Examples of the the word, hills , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Two mountains – the Florence (559 m) and the Sugar Loaf (596 m) – and five, hills ,: Asgard Far (The Stirred),Asgard Each (Stirred Each),Devi, Rholben and
  2. Miles along a narrow strip of land between the river and a ridge of rocky, hills , The houses are separated from one another by fruit gardens. Ana marks the
  3. Is considered mountainous. Notable physical features are the gently undulating, hills ,of the subtropical southeastern coast, which are covered with tea plantations
  4. Largely untouched by humans. The hinterland of the island features some rolling, hills , the best known of which are called Goldberg at and Mount Jamaica, the highest
  5. Time of Robert the Bruce and represents the buildings that stood on the three, hills ,of Aberdeen; Aberdeen Castle on Castle Hill (today's cast legate); an unknown
  6. The Gravelly Range is the distinguishing feature of the district. The range of, hills ,which runs between Ajmer and Faridabad marks the watershed of the continent of
  7. Excess of water. In either case the earth becomes weakened by its cracks and, hills ,collapse, causing earthquakes. Lightning is also caused by a violent separation
  8. Therefore they decided to leave anyway. The two closest Roman camps were behind, hills ,and in the other option behind a plain near a valley. Sabin us and Gotta chose
  9. Rhodes). File: Hills on Mykonos. JPG|The 'Breasts of Aphrodite' twin, hills ,in Mykonos April 1 is most notable in many countries for being April Fools '
  10. Is conspicuously situated overlooking the sea, on the shoulder of the Buzzard, hills , 2 miles (3.2 km) to the north of the city. Above the altar is a statue of
  11. AJ is a name synonym to lord Brahma, Meru means hills . Ajmer means abode, hills ,of lord Brahma) was found in the late seventh century by Sushant Chauhan. He
  12. Athens is built around a number of hills . Lycabettus is one of the tallest, hills ,of the city proper and provides a view of the entire Attica Basin. The
  13. Because of its primary materials (the gold and silver of the Ganglion, hills ,and the dense forests essential for naval construction),and the sea routes
  14. On his childhood at Spindle Hill:" It kept me pure ... I dwelt amidst the, hills ,... God spoke to me while I walked the fields. " Starting at age 15,he took a
  15. Higher slopes of the Gravelly Range, leaving but little for Marmara, where the, hills ,are lower, and still less for Ajmer. It is only when the monsoon is in
  16. To the north of the Alps and the east of the Jury, above which rise low, hills , The surface of the country is beautifully diversified, undulating tracts and
  17. Is hill-farming. To the south and east the topography consists of rolling, hills ,bordering the sea. This area is well populated, with the larger towns and the
  18. 1,800 apartments and 40 high standard villas, will be built on the surrounding, hills , The fifth project is that of the tourist complex Colonel Abbes, which will be
  19. Southeast of Marseille. It occupies a sheltered position at the foot of wooded, hills ,on the northern shore of the Gulf of Ajaccio. The harbor lies to the east of
  20. Geological formation known as Crowley's Ridge. A narrowband of rolling, hills , Crowley's Ridge rises from 250 to above the surrounding alluvial plain and
  21. And were regularly used by later Apollo crews. *Craters on the Moon and, hills ,on Mars are named after the three Apollo 1 astronauts. Civic and other
  22. Eisensandstein (Iron Sandstone) Formation emerges to surface. On the other, hills ,of the city, sands (Goldshöfer Sand),gravel and residual rubble prevail.
  23. Stater, installed by Philip to capitalize on the gold reserves of the Ganglion, hills , replaced the Amphipolitan drachma) were all replaced by Macedonian
  24. Its maximum flood stage. The low river banks are interrupted by only a few, hills , and the river enters the enormous Amazon Rainforest. The river systems and
  25. Worked extensively near Suez and Assist. Many ancient quarries are found in the, hills ,overlooking the plain of Tell El Maria. Algerian onyx-marble has been quarried
  26. While they crossed the valley Ambrosia and his men attacked them from up the, hills ,and slaughtered them. Sabin us, Cotta and their troops were massacred. Caesar's
  27. Hills, and extend from an eastern to a western harbor; on the southwestern, hills ,are the remains of the medieval settlement of Polystyrene. Andrea is a titular
  28. Kathiawar and Dutch are deprived of a great deal of their moisture by the, hills ,in those countries (now the majority of this region is in Gujarat state within
  29. Now a museum known as Casey Bonaparte) and a rarely used country home in the, hills ,north of the city (now site of the Arboretum DES Minnelli). The father of the
  30. It was called' Ajmer '. AJ is a name synonym to lord Brahma, Meru means, hills , Ajmer means abode hills of lord Brahma) was found in the late seventh
  31. North-eastern, eastern,south-eastern and inner southern suburbs, the Adelaide, hills ,and North Adelaide. Almost a fifth (17.9 %) of the population had university
  32. Of the site were discovered. In the first place the entrance passage faces the, hills ,of the island How, about 10 miles away. Secondly, it consists of two straight
  33. In other sports. The Athens area encompasses a variety of terrain, notably, hills , and mountains rising around the city, and the capital is the only major city in
  34. Agricultural and fruit-growing region. The landscape of Ann Arbor consists of, hills ,and valleys, with the terrain becoming steeper near the Huron River. The
  35. Him in a great chamber. Worship of Artemis, the goddess of forests and, hills , was worshiped throughout Ancient Greece. Her best known cults were on the
  36. Gurgaon on 17 March 1662. The Whom king Jayadhwaj took shelter in the eastern, hills ,abandoning his capital and all his treasures. Immense spoils fell into the
  37. Of the country is beautifully diversified, undulating tracts and well-wooded, hills ,It contains the famous hot sulfur springs of Baden and Schinznach-Bad, while
  38. And it has been declared a national park. Athens is built around a number of, hills , Lycabettus is one of the tallest hills of the city proper and provides a view
  39. Lake, Lake Austin, and Lake Travis are each on the Colorado River. Because the, hills ,to the west are primarily limestone rock with a thin covering of topsoil
  40. Film insulation or other insulation against heat and cold, digging ditches and, hills ,for protection against the wind, and greenhouses with internal light and heat
  41. Spa itself. We left the main road and wound into the leafy fastnesses of the, hills , till we reached a little hamlet and an isolated white villa high on the
  42. Surrounded by the Gravelly Mountains, Ajmer is an oasis wrapped in the green, hills , Ajmer is a popular pilgrimage center for the Muslims. Especially famous is the
  43. City of the" Violet Crown" for the wintertime violet glow of color across the, hills ,just after sunset. Even today, many Austin businesses use the term" violet
  44. The meeting point of ancient Athenians),away from the busy city center. The, hills ,of Athens also provide green space. Lycabettus, Philopappos hill and the area
  45. Armies would stand against the Sicilian forces and retreated to the outlying, hills , Androids also assembled a fleet of 100 ships to stop the Norman fleet from
  46. Is named after Allen. On the Sandberg, the Schnaitberg and the Schoenberg, hills , all in the west of Allen, the Eisensandstein (Iron Sandstone) Formation
  47. As the highest point in the plains of North India; from the circle of, hills ,which hem it in, the country slopes away on every side - towards river valleys
  48. Passage, a village of the Republic of Venice situated amid the recesses of the, hills ,of Solo, where these form the last undulations of the Venetian Alps, as they
  49. Ruins of the town may still be seen on Cape Palestra; they cover seven small, hills , and extend from an eastern to a western harbor; on the southwestern hills are
  50. Campaign (part of the Turkish War of Independence) Anyone and the surrounding, hills ,were occupied by French, Italian and then Greek forces. However, it was

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