Examples of the the word, ascertain , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ascertain ), is the 7535 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Blackwood convention. They sometimes act as if the convention is designed to, ascertain ,whether the partnership holds all the four aces or five key-cards. In fact
  2. Sources. Ross finds the poem, The Ballad of Bosworth Field, a useful source to, ascertain ,certain details of the battle. The multitude of different accounts, mostly
  3. A hard German was originally intended as the pronunciation. Self was unable to, ascertain ,at what point the alternative pronunciation came into occasional use, but
  4. Almanac. One needed also to know the precise time, which was difficult to, ascertain ,in foreign lands. Finally, it required a stable viewing platform, rendering the
  5. In that, the architect must meet with and question the client extensively to, ascertain ,all the requirements and nuances of the planned project. This information
  6. Acoustics In military applications the Doppler shift of a target is used to, ascertain ,the speed of a submarine using both passive and active sonar systems. As a
  7. The old language" ). The exact number of speakers in Greece is difficult to, ascertain , with estimates ranging between 20,000 and 250,000. Jacques Acid estimates in
  8. Separated from the ancient Slavic tongue common to all Slavs is difficult to, ascertain , though in the 12th century the common language of Ru's is still referred to in
  9. 5'6" and 5'8" ( 1.68 and 1.73 m) tall and weighed about. It was possible to, ascertain ,that his age at death was around the mid-20s. The body retains a trimmed beard
  10. Ends up being proven true or false. The continuum hypothesis, which tries to, ascertain ,the relative cardinality of certain infinite sets, was eventually shown to be
  11. Other unofficial instructions. So the council sent a delegation to Rome to, ascertain ,the Pope's intentions. Dante was one of the delegates. Exile and death
  12. Difference between a dialect and a language. Typically, it is not possible to, ascertain ,what an author means by these terms. For example, one might read that Corsican
  13. Also tend to be curious; when startled, they will often hesitate an instant to, ascertain ,the cause of their fright, and may not always flee from something that they
  14. Destroyed before communications could be established at a level sufficient to, ascertain ,it. In another episode," Home Soil ", intelligent crystals that formed a "
  15. Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia, although their numbers are difficult to, ascertain , In official census results, only 86 persons declared themselves Greeks in
  16. In the future. Population The exact population of Berber speakers is hard to, ascertain , since most North African countries do not record language data in their
  17. Conquered. In 1183,a census was taken of the crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, to, ascertain , the number of men and amount of money that could possibly be raised against an
  18. The Talmud (in Tract ate Baba Basra 15a-16b) goes to great lengths trying to, ascertain ,when Job actually lived, citing many opinions and interpretations by the
  19. A raid north of the Rappahannock River to" penetrate the enemy's rear, ascertain ,if possible his position & movements, & inflict upon him such damage as
  20. 1946 President Harry S. Truman selected the former president to tour Germany to, ascertain ,the food status of the occupied nation. Hoover toured what was to become West
  21. France was conducted by French intendant Jean Talon, when he took a census to, ascertain ,the number of people living in New France. The method and data was later used
  22. Creation of diversity among them, in an actual evolution, of which anyone may, ascertain ,the facts, but of which no one has dissipated the mystery in any significant
  23. Of phenomena into a class, that is, when we compare them with one another to, ascertain ,in what they agree, some general conception is implied in this mental operation
  24. In an immediate set. Thus, a player should use Blackwood only when he can, ascertain ,that the partnership holds at least second-round controls in all suits (kings
  25. Currency issue by announcing the Treasury would set five economic tests to, ascertain ,whether the economic case had been made. In June 2003 the Treasury indicated
  26. I found so much difficulty in determining it that I was put to great pains to, ascertain ,the east-west distance I had covered. The final result of my labors was that I
  27. Was seized up by Edmond Daguerre and Arthur Cayley, who attempted to, ascertain ,the generalized metric properties of projective space. Cayley introduced the
  28. Of civil engineering, geological principles and analyses are used in order to, ascertain ,the mechanical principles of the material on which structures are built. This
  29. Officers to take refuge with the troops in Macedonia, he sailed to Italia to, ascertain ,if he had any potential political fortunes or security. After landing at Lupine
  30. Biographer, Anton Schindler (portrayed by Jersey Crabbe),as he attempts to, ascertain ,the true identity of the Unsterbliche Believe (Immortal Beloved) addressed
  31. Tunnels. The service tunnel always preceded the main tunnels by at least to, ascertain ,the ground conditions. There was plenty of experience with tunneling through
  32. First was an aerial reconnaissance mission (Operation K) over Pearl Harbor to, ascertain ,if the American carriers were there. The second was a picket line of submarines
  33. Required to determine" what the law is" in a given situation. First, one must, ascertain ,the facts. Then, one must locate any relevant statutes and cases. Then one must
  34. Guidelines). For example, when a screen reader or audio browser can correctly, ascertain ,the structure of a document, it will not waste the visually impaired user's
  35. No procedures for counting the number of lakes exist, it has been impossible to, ascertain ,exactly how many lakes the region has. There are, however,at least 55,000
  36. Lack of mention of artificial contraception in the Council. " As everyone can, ascertain ,nowadays, there are several methods of regulating births. The Second Vatican
  37. May be shown two music scores, book texts, or circuit boards and asked, ascertain ,their degree of similarity. In the majority of cases the expert's personal
  38. To make vessels hard to see but rather to make their speed difficult to, ascertain ,by eye. Gillie suits are worn by snipers and their spotters to take camouflage
  39. Vertical alignment between these two stars checked with a plumb bob was used to, ascertain ,where North lay. The deviations from true North using this model reflect the
  40. City in Ireland (though Dublin's massive slum population was difficult to, ascertain ,compared to that of more upmarket Belfast). The Harland and Wolff shipyards
  41. And unequal benchmark requirements, clear progress is difficult to, ascertain , Organizations such as the International Organization for Migration
  42. A live organism and perturb its systems are yet another. If it were simple to, ascertain ,the properties required to develop a lead discovered in vitro to one that is
  43. 1999) Attribution of recent climate change is the effort to scientifically, ascertain ,mechanisms responsible for recent changes observed in the Earth's climate. The
  44. Been complete at one time, while 28 are so fragmentary that it is difficult to, ascertain ,whether they were copied individually or as part of a set. The Tales vary in
  45. Witchcraft and has been used in various forms for thousands of years. Diviners, ascertain ,their interpretations of how a quaint should proceed by reading signs, events
  46. That the Mikado will be visiting the town, Ko-Ko assumes that he is coming to, ascertain ,whether Yoko has carried out the executions. Too timid to execute anyone
  47. Year, a performance that Max Skladanowsky attended and at which he was able to, ascertain ,that the Cinematographer was technically superior to his Bishop. Other German
  48. For Lou Gehrig's Disease in the US. However, the study made no attempt to, ascertain ,the occurrence of the disease in other parts of the state, or elsewhere in the
  49. 2010. Out of this 11.47 million were broadband connections. It is difficult to, ascertain ,fully the employment potential of the telecom sector but the enormity of the
  50. Survey of India was asked to conduct a more in-depth study and an excavation to, ascertain ,the type of structure that was beneath the rubble of Barbara Masjid. The summary

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