times to, bypass ,constitutional guarantees. Constitutional courts Constitutions are often, but
  46. Some games, pieces may not represent or belong to a particular player. *Jump—to, bypass ,one or more game pieces or spaces. Depending on the context, jumping may also
  47. The mite, which splits the top tube laterally into two thinner top tubes that, bypass ,the seat tube on each side and connect to the rear fork ends. The ease of
  48. Forced. Intentional walks are a strategic defensive maneuver, usually done to, bypass ,one hitter for one the defensive team believes is less likely to initiate a
  49. As adjunct to bypass surgery – thus overcoming the limitations of conventional, bypass ,surgery. Now offers a new, specific and – so far as we know from three human
  50. Under negotiation among Bulgaria, Greece,and Russia in 2006,would provide a, bypass ,of the overloaded Bosporus Strait. Name cp14/> The line would enable

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