Examples of the the word, agility , in a Sentence Context
The word ( agility ), is the 12970 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Jump is a track and field event in which athletes combine speed, strength,and, agility ,in an attempt to leap as far from the take-off point as possible. This event
- Period, progress in violin technique was steady but slow. Techniques requiring, agility ,of the fingers and the bow were still considered unorthodox and discouraged by
- Mated for flight and delivery. Performance characteristics The P-40 had good, agility , especially at high speed and medium to low altitude. It was one of the
- Virtually identical to an adult human, but have superior strength, agility , and variable intelligence depending on the model. Because of their physical
- Allied pilots developed tactics to cope with the Zero. Due to its extreme, agility , engaging in a traditional, turning dogfight with a Zero was likely to be fatal
- Known for its distinctive tone color, wide range, variety of character and, agility , Listeners often compare its warm, dark,reedy timbre to that of a male
- And the roles they play are classified by voice type, based on the messieurs, agility , power and timbre of their voices. Male singers can be loosely classified by
- Of human development and conditioning. Captain America's strength, endurance, agility , speed, reflexes,durability, and healing are at the zenith of natural human
- From fully grown. Although Conan is muscular, Howard frequently compares his, agility ,and way of moving to that of a panther (see for instance" Jewels of Glamour "
- For the time, but one that offered significant advantages in stability and, agility ,in a time before stirrups. * Elites (light infantry): The elites were
- Of a costumed crime fighter. Spider-Man's creators gave him super strength and, agility , the ability to cling to most surfaces, shoot spider-webs using devices of his
- Said to be unbalanced. Illnesses caused by improper nutrient consumption Mental, agility ,Research indicates that improving the awareness of nutritious meal choices and
- Afghan Hounds' reasoning skills have made it a successful competitor in dog, agility ,trials as well as an intuitive therapy dog and companion. Genomic studies have
- Designed to fire radar-guided missiles from beyond visual range, lacked the, agility ,of its Soviet opponents and was subject to adverse yaw during hard maneuvering.
- Lbs. The polo pony is selected carefully for quick bursts of speed, stamina, agility , and maneuverability. Temperament is critical; the horse must remain responsive
- Finding creative solutions to problems, continually improving, and empowering, agility , * Market cultures focus on value to the customer and are typically competitive
- Definitely capable of enjoying and performing well in competitive obedience and, agility ,trials with the right kind of training. Like other sight hounds they do not cope
- Examples of this type include words with the -‹it › suffix (as in agile vs, agility , acid vs acidity, divine vs divinity, sane vs sanity, etc.). (See also:
- As non-threatening. Most light horse riding breeds were developed for speed, agility , alertness and endurance; natural qualities that extend from their wild
- Decreases when the player is attacked or harms himself. Stamina (based on, agility ,and vitality) limits the number of actions (exercise, fighting,running, etc.
- In this case, due to his intensity in advancing on his opponent and his good, agility , which makes him difficult to evade. For example, the swarming Joe Frazier
- Virtually identical to an adult human, but have superior strength, agility , and variable intelligence depending on the model. Because of their physical
- Necessarily wish to teach them—very quickly. However, Keeshonden make excellent, agility ,and obedience dogs. So amenable to proper training is this bright, sturdy dog
- Sport Karate emphases aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise, power, agility , flexibility, and stress management. All practices vary depending upon the
- Flow off a slender lifting surface. Since the F-16 was being optimized for high, agility ,in air combat,GD's designers chose a slender cropped-delta wing with a
- Name. Bel Canto lines are typically florid and intricate, requiring supreme, agility ,and pitch control. Following the Bel Canto era, a more direct, forceful style
- Between a trumpet and a flügelhorn. The flügelhorn has a similar level of, agility ,to the cornet but is more difficult to control in the high register (from
- Having half a head, half a body, one arm, one leg, with which it hops with much, agility ,". It was believed to be the offspring of a demon called a Shirk and a human
- Horthy, Stepnaya, Krimskaya and Short - already possessed the instincts and, agility ,necessary for hunting and bringing down wolves. The Provo was popular with the
- Strength necessary to deliver the implement, javelin throwers benefit from the, agility ,and athleticism typically associated with running and jumping events. Thus, the
- Their buffs are both long duration buffs, which increases hit points (HP), agility , and mitigation, and short durations buffs, which need to be recast often. The
- Carry cargo and passengers on long ocean voyages but still maintained speed and, agility , making the longship a versatile warship and cargo carrier. Keel, stems and
- The maximum of human efficiency, greatly enhancing his musculature, reflexes, agility , stamina and intelligence. Ermine declares Rogers to be the first of a new
- Involving performance of exercises requiring physical strength, flexibility, agility , coordination, and balance. Internationally,all the gymnastic sports are
- Kermit," in her weekly videos. Activities Some Italian Greyhounds enjoy dog, agility , The breed's lithe body and its love of action provide potential to do well at
- Added anti-torpedo blisters. During the Sea Battle off Malaya, her speed and, agility ,enabled her to hold her own and dodge 19 torpedoes. Without aerial cover she
- Aircraft purchases, and biplanes remained popular with pilots because of their, agility , and remained in service long after they had ceased to be competitive. Designs
- Also utilize sport-nonspecific training equipment to build strength, speed, agility , and stamina. Common training equipment includes free weights, rowing machines
- Were designed with a large missile payload and a powerful radar, sacrificing, agility , in favor of high speed, altitude ceiling and rate of climb. With a primary air
- Cannon and their ammunition affected the flight performance, especially its, agility , but the aircraft was found to be especially potent in the ground attack role.
- Carry, and do damage *Dexterity (DX) — A measure of the character's physical, agility , coordination, and manual dexterity *Intelligence (IQ) — A measure of the
- Into workouts, generally twice a week. This allows an athlete to work on, agility ,and explosiveness. Bounding is any sort of continuous jumping or
- Kites made of paper and bamboo. Tails are not used on fighter kites so that, agility ,and maneuverability are not compromised. In Afghanistan, kite flying is a
- An instrument which had the projection of a brass instrument with the, agility ,of a woodwind. Another priority was to invent an instrument which would
- Infantry). Cavalry proper (a 'Regiment of Horse' ) had to ride with some, agility ,and engage in sword-wielding melees with opposing cavalry so carrying anything
- Vaulters to achieve greater height. Physical attributes such as speed and, agility ,are essential to pole-vaulting effectively, but technical skill is an equally
- Determines hit probability in and defense against ranged attacks, feats of, agility ,vs. the environment, and similar acrobatics. Strength, which determines damage
- More comical ones, such as the grandfather's theme in Peter and the Wolf. Its, agility ,suits it for passages such as the famous running line (doubled in the violas
- Overall form and more for power over tall fences, along with speed, scope,and, agility , This favors a horse with a good galloping stride, powerful hindquarters that
- A cat sliding down a blackboard, but acknowledged her intelligence and mental, agility , On 19 January 1976 Thatcher made a speech in Kensington Town Hall in which she
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